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You will need the 4 th page of your Italy booklet, that has the title ‘Aliano Video – note taking frame’ As you watch the video fill in each of the 9 boxes.

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Presentation on theme: "You will need the 4 th page of your Italy booklet, that has the title ‘Aliano Video – note taking frame’ As you watch the video fill in each of the 9 boxes."— Presentation transcript:

1 You will need the 4 th page of your Italy booklet, that has the title ‘Aliano Video – note taking frame’ As you watch the video fill in each of the 9 boxes The points will not necessarily be in order on the video so you will need to concentrate! The video goes a bit odd in the middle just wait while this is fast forwarded – it’s not over yet These notes will mainly go towards your farming chapter, although the film does touch on other chapters. Look out for positive aspects of quality of life as well as the more obvious negative ones – in what ways is life in Aliano better than a big city like Milan?

2 1. Lombardi Family Philipo (14) Helps on the farm but doesn’t want to be a farmer himself Antanello (12) Unlike her grandmother she gets a full time education Francesco (dad) Took family to Germany to find work. Even after family returned to Aliano he carried on working in Germany every summer (seasonal migration) 2. Traditional Family Jobs Baking Done by Grandmother, up at 6a.m. to do it Farm Animals Pigs- only 2. This is not producing meat for sale, it is subsistence farming – just producing meat for the families own use 3. Earthquakes Common. Nearby village of Craco was damaged so badly in 1980 that it has had to be abandoned Migration Out Migration – Young people leave the town in search of work. Go to N. Italy or elsewhere in Europe. The brightest and most able will be most likely to move. In Migration – people return when they have made enough money. They can then take advantage of the low cost of living in the south

3 4. Wheat Growing Main cash crop, but yields are low due to poor soil and low rainfall Ploughing Method Ploughs up and down slope. Should be ploughing around the hill (contour ploughing) to increase infiltration and reduce soil erosion Olives Like hot, dry climate but last year even these failed due to lack of rain Timber Francesco also owns a woodland and sells firewood to make extra money 5. Soil Erosion What is the Cause? Heavy winter rains and lack of vegetation cover Impact on farming Leads to loss of fertile topsoil. Impact on landscape Devastating – huge areas of land lost 6. Improvements to farming Money Village priest helps run a government scheme providing farmers with cheap loans Crops Some farmers are moving into growing new crops such as soft fruit, that provide a better income than traditional crops. Co-operatives Allow farmers to join together to buy supplies and sell produce more efficiently

4 7. Development of Infrastructure New Roads for…. Improve accessibility, hoping to attract industry (factories), but this has not worked yet. New dams to store winter rains for…… Irrigation of crops during the long summer drought 8. Development – Plantano new village site Good Points Flat land Plenty of space No risk of house dropping into the gorge Bad Points Mosquitoes 3 hours walk from the town, and most of the farmland Hotter, more humid climate 9. What is happening to the village? Gorge Collapse Over 100 houses and a church lost in the last 50 years – fallen into the gorge. This has led to a ban on new building. Future for young people They will leave because of lack of jobs and because they can’t build new houses to live in.

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