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MR250 Unit 4 Ophthalmology. MT Client Any questions about MT Client this unit? Some words to watch – assess and access sights and sites heel and heal.

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Presentation on theme: "MR250 Unit 4 Ophthalmology. MT Client Any questions about MT Client this unit? Some words to watch – assess and access sights and sites heel and heal."— Presentation transcript:

1 MR250 Unit 4 Ophthalmology

2 MT Client Any questions about MT Client this unit? Some words to watch – assess and access sights and sites heel and heal legions and lesions Listen for doctor speaking to you. Unremarkable Do not put “next number” – if numbering

3 Chapter 8 Ophthalmology Questions about the reading? Transcription Tips Medical Transcription Fundamentals: page 185 page 186 page 187 page 188 page 194 page 195

4 Chapter 8 Ophthalmology: Multiple Choice 1.Visual acuity is tested by using a 1.Snellen chart 2.Amsler grid 3.gonioscopy mirror 4.Corneal topographer 2.Another name for the tear duct is the 1.corneal gland 2.tarsal gland 3.lacrimal gland 4.orbital gland

5 Chapter 8 Ophthalmology: Multiple Choice 3.The process of bending light to produce a focused image on the retina is called 1.reflection 2.reorganization 3.refraction 4.remission 4. PERRLA is an acronym that stands for 1.pupils emergent, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. 2.pupils equal, round and reactive to light. 3.pupils equal, raised and reactive. 4.pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation.

6 Chapter 8 Ophthalmology: Multiple Choice 5. The correct name for pink eye is 1.scleritis 2.conjunctivitis 3.blepharitis 4.retinal detachment 6.The condition that causes irregularities in the central field of vision is called 1.keratitis 2.macular degeneration 3.chalazion 4.myopia

7 Chapter 8 Ophthalmology: Multiple Choice 7. The part of the eye that is often called the “white of the eye” is called the 1.pupil 2.cornea 3.iris 4.sclera 8.The lens is enclosed in a capsule of muscular tissue called the 1.ciliary body 2.retina 3.cilious tissue 4.cicatricial body

8 Chapter 8 Ophthalmology: Multiple Choice 9. Hyperopia refers to 1.farsightedness 2.nearsightedness 3.double vision 4.crossed eyes 10. During cataract surgery, the clouded lens is removed and replaced with a plastic lens called a (an) 1.irrigation device 2.intravisual lens 3.intraocular lens 4.laser lens

9 Ophthalmology Links

10 Dictation Samples nsamples.htm nsamples.htm e_SOAP_dictation.htm e_SOAP_dictation.htm er-Pennsylvania/Medical-Transcription- Practice/287621263146 er-Pennsylvania/Medical-Transcription- Practice/287621263146

11 Final Questions?  Well that’s all for tonight!  No discussion this week!  I hope you learned something to help you in your new transcription career!  Remember to get all of your assignments in on time! TATS are important!  Before submitting the documents, please make sure that you have proofread and edited them thoroughly.  See you next week! Same time—same place…

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