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Reaching Students Beyond the Classroom Walls Kathy Hoernke EL7001-8.

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Presentation on theme: "Reaching Students Beyond the Classroom Walls Kathy Hoernke EL7001-8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reaching Students Beyond the Classroom Walls Kathy Hoernke EL7001-8

2  Lectures  Note-taking  Desks in rows  Hours of sitting  Lack of interest  Sleepers fA

3  Exploring/Inquiry-based  Engaged and Motivated  Communicating  Differentiated learning  Cooperative Learning Click to play video


5  Homebound students  Disengaged students  Accelerated students  Students with special course interests  Working students

6  Develop autonomous learning skills  Flexibility in scheduling and work  Self-paced learning modules  Students are engaged in learning through the integration of technology  Addresses different learning styles  Individualized lessons

7 INSTRUCTORSSTUDENTS  Facilitator/Guide  Constructivist Style of Teaching  Fosters a sense of community  Encourages collaboration  Open-minded  Provide feedback/support  Interactive and engaged  Explore and question  Collaborate with classmates  Improved time management skills  Reflective  Critical thinkers  Problem-solvers

8 Kolb’s four learning styles 5E Learning Model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evalaute) Bloom’s Taxonomy Gagne’s Learning Model Salmon’s Five-Phase Online Learning Model Effective Learning Models (Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, 2012 )

9 “Effective technology integration is achieved when its use supports our curricular goals. It must support four key components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and connection to real-world experts.” (Edutopia, 2008)

10 Barron, B., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2008). Teaching for meaningful learning: A review of research on inquiry-based and cooperative learning. Retrieved from Battalio, J. (2009, April-June). Success in distance education: Do learning styles and multiple formats matter? The American Journal of Distance Education, 23 (2), 71-87. Boulton, H. (2008, March). Managing e-learning: What are the real implications for schools? The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 6 (1), 11-18. Retrieved from Broadbent, B. (2002). ABCs of e-learning: Reaping the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer. (Why Integrate Technology) Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. (Cartographer). (2012). Growing in the garden [Flow chart]. Retrieved from Magnussen, L. (2008, February). Applying the principles of significant learning in the e-learning environment. Journal of Nursing Education, 47 (2), 82-86. Retrieved from http://ehis.ebscohost.com Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2001). The art of online teaching. In Lessons from the cyberspace classroom: The realities of online teaching (pp. 20-36). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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