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An Opportunity To Share…To Learn…& To Collaborate Harold Johnson/Professor – Kent State University Formally a Member of the Memphis City School – Deaf.

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Presentation on theme: "An Opportunity To Share…To Learn…& To Collaborate Harold Johnson/Professor – Kent State University Formally a Member of the Memphis City School – Deaf."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Opportunity To Share…To Learn…& To Collaborate Harold Johnson/Professor – Kent State University Formally a Member of the Memphis City School – Deaf Education Faculty (1971-1977) December 12, 2002

2 2An Opt. To Share... Its been a l o n g time! Please tell me… Please tell me… Who is here today? Who is here today? What and where do you teach? What and where do you teach? What is the biggest challenge you now face within your teaching? What is the biggest challenge you now face within your teaching?

3 3An Opt. To Share... Since I left Memphis in 77 1977-1980 - Univ. of Cincinnati – Ed. D. 1977-1980 - Univ. of Cincinnati – Ed. D. 1980-present – Kent State University – Deaf Education Teacher Preparation Program 1980-present – Kent State University – Deaf Education Teacher Preparation Program Teaching & Supervision Teaching & Supervision Language Assessment & Instruction Language Assessment & Instruction Instructional Approaches & Settings Instructional Approaches & Settings Curriculum Design & Instructional Strategies Curriculum Design & Instructional Strategies Practicum & Student Teaching Practicum & Student Teaching Research & Service Research & Service Use of technology to enhance teaching & learning Use of technology to enhance teaching & learning Establishment of a community of learners Establishment of a community of learners

4 4An Opt. To Share... My Nonacademic Work Almost Done How it looks now from my home office window

5 5An Opt. To Share... I need your advice… Part of my job calls for me to see the big picture, to design the big solution and to then seek the big funds that are needed to implement the big solution. Part of my job calls for me to see the big picture, to design the big solution and to then seek the big funds that are needed to implement the big solution. As such, I need your advice to determine if I am on the right track or not. As such, I need your advice to determine if I am on the right track or not. Please dont be shy….tell me what you think. Please dont be shy….tell me what you think.

6 6An Opt. To Share... Three Main Problems What is your reaction to the following summary of the major problems facing Deaf Education? What is your reaction to the following summary of the major problems facing Deaf Education?

7 7An Opt. To Share... …Problems Problem #1: Problem #1: The primary problem of deafness… The primary problem of deafness… …is not too little hearing, but too much interpersonal and informational isolation. …is not too little hearing, but too much interpersonal and informational isolation. …1999-2000 AY – 71,500 d/hh K-12 students …1999-2000 AY – 71,500 d/hh K-12 students …80% of those students are now educated in public school settings …80% of those students are now educated in public school settings …60% of those settings serve 1-3 students a year …60% of those settings serve 1-3 students a year = d/hh students lack sufficient: = d/hh students lack sufficient: role models & role models & comprehensible, engaging, rigorous and age appropriate learning opportunities comprehensible, engaging, rigorous and age appropriate learning opportunities Is this a problem in Memphis? Is this a problem in Memphis?

8 8An Opt. To Share... … Problems Problem #2: Problem #2: The primary problem of Deaf Education… The primary problem of Deaf Education… …is not a lack of information, innovation or effort, but rather a persistent and growing difficulty in achieving critical mass of individuals, knowledge and resources. …is not a lack of information, innovation or effort, but rather a persistent and growing difficulty in achieving critical mass of individuals, knowledge and resources. …too few deaf education professionals in a school …too few deaf education professionals in a school …too much difficulty in gathering needed information …too much difficulty in gathering needed information …too little access to pertinent learning materials & activities …too little access to pertinent learning materials & activities = deaf education professionals lack sufficient access to: = deaf education professionals lack sufficient access to: efficient collaborative opportunities concerning effective, innovative teaching strategies & efficient collaborative opportunities concerning effective, innovative teaching strategies & engaging, rigorous, age appropriate curricular resources and instructional activities engaging, rigorous, age appropriate curricular resources and instructional activities Is this a problem in Memphis? Is this a problem in Memphis?

9 9An Opt. To Share... …Problems Problem #3: Problem #3: The primary problem of Deaf Education teacher preparation … The primary problem of Deaf Education teacher preparation … …is not a lack of information, innovation or effort, but rather a persistent and growing realities divide between what is taught in colleges and how teaching is conducted in K-12 settings. …is not a lack of information, innovation or effort, but rather a persistent and growing realities divide between what is taught in colleges and how teaching is conducted in K-12 settings. …college resources are not found in K-12 settings …college resources are not found in K-12 settings …research neither informs or is informed by practice …research neither informs or is informed by practice …preservice teachers receive conflicting information in their college classes vs. field experiences …preservice teachers receive conflicting information in their college classes vs. field experiences = preservice teachers lack access to: = preservice teachers lack access to: innovative and effective K-12 teachers of d/hh students & innovative and effective K-12 teachers of d/hh students & engaging, rigorous, age appropriate curricular resources and instructional activities engaging, rigorous, age appropriate curricular resources and instructional activities Is this a problem in Memphis? Is this a problem in Memphis?

10 10An Opt. To Share... Solutions How many years of teaching experience are represented by the Memphis Deaf Education faculty here today? How many years of teaching experience are represented by the Memphis Deaf Education faculty here today?

11 11An Opt. To Share... …Solutions Given all those years of experience, please share with me some of the tricks of the trade that you have learned. Given all those years of experience, please share with me some of the tricks of the trade that you have learned. Please tell me what you have found that enables you to engage, challenge and inform your d/hh students. Please tell me what you have found that enables you to engage, challenge and inform your d/hh students. Please tell me what YOU have found to be engaging, challenging and informative within Deaf Education. Please tell me what YOU have found to be engaging, challenging and informative within Deaf Education.

12 12An Opt. To Share... …Solutions Since 1991 I have been working to establish an online learning community that collaboratively seeks to recognize excellence and enhance learning within Deaf Education. Since 1991 I have been working to establish an online learning community that collaboratively seeks to recognize excellence and enhance learning within Deaf Education. Rita….if you have not already done so, will you please pass out the brochures and posters that I sent to you. Rita….if you have not already done so, will you please pass out the brochures and posters that I sent to you.

13 13An Opt. To Share... Have any of you been to this Web site? Are any of you already users of the site?

14 14An Opt. To Share... A few of the Web site features… Deaf Web Net Search Engine Deaf Web Net Search Engine Information and links to the nations Deaf Ed. teacher preparation programs and major professional organizations. Information and links to the nations Deaf Ed. teacher preparation programs and major professional organizations. An interactive job/resume data base and calendar of events. An interactive job/resume data base and calendar of events. An opt. to become a Cyber Mentor to an indi. who is in prep. to become a Deaf Ed. teacher. An opt. to become a Cyber Mentor to an indi. who is in prep. to become a Deaf Ed. teacher. +…. +….

15 15An Opt. To Share... …features (cont.) An opt. to ask questions/read the responses of a growing array to Topical Experts An opt. to ask questions/read the responses of a growing array to Topical Experts Attention Deficit Disorders Attention Deficit Disorders Bilingual/Bicultural Bilingual/Bicultural Early Intervention Early Intervention Methodology Questions for New Teachers Methodology Questions for New Teachers Multicultural Education Multicultural Education Multiple Disabilities Multiple Disabilities Oral/Aural Oral/Aural Technology Integration Technology Integration Thinking Skills for Deaf Learners Thinking Skills for Deaf Learners An interactive data base of deafness related scholarships, documents and Web sites An interactive data base of deafness related scholarships, documents and Web sites My DeafEd Personnel Web page My DeafEd Personnel Web page

16 16An Opt. To Share... So what do you think? What would you like to know more about? What would you like to know more about? What would you suggest we add to the Web site? What would you suggest we add to the Web site? Do you want to give it a spin? Do you want to give it a spin?

17 17An Opt. To Share... First...You Must Log On to the site

18 18An Opt. To Share... Who is going to be our Web site Navigator? Lets try out the Deaf Web Net Search engine….I wonder what we will find if we search for Memphis Lets try out the Deaf Web Net Search engine….I wonder what we will find if we search for Memphis

19 19An Opt. To Share... …Web site exploration (cont.) Just for kicks lets see what kind of jobs are out there in Deaf Ed. Just for kicks lets see what kind of jobs are out there in Deaf Ed. First lets look in Tennessee First lets look in Tennessee Other states you would like to look in Other states you would like to look in

20 20An Opt. To Share... …Web site exploration (cont.) Lets also look to see who wants to work in Tennessee….resume search option Lets also look to see who wants to work in Tennessee….resume search option

21 21An Opt. To Share... Moving On… If we had more time, we could check out the other features of the Web site. If we had more time, we could check out the other features of the Web site. I hope all of you will: I hope all of you will: become registered users of the Deaf Ed. Web site become registered users of the Deaf Ed. Web site place the poster in a prominent place in your classroom place the poster in a prominent place in your classroom pass the brochure along to a parent or another teacher of d/hh students pass the brochure along to a parent or another teacher of d/hh students consider becoming a Cyber Mentor for an indi. who is in preparation to become our colleague...just one e-mail message a week…sent/received….to share ideas, questions and resources consider becoming a Cyber Mentor for an indi. who is in preparation to become our colleague...just one e-mail message a week…sent/received….to share ideas, questions and resources

22 22An Opt. To Share... How are we doing on time? So far we have just touched on what is. So far we have just touched on what is. We have not even discussed what we are working on now. We have not even discussed what we are working on now. I would love to know how you are planning to further strengthen what must be one of the largest public school K-12 deaf ed. programs in the country I would love to know how you are planning to further strengthen what must be one of the largest public school K-12 deaf ed. programs in the country If time permitted…. If time permitted….

23 23An Opt. To Share... …time If time permitted, I would love to tell you about some of the projects I am working on now: If time permitted, I would love to tell you about some of the projects I am working on now: Establishing a Virtual Professional Development School for Deaf Education Establishing a Virtual Professional Development School for Deaf Education Research concerning the use of a Web based curriculum tool (Nettrekker) in Deaf Ed. Research concerning the use of a Web based curriculum tool (Nettrekker) in Deaf Ed. Using Internet based video conferencing technologies to link K-12 w/ Deaf Ed. teacher preparation programs throughout the country Using Internet based video conferencing technologies to link K-12 w/ Deaf Ed. teacher preparation programs throughout the country Design & submission of a major NSF proposal to enhance science and math instruction, resources and research in Deaf Ed. Design & submission of a major NSF proposal to enhance science and math instruction, resources and research in Deaf Ed. +++++.....guess we just cant catch up all at one time +++++.....guess we just cant catch up all at one time

24 24An Opt. To Share... Ongoing Interactions I hope that this is only the first of many times that we have to interact with one another. I hope that this is only the first of many times that we have to interact with one another. I know that I, my students and colleagues around the nation would benefit from closer ties with the Memphis Deaf Ed. Program. I know that I, my students and colleagues around the nation would benefit from closer ties with the Memphis Deaf Ed. Program. Lets talk more about this....hopefully via the video system that Rita and Tracey are working to establish at White Station. Lets talk more about this....hopefully via the video system that Rita and Tracey are working to establish at White Station.

25 25An Opt. To Share... Goodbye from the Johnson Family

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