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H. Urano, H. Takenaga, T. Fujita, Y. Kamada, K. Kamiya, Y. Koide, N. Oyama, M. Yoshida and the JT-60 Team Japan Atomic Energy Agency JT-60U Tokamak: p.

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Presentation on theme: "H. Urano, H. Takenaga, T. Fujita, Y. Kamada, K. Kamiya, Y. Koide, N. Oyama, M. Yoshida and the JT-60 Team Japan Atomic Energy Agency JT-60U Tokamak: p."— Presentation transcript:

1 H. Urano, H. Takenaga, T. Fujita, Y. Kamada, K. Kamiya, Y. Koide, N. Oyama, M. Yoshida and the JT-60 Team Japan Atomic Energy Agency JT-60U Tokamak: p. 1 The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007 Japan Atomic Energy Agency Naka Fusion Institute Dependence of H-mode pedestal and heat transport on toroidal rotation in JT-60U

2 JT-60U has 11 PNBs (~85keV) and 2 NNBs (~350-420keV). Widely variations in combination of tang. (co/bal/ctr) and perp. injection. After the installation of FSTs, accessible dynamic range of V T has become extended towards co- direction. Introduction H. Shirai et al, NF 39 (1999) 1713 H. Urano et al, NF 47 (2007) 706 -NBI T-NBI P-NBI P-NBI P-NBI CO dir. CTR dir. #2 #3, 4 #6 #7, 8 #9, 10 #12 #13, 14 I p 2 co-tang. NNB (4MW) 7perp.PNBs (~15.75MW) 2ctr-tang.PNBs (~4.5MW) 2 co-tang. PNBs (~4.5MW) JT-60U Tokamak: p. 2 The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007 Energy confinement is improved with toroidal rotation in co-direction during conventional ELMy H-mode plasmas. However, the mechanism how this confinement improvement is obtained with the change of toroidal rotation is not yet clear.

3 Objectives Clarify the mechanism of energy confinement improvement with co-toroidal rotation in conventional ELMy H-modes. (1) Dependence of H-mode pedestal and ELMs on edge toroidal rotation (2) Dependence of heat transport in the plasma core on toroidal rotation profile. JT-60U Tokamak: p. 3 The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007 Pedestal boundary condition p, T ETB T(r)  T ped 01 r/a stiffness heat fluxQ(r) V T (r) ?  pol ELM W th =W ped +W core B.C. V T (r) n ped,T, ,… core pedestal  (r),T(r),n(r),…  pol ? e.g. L T,… Locally affected in H-modes? resilience ELM

4 15 0 2 0 3 0 1.5 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 [MW] [10 20 m -2 ] [MJ] [a.u.] P NBI neTLneTL W DIA  pol DD DD DD 4 89 67 5 time [s] (co-NBI) (bal-NBI) (ctr-NBI) 0 0.5 1 1.5 024681012 P ABS [MW] W th [MJ] bal-inj. co-inj. ctr-inj. Experiments on power scan with the variation of toroidal momentum source co-NBIbal-NBIctr-NBI Total and thermal stored energy become higher when co-NBI is applied. tangential NB perp. NBs Line-averaged n e does not change in the variation of tang. NBs. LH transition occurs with lower heating power in case of ctr-NBI. JT-60U Tokamak: p. 4 The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007 200 0 0 0 [Hz] f ELM

5 0 20 40 60 80 100 ELM frequency becomes lower and ELM energy loss becomes larger with co-toroidal rotation At a given P sep, ELM frequency f ELM is clearly reduced as the toroidal rotation increases in co-direction. 01 V T ped [10 5 m/s] f ELM [Hz] co-NBI bal-NBI ctr-NBI P sep ~ 5MW,n e ~ 2x10 19 m -3 JT-60U Tokamak: p. 5 The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007 0 2 4 6 8 10 01 V T PED [10 5 m/s]  W ELM / W ped [%] P sep ~ 5MW, n e ~ 2x10 19 m -3 co-NBI bal-NBI ctr-NBI With increasing toroidal rotation towards co-direction, ELM energy loss  W ELM clearly becomes larger with the decrease of f ELM.

6 Large ELM affected area in case of co-NBI ELM affected area also extends more inward in case of co-NBI. JT-60U Tokamak: p. 6 The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007 In case of co-NBI, ELM frequency is lower and drop of edge T e profile becomes larger.

7 co-NBI 15 10 5 0 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 P NBI neTLneTL W DIA DD pp TeTe nene 4 56 7 8 9 time [s] [keV] [a.u.] [10 20 m -2 ] [MW] [MJ] [10 19 m -3 ] AB CD JT-60U Tokamak: p. 7 Pedestal pressure enhanced with increased  pol during type-I ELMy H-mode Enhanced  pol with sufficient central heating can increase the height of the H-mode pedestal during type-I ELMy H-mode phase. I p = 1.2MA, B T = 2.6T, q 95 ~ 4,  ~ 0.35 The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007 P. B. Snyder et al, H-mode WS (2007)

8 JT-60U Tokamak: p. 8 Reduced heat diffusivity at the plasma core in case of co-NBI TG becomes larger at the plasma core when co-NBI is applied. Heat diffusivity is reduced at a given P abs in case of co-NBI. Core heat transport given by Q/(n  T) in a steady state is enhanced when ctr-NBI is applied. 0 1 2 3 4 5 0246 dT i /dr [keV/m] Q i /n i [W  m 3 ] co-NBI bal-NBI ctr-NBI  CTR  CO r/a = 0.6 8 Is core TG scale length shortened by enhanced V T in co-direction? 0 2 4 6 8 r/a  i [m 2 /s] co-NBI bal-NBI ctr-NBI 0 2 4 6 8 0.20.8 r/a Heat Flux Q i [MW] co-NBI bal-NBI ctr-NBI The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007

9 JT-60U Tokamak: p. 9 Self-similar temperature profile raised with co-NBI leading to highly sustained energy Core temperature increases throughout minor radius when co-NBI is applied. Heat transport varies with sustaining self-similar temperature profiles in the variations of toroidal rotation. Does increased pedestal temperature with co-toroidal rotation play a role as a key factor for better confinement? 1 10 r/a T i [keV] Logarithmic plot The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007

10 JT-60U Tokamak: p. 10 Pedestal structure varies together with edge toroidal rotation The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007 0 1 2 3 -505101520 Distance from separatrix [cm] T i [keV] 0 2 4 6 8 -0.500.51 V T ped [10 5 m/s] p ped [kPa] co-NBI bal-NBI ctr-NBI P abs ~ 8MW Pedestal temperature is increased with toroidal rotation. co-NBI bal-NBI ctr-NBI Steep dT/dr in the ETB layer might be caused by increased  pol in case of co- NBI. Examine heat transport in the plasma core when boundary condition is fixed in cases of co-and ctr-NBI.  pol = 1.3  pol = 1.1 Pedestal pressure increases weakly with the increase of V T ped into co-direction.

11 JT-60U Tokamak: p. 11 The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007 Identical temperature profiles for cases of co- and ctr-NBI at fixed T ped adjusted by density When density is raised in co-case to reduce T ped to the level of ctr-case, identical T profiles are obtained in spite of totally different V T profiles. Heat diffusivities are also similar at Q/n ~ const. because of similar T profiles (dT/dr = const.).

12 0 1 2 3 4 5 0123  T i /T i [m -1 ] Q i / n i [10 -13 W  m 3 ] Difference of TG scale length is small in the variations of V T profiles co-NBI bal-NBI ctr-NBI r/a = 0.6 1 10 r/a T i [keV] Heat flux is enhanced while sustaining self- similar T i profile in the variations of toroidal rotation. High pedestal temperature is a key factor for confinement improvement with toroidal rotation. TG scale length does not clearly change with V T and remains roughly constant in core region. JT-60U Tokamak: p. 12 The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007

13 JT-60U Tokamak: p. 13 Summary: Schematic view of H-mode confinement When V T increases in co-direction, pedestal pressure becomes larger. Heat transport in the core is reduced with toroidal rotation while sustaining self-similar temperature profile with higher T ped. Energy confinement in the variation of V T is determined by increased pedestal and reduced transport brought on by stiffness in standard H-mode plasmas. The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007 Pedestal boundary condition p, T ETB T(r)  T ped 01 r/a stiffness heat fluxQ(r)  pol ELM W th =W ped +W core B.C. V T (r) n ped,T, ,… core pedestal  (r),T(r),n(r),…  pol e.g. L T,… resilience ELM very weak in standard H-mode

14 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 -3-20123 V T (r=0.2a) [10 5 m/s] n e (r=0.2a) / n e U2 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 -3-20123 0 1 2 3 -3-20123 V T (r=0.2a) [10 5 m/s] n e U2 [10 19 m -3 ] 0 1 2 3 -3-20123 V T (r=0.2a) [10 5 m/s] n e U2 [10 19 m -3 ] V T (r=0.2a) [10 5 m/s] n e (r=0.2a) / n e U2 co-NBI bal-NBI ctr-NBI Electron density profiles are insensitive to torodial rotation except outward shifted case Density profiles or peaking factor does not largely change with V T at the plasma core. However, in case of outward shifted large volume plasma, density profile tends to be peaked at the center when ctr- NBI is applied. Operational range of n e remains roughly constant. Effect of fast ion loss? Er, impurity, … JT-60U Tokamak: p. 14 The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007

15 0 2 4 6 8 10 0123 0 2 4 6 8 0123 0 2 4 6 8 0123 co-NBI X Y X Y X Y bal-NBI ctr-NBI T i 0.2a – T i ped X = 0.7a x 0.5 x (T i 0.2a + T i ped ) Y = P abs – P rad – dW/dt JT-60U Tokamak: p. 15 ~ 1 / L Ti TG scale length in DB analysis Enhanced heat flux at global TG boundary in the plasma core is similar in the variations of the direction of tang-NBI. Larger volume plasmas have more stiff T i profiles against heating power. Remove the effect of mean dT/dr caused by power deposition. The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007

16 Height and width of the H-mode pedestal of T i profile becomes greater when co-NBI is applied. Compare the pedestal profiles with V T ped into co- and ctr-direction. JT-60U Tokamak: p. 16 The 13 th ITPA meeting on Pedestal and Edge Physics, Oct 1-3, 2007 0 1 2 0 1 2 -0.050 0.1-0.050 0.1 distance from separatrix [m] T i ped [ keV ] pedestal shoulder (A) co-NBI (B)ctr-NBI n e ped ~ 1.5x10 19 m -3 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 -1-0.50 1-1- 0 1 V T ped [10 5 m/s] p ped [ kPa ] (A) (B) Pedestal pressure tends to increase weakly with toroidal rotation into co-direction Pedestal pressure increases weakly with the increase of V T ped into co-direction at fixed power. P sep ~ 5MW Type-I ELMs

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