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Tiptoe What, Why, How? Bringing EQF closer to the users!! EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels Pauline van den Bosch – EVTA - BE EQF in the trade sector:

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Presentation on theme: "Tiptoe What, Why, How? Bringing EQF closer to the users!! EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels Pauline van den Bosch – EVTA - BE EQF in the trade sector:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tiptoe What, Why, How? Bringing EQF closer to the users!! EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels Pauline van den Bosch – EVTA - BE EQF in the trade sector: From framework to practice

2 EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels Why do we need EQF? (1) - level? - content? Learning outcomes !

3 EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels Why do we need EQF? (2)

4 EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels Why do we need EQF? (3) Is ECVET without EQF possible?

5 EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels It is all about: transparency of learning outcomes in a European wide context; making Lifelong Learning a reality for all people; strengthening the relation between labour market and VET Importance from a EU perspective: New skills for new jobs; Internationalisation, mobility; LLL and the validation of non/informal learning; Anticipating restructuring; Attractiveness of VET and the sector; EQF in Labour market and VET

6 EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels Objectives: Defining interpretation differences between VET and labour market; Finding a methodology to overcome/ prevent these differences; Application of EQF; Sectoral and European approach! Via experimenting, testing, exchange; Not only an educational point of view; The challenge,

7 EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels the team,

8 EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels the methodology,

9 EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels …and the results

10 EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels Shop AssistantShop Manager UKEQF== content 25%-50% FREQF== content 75%-100% DEEQF== content 75%-100% LIEQF=< content 75%-100% PTEQF== content 50%-75% ITEQF>< content 75%-100% NLEQF>= content 75%-100% Occupations vs. qualifications

11 What did we learn? A better understanding… in the differences between occupations and qualifications; In the transparency of qualifications/ occupation; in how to describe competence profiles; in the principles of learning outcomes; In how to define labour market needs and adapt training offers. and related to EQF in particular: Direct involvement of the target group; Awareness on the importance of EQF; A first start to set up a national dialog on EQF; Making EQF more understandable for users; EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels

12 Recommendations Till the end of the project… Set up a national dialog on the importance of EQF; Testing and validation of the methodology; Creating visibility and awareness; and beyond: Contribution to the implementation of EQF in 2012 (EQF AG, CEDEFOP, NCPs); Development of national qualifications in Learning Outcomes; Transfer the methodology to other sectors; Mobility actions between the partners, based on the profiles and with the use of the EQF ruler; EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels

13 But most of all: EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels Transparency of learning outcomes: need for EQF! Bringing EQF closer to the users: from framework to practice! Working on EQF is a European process!!

14 EU Conference - 17 June 2010 - Brussels To visit and get inspired:

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