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Salads and Garnishes.

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1 Salads and Garnishes

2 Four Basic Parts of Salad
Base Usually formed with leafy greens Body Main ingredient of salad Garnish Decorative, edible item added to enhance the appearance Dressing Adds flavor and moisture – holds it together

3 Salad Vegetables Bulbs - Beets, onions, scallions
Celery – mild & crisp Cucumber – watery with light melon notes, English or hot house is seedless Fruits – berries and citrus Mushrooms – variety of textures, color and flavors Peppers – sweet & mild or hot & pungent Tomato – Variety of shapes and flavors Tuber – Carrot, Radish

4 Types of Salads Green: tossed or composed - lettuce
Bound: cooked primary ingredients, “bound” together with a dressing – potato or egg Vegetable: Cooked or raw – usually a heavy dressing – coleslaw or broccoli Fruit: Fruits w/ cream, yogurt or other sauce Combination: different ingredients or different kinds of salads – vegetable with tuna

5 Starter or Appetizer Salad
Small portion, light, fresh crisp ingredients to stimulate the appetite Watermelon, Feta and Mint salad

6 Accompaniment or Side Salad
Light and flavorful, but not too rich Should balance and complement the main course Potato, macaroni, or any side salad.

7 Main Course Salad Large enough to serve as a meal
Protein – well balanced visually and nutritionally

8 Intermezzo Salad or Palate Cleanser
After a rich dinner before dessert, very light

9 Dessert Sweet, usually contains fruit and sometimes cream, pudding or yogurt as a sauce

10 Cleaning & Preparing Greens
Keep refrigerated Clean thoroughly – dirt, insects, pesticides Remove core, outer leafs Rinse, don’t soak Dry – spin or paper towels Remove bad spots and tough stems – tear don’t cut

11 Salad Dressings Vinaigrette – suspension is a temporary mixture of ingredients that then separates again. 3 parts oil to 1 part acid (vinegar or citrus juice). Emulsified Vinaigrette – using an emulsifier to permanently keep ingredients together. Mayonnaise Based – creamy like blue cheese, ranch or thousand island. Mayonnaise – Oil, vinegar, eggs – used as a binder in salad. Other – sour cream, yogurt, fruit juices, etc…

12 Dips Flavorful mixture that accompanies certain food items. Served hot or cold. Good consistency is important.

13 Garnishes Eye appeal Complements the food in color, flavor and texture.

14 Essential Skills Always garnish dishes right before serving
Purpose is to add personality to a plain dish Contrasting colors

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