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Meeting Four: Individual and Social Construction of Meaning in Organizational Contexts.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting Four: Individual and Social Construction of Meaning in Organizational Contexts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting Four: Individual and Social Construction of Meaning in Organizational Contexts

2 Lenses for viewing technologys representation nRepresentation = technology is a cultural artifact with an assigned purpose and meaning that is based upon espoused values and underlying assumptions nModern: brute force of logic, reason, evidence nPost-modernism: There is no Truth nNon-modernism: Blend of the 2 (reason & recognition of multiple points of view)

3 Modernism Overview –Scientific method, logical positivism, Cartesian logic –Managed progress can be maintained in any society that sufficiently reveres the scientific method and rational approaches to social organization. –Truth is both objective and universally applicable. –Problem solve by breaking problem up into components and analyzing them.

4 Modernism & Ed Tech nOverview state of the art recommendations for integration, implementation, and leadership nCritique of them –What are their assumptions? –Where do they recognize context, culture, multiple points of view?

5 Logic Model Aids planning, implementation, evaluation and communication –Shows relationships among, and effects efforts and resources –Shared roadmap for prioritization Theory Approach emphasizes why Outcome Approach emphasizes planning Activities Approach emphasizes how

6 Benefits and Limitations

7 Example Case

8 Example 2 Case

9 Example 3 Case

10 Example 4 Case

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