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Healthy chicken salad!!! Delicious fruit bowl!!! Spaghetti salad !!! Veggie curry !!!

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy chicken salad!!! Delicious fruit bowl!!! Spaghetti salad !!! Veggie curry !!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy chicken salad!!! Delicious fruit bowl!!! Spaghetti salad !!! Veggie curry !!!

2 We eat too many chocolate brownies. We should eat a lot more of this !! Like fruit and vegetables.

3 The amount of fat you eat can lead to this. You wont do as much you wouldn’t have energy too, because of all the fat.

4 We all enjoy these drinks but we know they are unhealthy, however we also serve these drinks

5 Our 5 a day consists of fruit and vegetables plus lots of water. Water gives you smooth skin like this.

6 MineralsFats and Oils Carbohydrates ProteinVitamins Milk White bread Salmon Water Spinach Meat. Olive Oil Lard Biscuits Fizzy Drinks Pastries Mayonnaise Pasta Fruit Brown bread beans Meat Fish Eggs Cheese Cereals Nuts Butter Potatoes Citrus Fruits Eggs Green Veg

7 Eating too many bad foods made this woman overweight but with some help and a healthy diet she turned it all around. Before After

8 Water- Very Healthy Ham Salad Bagel + Water – Even Healthier

9 Too many calories in food can make you put on more weight than you need to. Here is a picture with the calories and fat in a square brownie and in half a cup of broccoli. See the difference between them.


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