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The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain Viliam Vajda 1, Karol Furdík 2, Jozef Glova 1, Tomáš.

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Presentation on theme: "The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain Viliam Vajda 1, Karol Furdík 2, Jozef Glova 1, Tomáš."— Presentation transcript:

1 The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain Viliam Vajda 1, Karol Furdík 2, Jozef Glova 1, Tomáš Sabol 1 1 Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Economics 2 InterSoft, a.s., Košice, Slovakia

2 Znalosti 2011, January 31-February 2, 2011, Stará Lesná, Slovakia V. Vajda, K. Furdík, J. Glova, T. Sabol: The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domainContent Main concepts - IoT/IoTS, related projects ebbits R&D project - basic facts Project vision, objectives Approach, methodological concept High-level architecture of the proposed solution Pilot applications Conclusions & Future work

3 Znalosti 2011, January 31-February 2, 2011, Stará Lesná, Slovakia V. Vajda, K. Furdík, J. Glova, T. Sabol: The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain Background - IoTS Domain: Interned of Things and Services –Also known as Ambient intelligence –Def. by IoT Cluster Roadmap 2009: (IoT) is an integrated part of Future Internet and could be defined as a dynamic global network infrastructure with self configuring capabilities based on standard and interoperable communication protocols where physical and virtual “things” have identities, physical attributes, and virtual personalities and use intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated into the information network. Research challenges: –Edge technologies (sensors, actuators,...) that make devices "smart enough" to participate in IoT application scenarios; –Networking technologies allowing the highly available bi-directional communication; –Middleware systems and SOA putting real-world data into the IoT applications; –Platform services ensuring scalability, high availability, and the safe and secure execution of the requested functionalities –Web service technologies that reduce interoperability issues and enhance extensibility, platform independence and standardised exchange of messages.

4 Znalosti 2011, January 31-February 2, 2011, Stará Lesná, Slovakia V. Vajda, K. Furdík, J. Glova, T. Sabol: The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain Background - related projects HYDRA ( –EU FP6 project, IST-2005-034891 –Objective: to develop a SOA-based middleware for networked embedded systems. –Support for distributed as well as centralised architectures, security and trust, reflective properties and model-driven development of applications Socrades ( –Integrated EU FP6 project, IST-5-034116 –Objective: to specify a service-oriented framework for device-level infrastructures, where system intelligence is achieved by intelligent physical agents embedded in smart devices.

5 Znalosti 2011, January 31-February 2, 2011, Stará Lesná, Slovakia V. Vajda, K. Furdík, J. Glova, T. Sabol: The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain Basic facts Full title: Enabling Business-Based Internet of Things and Services Integrated EU project, FP7 ICT, Activity ICT-2009.1.3 “Internet of Things and Enterprise environments”, Contract no.: 257852 Duration: 09/2010 – 08/2014 (48 months) Planned effort: 1091 person-months Project consortium: 9 partners (universities, research institutes, private companies) from 5 countries (GE,SWE,DEN,IT,SK) Coordinator: Fraunhofer Institute, Germany –2 pilot applications - Italy and Denmark Main project objective: To develop architecture, technologies and processes, which allow businesses to semantically integrate the Internet of Things into mainstream enterprise systems and support interoperable real-world, on-line end-to-end business applications.

6 Znalosti 2011, January 31-February 2, 2011, Stará Lesná, Slovakia V. Vajda, K. Furdík, J. Glova, T. Sabol: The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain Vision and aims Integration of physical devices, systems and components directly into their optimising systems, i.e. managing workflows, people, processes, information and knowledge, and turn them into useful, value-added business services or service components; Interoperability between various subsystems in manufacturing environments across manufacturing cells, manufacturing lines end entire manufacturing plants, regardless of geographical location with the aim to support production and energy optimisation; Provide a support on demands for authentication and traceability of a product line through ubiquitous services integrated in wireless communication networks and smart home infrastructures, Easy and cost-effective networking of components, devices and systems towards the product line in a mainstream enterprise system, which will be provided by the interoperable solution in an open architecture.

7 Znalosti 2011, January 31-February 2, 2011, Stará Lesná, Slovakia V. Vajda, K. Furdík, J. Glova, T. Sabol: The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain Technology objectives Introduce a service-oriented architecture based on open protocols and middleware, that effectively transforms every device into a web service with semantic resolution; Support mainstream business applications with connectivity to and monitoring of products in their entire lifecycle, i.e. from early manufacturing stages to end-of-life; Allow for distribution of intelligence between the edge network and the centralised business/process information system and eliminate centralised gatekeeper lock-in of critical business functionalities; Enable the convergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Services (IoS) into the “Internet of People, Things and Services (IoPTS)” for business purposes.

8 Znalosti 2011, January 31-February 2, 2011, Stará Lesná, Slovakia V. Vajda, K. Furdík, J. Glova, T. Sabol: The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain The concept of ebbits The ebbits platform: 1.a bridge between enterprise and public information systems, between human users and “things” in the physical world 2.a communication infrastructure that, by means of SWS, automatically and dynamically connects to sensors and devices in the physical world - in manufacturing facilities or in private smart homes.

9 Znalosti 2011, January 31-February 2, 2011, Stará Lesná, Slovakia V. Vajda, K. Furdík, J. Glova, T. Sabol: The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain Architecture schema Modules - production servers: 1.Data management - a central data provision background for data transfer, manipulation, event handling, etc.; 2.Service orchestration - structuring services into a pre- defined sequence of execution; 3.Network management - physical communication between devices / persons / repositories; 4.Security management - ontology-based user and device profiles management; 5.Application development - an open SDK for model-driven development of ebbits-enabled applications.

10 Znalosti 2011, January 31-February 2, 2011, Stará Lesná, Slovakia V. Vajda, K. Furdík, J. Glova, T. Sabol: The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain Pilot applications Deployment in the manufacturing stage: –to manage production optimisation with special emphasis on energy savings and CO2 reduction; –automotive industry, assembly processes; –data collected from sensors in the assembly line, semantically annotated and processed towards the optimisation criteria. Deployment in the consumption stage: –traceability throughout the food chain, from “farm to fork”, accross the life-cycle history of the food; –collecting data automatically from various actors, sensors and systems, indexing and intelligently registering it in public databases.

11 Znalosti 2011, January 31-February 2, 2011, Stará Lesná, Slovakia V. Vajda, K. Furdík, J. Glova, T. Sabol: The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain Plan of the project activities: Design: –State-of-the-art analysis, identification and gathering available technologies and semantic resources : ongoing –Architecture design : May 2011 Implementation: –First platform prototype: September 2011 –Testing, validation: Winter 2011 –Platform focused / customised to pilots: Spring 2012 Pilot applications: –First trials of the pilots : Summer 2012 More info at

12 Znalosti 2011, January 31-February 2, 2011, Stará Lesná, Slovakia V. Vajda, K. Furdík, J. Glova, T. Sabol: The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain Thank you for your attention! Questions, comments, suggestions?

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