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Test Automation For Web-Based Applications Portnov Computer School Presenter: Ellie Skobel.

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Presentation on theme: "Test Automation For Web-Based Applications Portnov Computer School Presenter: Ellie Skobel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Automation For Web-Based Applications Portnov Computer School Presenter: Ellie Skobel

2 2 Syllabus Selenium Course Details

3  Selenium Overview  Installing Selenium  Recording & Running Simple Selenium Tests  In class practice 3

4  Overview of Selenium IDE  Simple features  Selenium IDE Command Overview  Hands on examples  Matching Text Patterns  GLOB  Regular Expressions  Exact 4

5  HTML basic overview  Locating Elements ◦ CSS ◦ XPath ◦ By ID / Name  Creating Selenium Test Suite 5

6  JavaScript Overview ◦ Variables ◦ Loops ◦ Objects  JavaScript in Selenium ◦ Inserting snippets ◦ Hands on examples ◦ Storing output 6

7  Locating Elements using DOM  Advanced JavaScript in Selenium  Installing and configuring PyCharm for WebDriver automation  Executing tests in Python from PyCharm 7

8  PyCharm Overview  WebDriver Commands Overview  Introduction to Python 8

9  Python Basics  Python Functions and Modules 9

10  TestUnit (PyUnit) Overview  Editing and writing Test Cases from scratch in PyCharm 10

11  WebDriver ActionChains module  WebDriver Select module  Managing Resources ◦ Packages ◦ Refactoring ◦ Shared functions ◦ Global (and hidden) variables 11

12  Checking element location / size  Switching between frame and windows  Executing concurrent sessions  Generating sample data  Course summary  Q&A 12

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