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DeCS Health Terminology Description, uses and services BIREME/PAHO/WHO Latin-American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information Pan American.

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Presentation on theme: "DeCS Health Terminology Description, uses and services BIREME/PAHO/WHO Latin-American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information Pan American."— Presentation transcript:

1 DeCS Health Terminology Description, uses and services BIREME/PAHO/WHO Latin-American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information Pan American Health Organization World Health Organization

2 Agenda –DeCS/MeSH description and uses –DeCS Services –DeCS Update

3 Description in brief Controlled vocabulary created by BIREME in 1982, fully compatible with MeSH (“Medical Subject Headings”, produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), is a controlled vocabulary used for indexing and recovering information in MEDLINE / Pubmed) DeCS – the Portuguese acronym for Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (Health Sciences Descriptors) Yearly updated (idem MeSH) Currently available in Portuguese, Spanish and English Composed of 16 MeSH Categories plus 4 thematic terminology categories: Public Health, Health Surveillance, Homeopathy, and Science & Health An integrating component of the VHL and GHL - Allows meta-searching by descriptor, ie, searches multiple IS - Allows multilingual searching DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing user support update number of accesses

4 DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses Uses Serves as a standard controlled vocabulary for indexing scientific and technical health-related literature It groups synonymous terms into concept units Allows searching by subject (concepts), independently of the language the use of natural language searches in document titles, abstracts and full-texts require long/complex search expressions, loses specificity and brings less trustworthy results Hierarchical codes allow exploding (searching) all the terms of a conceptual hierarchy (branch)

5 Categories descriptorssynonyms Anatomy [A]16462606 Organisms [B]36308420 Diseases [C]44948973 Chemicals and Drugs [D]897412898 Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment [E]25524495 Psychiatry and Psychology [F]9181429 Phenomena and Processes [G]18362889 Disciplines and Occupations [H]365357 Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena [I]5231082 Technology, Industry, Agriculture [J]473872 Humanities [K]185150 Information Science [L]391706 Named Groups [M]202343 Health Care [N]14852701 Publication Characteristics [V]150123 Geographicals [Z]382323 Subtotal MeSH2558844370 Homeopathy [HP]19441285 Science and Health [SH]219553 Public Health [SP]34911926 Health Surveillance [VS]828544 Subtotal DeCS-only46976115 Total 3089550485 DeCS 2011 Categories DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses DeCS version 2011 January 28

6 Types of DeCS/MeSH terms Descriptor Synonyms Qualifiers Check-tags Publication Types DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses

7 Descriptor This ise the term used in the information sources as the indexing term. The term reflects a meaning; its use indicates the topics discussed by the work cited. Also known as Index terms Keywords, Key terms, Main headings, Preferred terms and Subject heading DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses

8 Synonyms Also known as Used For (UF) terms, Cross-references or Entry terms They mean the same or nearly the same as the descriptor (EQV, NRW, BRD, REL). They are used as alternate terms in search expressions, obtaining the same search result. For the system they are considered equivalent. DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses

9 Frequently occurring health-related terms that are used for indexing in conjunction with descriptors. This combination permits retrieving only those citations which are concerned with a particular aspect of a subject. Example: Aphthovirus/pathogenicity, finds documents about theAphthovirus/pathogenicity capacity of this virus to cause disease. Note: Qualifiers are preceded by a slash “/” in the DeCS Search System (or Browser)DeCS Search System Qualifiers DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses

10 Check tags (or Limits) Check tags are generic terms used to limit the scope of research subjects, such as: PREGNANCY; ANIMALS (mammals: HUMANS and non-human, frequently used in basic and clinical research: CATTLE, CATS, CRICETINAE, DOGS, GUINEA PIGS, MICE, RABBITS, RATS; and CHICK EMBRYO), the genders MALE or FEMALE; the historical periods (HISTORY, ANCIENT; HISTORY, MEDIEVAL; HISTORY, 15TH CENTURY;...HISTORY, 21ST CENTURY); and the age groups below. The age groups are:age groups INFANT, NEWBORN (birth to 1 month) INFANT (1 to 23 months) CHILD, PRE-SCHOOL (2 to 5 years) CHILD (6 to 12 years) ADOLESCENT (13 to 18 years) YOUNG ADULT (19 to 24 years) ADULT (19 to 44 years) MIDDLE AGE (45 to 64 years) AGED (65 to 79 years) AGED, 80 AND OVER DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses

11 Check tags (or Limits) NAMED GROUPS [M] Persons [M01] Abortion Applicants [M01.050] Adult Children [M01.055] Age Groups [M01.060] Adolescent [M01.060.057] Adult [M01.060.116] + Aged [M01.060.116.100] + Aged, 80 and over [M01.] Frail Elderly [M01.]Age Groups [M01.060] Middle Aged [M01.060.116.630] Young Adult [M01.060.116.815] Child [M01.060.406] + Child, Preschool [M01.060.406.448] Infant [M01.060.703] + Infant, Newborn [M01.060.703.520] + Infant, Low Birth Weight [M01.060.703.520.460] + Infant, Small for Gestational Age [M01.060.703.520.460.560] Infant, Very Low Birth Weight [M01.060.703.520.460.600] + Infant, Postmature [M01.060.703.520.500] Infant, Premature [M01.060.703.520.520] The expanded hierarchical structure with the location of the age groups in DeCS is shown below, and the check tags marked in bold face. DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses

12 Publication Types DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses Terms used for describing the document format which allows another means for restricting the search result. Examples: Editorial, Letter, Review, Clinical Trial, Clinical Trial, Phase I, etc. (in DeCS, and in the VHL) Clinical Trial, Phase Iin the VHL

13 Types of relations Word (dictionaries) -> Term (thesauri) -> Concept or Conceptual unit (multilingual thesauri) -> Record or Multi-conceptual Unit (MeSH/DeCS vocabularies) Types of relations: –Equivalency ( synonyms; intra-conceptual ) –Hierarchical ( Is a, part of, type of; inter-conceptual; may be intra- record [subfields BRD, NRW, EQV, REL] or inter-records [tree code field] ) –Associative ( non-hierarchical ): of two types: a)intra-record: language versions, scope note, historical note, abbreviations; b)inter-record: annotation, online note, consider also (reference to other greek and latin prefixes or morphemes), reference to entry combination (postcoordination with qualifiers), see related reference, pharmacological actions, allowable [topical] qualifiers, reference to the allowed subcategories with qualifier, MeSH-Suggested descriptor, UMLS semantic type, terms in UMLS vocabularies, MeSH ID the relations in bold are not shown yet on the decs server. DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses

14 Vocabulary Characteristics TRILINGUAL POLYHIERARCHICAL POSTCOORDINATION PRECOORDINATION DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses

15 Language versions DeCS is trilingual (English, Spanish and Portuguese) DeCS’ Spanish and Portuguese terms are exported to the UMLS metathesaurus (Unified Medical Language System) and distributed as Spanish MeSH and Portuguese MeSH To date, there are 11 MeSH translations incorporated into the UMLS Metathesaurus DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses

16 Polyhierarchical A descriptor may belong to more than one category or to several branches of the same category due to the multidisciplinary nature of many concepts. Example: Ethics belongs to the F, K and N categoriesEthics F = Psychiatry and Psychology; K = Humanities; N = Health Care DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses Related documents in the VHLVHL

17 Postcoordination Descriptor + Descriptor Descriptor + Qualifier Descriptor + Check tag Descriptor + Publication Type The act of coordinating two or more concepts at the moment of searching for literature with the objective of narrowing the scope of a subject. The DeCS/MeSH vocabulary permits four types of terminological postcoordination. DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses Examples: Arthritis, Rheumatoid + Immunity, Innate/immunol VHL VHL2Arthritis, RheumatoidImmunity, InnateimmunolVHLVHL2 Antibiotic Prophylaxis + Bacitracin/ther use VHL VHL2Antibiotic ProphylaxisBacitracinther useVHLVHL2 Arthritis, Rheumatoid + Immunity, Innate/immunol + Female VHL VHL2Arthritis, RheumatoidImmunity, InnateimmunolFemaleVHLVHL2 Anti-bacterial Agents + Clinical Trial, Phase IV VHL VHL2 (*)Anti-bacterial AgentsClinical Trial, Phase IVVHLVHL2 (*) In the new VHL search system, hyfenated term searches is being implemented.

18 Precoordination There are two types of precoordination: 1) Descriptor1/qualifier use Descriptor2 Example 1: PREGNANCYPREGNANCY PREGNANCY/complications use “PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS” Example 2: KIDNEYKIDNEY KIDNEY/transplantation use “KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION” 2) Descriptor1 AND Descriptor2 use Descriptor3 Example: KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION TRANSPLANTATION and KIDNEY use “KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION” DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses

19 DeCS Services DeCS Server (DeCS Search)DeCS Server - for users Search by Words Search by Index -Alphabetic -Keywords in Context (KWIC) -Tree (hierarchical navigation or tree code) DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users documentation browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses

20 VHL>HEALTH TERMINOLOGY DeCS Server DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

21 DeCS Server DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

22 Search by Word Word or Term Result for “Osteoporosis”Osteoporosis DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

23 Search by Word Exact Descriptor Result for “ Osteoporosis ” Osteoporosis DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

24 Search By Index Alphabetical Index Result for “osteoporosis”osteoporosis DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

25 Search By Index “Keywords in Context” Index Result for “osteoporosis” DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

26 Search By Index Tree Index Category Titles DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

27 Search By Index Tree Index Result for “osteoporosis”osteoporosis DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

28 Some descriptors ommited in order to fit slide DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. configuration lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation Search By Index Tree Index Result for “Surgical Procedures, Operative”Surgical Procedures, Operative Click a descriptor to open its full record

29 Full record view “Surgical Procedures, Operative”Surgical Procedures, Operative previous page was its hierarchical view DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. index2record view lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

30 Configuration under construction this slide is still hidden

31 Occurrences in VHL DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types types of relations characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. index2record view occurrences in VHL lexical similarity occurrences in VHL alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

32 Lexical Similarity DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. index2record view occurrences in VHL lexical similarity alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

33 Lexical Similarity

34 Alphabetical ruler DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. index2record view occurrences in VHL lexical similarity alphabetical ruler availability/licensing for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

35 DeCS Services DeCS XML Server (XML format) XML Server –for computer applications Search by descriptor tree code bin/mx/cgi=@vmx/decs?lang=i&tree_id=B01.150.900.649.801.400.1 bin/mx/cgi=@vmx/decs?lang=i&tree_id=B01.150.900.649.801.400.1 Search by word or term bin/mx/cgi=@vmx/decs?lang=e&words=Macaca mulatta bin/mx/cgi=@vmx/decs?lang=e&words=Macaca mulatta Search by lexical similarity (via trigrams) bin/mx/cgi=@1?collection=DeCSi&text=cardiovascula&maxrel=10& minsim=0.30&xml bin/mx/cgi=@1?collection=DeCSi&text=cardiovascula&maxrel=10& minsim=0.30&xml Ocorrences of the DeCS concept in the BVS information sources bin/mxlindG4.exe/cgi=@iah/decs?db=LILACS&db=MEDLINE&&db= EQUIDAD&db=WHOLIS&k1=SP1&k2=SP1&count=10 bin/mxlindG4.exe/cgi=@iah/decs?db=LILACS&db=MEDLINE&&db= EQUIDAD&db=WHOLIS&k1=SP1&k2=SP1&count=10 DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. occurrences in VHL lexical similarity alphabetical ruler for computer applics. search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

36 Documentation VHL > Health terminology > About DeCSVHLHealth terminologyAbout DeCS VHL > Health terminology > DeCS news > DeCS 2011 editionDeCS 2011 edition VHL > Health terminology > DeCS news > DeCS previous editionsDeCS previous editions DeCS/MeSH description in brief uses description categories / numbers types of terms descriptors synonyms qualifiers check-tags publication types characteristics trilingual polyhierarchical postcoordination precoordination services for users browser help record view word search exact term index view alphabetical i. kwic i. tree i. occurrences in VHL lexical similarity alphabetical ruler for computer applics. documentation search by tree code word or term lexical similarity user support update number of accesses documentation

37 Accesses to DeCS in the Regional VHL site DeCS 2007 - DeCS 2008 - DeCS 2009 - DeCS 2010 - DeCS 2011 -

38 DeCS Update Besides the annual update occurring in DeCS as a consequence of the modification and creation of MeSH terms by NLM and user suggestions by use of the DeCS User Support page, a new category will be added to DeCS following the criteria published in the “DeCS Update Guide”DeCS Update Guide –Lack of a controlled terminology for indexing documents in a health science domain not covered or not fully expressed by DeCS/MeSH; –Validation of the proposed terminology by the DeCS Technical Committee; New concepts may be added to DeCS also under the criteria published in the “DeCS Update Guide”: –Ocurrence in the literature –Scope note, with source –Suggested MeSH Concept(s)Suggested MeSH Concept(s)

39 MeSH homepage UMLS homepage DeCS homepage or DeCS description and uses Serviços XML DeCS: Guidelines for DeCS Updating This presentation: Bibliography


41 Terminology UMLS Unified Medical Language System –NLM initiative that mantains a Metathesaurus with more than 140 vocabularies related to health, a semantic web and lexical management tools –Annual update MSH = MeSH MSHSPA = Spanish MeSH = DeCS MSHPOR = Portuguese MeSH = DeCS SNOMED-CTSystematized Nomenclature of Medicine, Clinical Terms LOINCLogical Observation Identifier Names and Codes MedDRAMedical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology CPTPhysicians Current Procedural Terminology HL7Hospital Language Level 7 …

42 VHL – Search result

43 GHL – Search result


45 Terms from the concept Chagas Disease in UMLS (*) ConceptLang SourceCodeAtomTerms C0041234ENGSSYDXplainNOCODEA0464898 TRYPANOSOMIASIS, BRAZILIAN C0041234ENGPHTICD-10B57A0400508 Chagas' disease C0041234ENGSPTICPC2-ICD10 ThesaurusMTHU015997A4442003 Chagas C0041234ENGSPTICPC2-ICD10 ThesaurusMTHU075877A4463974 trypanosomiasis; Trypanosoma cruzi C0041234ENGSFNMEDCIN30909A13616328 Chagas disease (diagnosis) C0041234ENGSOLMedDRA10043043A1593326 T.cruzi C0041234PORSLTMedDRA Portuguese10044706A11221735 Infecção por Tripanosoma cruzi C0041234PORSOLMedDRA Portuguese10043043A11251454 T. cruzi C0041234PORSPTMedDRA Portuguese10001935A6444745 Tripanossomíase americana C0041234SPASLTMedDRA Spanish10044706A11332881 Infección por Trypanosoma cruzi C0041234SPASOLMedDRA Spanish10043043A11324281 T. Cruzi C0041234SPASPTMedDRA Spanish10001935A6480674 Tripanosomiasis americana C0041234ENGSENMeSHD014355A6993502 American Trypanosomiasis C0041234ENGSDEVMeSHD014355A12076600 CHAGAS DIS C0041234ENGPMHMeSHD014355A0037270 Chagas Disease C0041234ENGSEPMeSHD014355A0129064 Trypanosomiasis, South American C0041234PORPMHMeSH PortugueseD014355A9108554 Doença de Chagas C0041234PORSEPMeSH PortugueseD014355A9135991 Tripanossomose Sul-Americana C0041234SPASMHMeSH SpanishD014355A9175701 Enfermedad de Chagas C0041234SPASEPMeSH SpanishD014355A9212182 Tripanosomiasis Sudamericana C0041234ENGPPNMetathesaurus NamesNOCODEA10758873 Chagas Disease C0041234ENGSFNNational Drug File - Reference TerminologyC6234A14943357 Chagas Disease [Disease/Finding] C0041234ENGSSYSNOMED Clinical Terms77506005A3005830 Chagas-Mazza disease C0041234ENGSPTSNOMED Clinical Terms77506005A2969364 Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi C0041234ENGSFNSNOMED Clinical Terms77506005A3511349 Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi (disorder) C0041234SPASSYSNOMED Terminos Clinicos77506005A5574227 enfermedad de Chagas C0041234SPAPPTSNOMED Terminos Clinicos77506005A5780116 infección por Trypanosoma cruzi C0041234SPASFNSNOMED Terminos Clinicos77506005A5780115 infección por Trypanosoma cruzi (trastorno) C0041234SPASSYSNOMED Terminos Clinicos77506005A6267248 tripanosomiasis americana C0041234SPASSYSNOMED Terminos Clinicos77506005A6267259 tripanosomiasis sudamericana (*) UMLS2007AC; strings English, Spanish, Portuguese; strings type PF/Y

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