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Sensor and ladder and dimensions dateChangeVersionwho 3/26/2013Updated with U2 fid positions 1.1LG.

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Presentation on theme: "Sensor and ladder and dimensions dateChangeVersionwho 3/26/2013Updated with U2 fid positions 1.1LG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sensor and ladder and dimensions dateChangeVersionwho 3/26/2013Updated with U2 fid positions 1.1LG

2 Sensor (0,0) (20230, 22720) PXL Ultimate-1 and Ultimate-2 sensor Diced Silicon Size 20.240mm x 22.730mm There is a uniform 10 um border around the sensor lithography 10 um (-10, -10) Dimensions are microns

3 Dicing is on outer edge of sealing line

4 The engineering run will use ladders consisting of Ultimate-1 and Ultimate-2 sensors. The production detector will use Ultimate-2 sensors only. Optical fiducial point locations for the Ultimate-1 and Ultimate-2 sensor are shown on the next pages

5 Right sideLeft side

6 Right Side

7 Right Side – Ultimate-1 This corner X= 18165.075 µm Y= 871.6 µm

8 Right Side – Ultimate-2 This corner X= 18189.175 µm Y= 907.675 µm

9 Left Side

10 Left Side – Ultimate-1 This corner X= 4594.225 µm Y= 920.775 µm

11 Left Side – Ultimate-2 This corner X= 4366.6 µm Y= 920.775 µm

12 Shift in fiducial location from Ultimate-1 to Ultimate-2 For the first fiducial at the left side X= 4366.6 um (shift = - 227.625 um) Y= 920.775 um For the second fiducial at the right side X= 18189.175 um (shift = + 24.1 um) y= 907.675 um (shift = + 36.075 um)

13 Cable sizes and locations of sensors

14 Ladder end detail 3.1 mm Sensors are aligned to the upper edge of the cable

15 214.48 mm 1 mm gap Low mass sensor section Driver section 91.02 mm Total length = 306.5 mm Width = 24.43 mm


17 Gap detail 10 um

18 More background material

19 CC - IPHC 8th March 2011 - ULTIMATE ULTIMATE Run SA35C11_1 # 12404 X (mm)Y (mm) Chip Size20,24022,730 Step Size20,34023,530 Scribeline0,1000,800 Possible Dies 48

20 CC - IPHC 8th March 2011 - ULTIMATE Traceability – Chip Numbering

21 CC - IPHC 8th March 2011 - ULTIMATE X (mm)Y (mm) Chip Size20,24022,730 Step Size20,34023,530 Scribeline0,1000,800 Possible Dies 48 Sawing Diagram

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