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What Do You Know about Musical Notes and Rhythms?.

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1 What Do You Know about Musical Notes and Rhythms?

2 A Note in History Western music notation has developed over two and a half thousand years of civilisation Western music notation has developed over two and a half thousand years of civilisation The ancient Greeks, and later the Romans, used letters of the alphabet to indicate different pitches. The ancient Greeks, and later the Romans, used letters of the alphabet to indicate different pitches.

3 A Note in History, cont. Boethius (A.D. 470 -525, an adviser to the court at the end of the Roman Empire), wrote five text books describing the music theory of that ancient era. Boethius (A.D. 470 -525, an adviser to the court at the end of the Roman Empire), wrote five text books describing the music theory of that ancient era. From the 7th Century a system of Neums was introduced for the notation of plainsong. From the 7th Century a system of Neums was introduced for the notation of plainsong.

4 A Note in History, cont. The sign of the Trill in our present system is a relic of the old Neum system. The sign of the Trill in our present system is a relic of the old Neum system. Our present notation system developed from this plainsong staff and the old letter name system introduced by the Greeks. Our present notation system developed from this plainsong staff and the old letter name system introduced by the Greeks.

5 Music theory is the study of how music works. It examines the language and notation of music. It seeks to identify patterns and structures in composers' techniques, across or within genres, styles, or historical periods. In a grand sense, music theory distills and analyzes the fundamental parameters or elements of music – rhythm, harmony (harmonic function), melody, structure, form, texture, etc. Broadly, music theory may include any statement, belief, or conception of or about music.[musiclanguagenotationcomposers'rhythmharmonyharmonic functionmelodystructureformtexture[ MUSIC THEORY

6 Understanding Meter ¾-three beats in a measure. Quarter note gets one beat 4/4-four beats in a measure. Quarter note gets one beat 6/8- six beats in a measure. Eighth note gets one beat 2/2-two beats in a measure. Half note gets one beat Time Signatures

7 Rhythm at a glance Basically, all musical notes are arranged notes that last for different amounts of time.

8 NOTES Note Values Note Values Each note has a specific duration. Each note has a specific duration. Note Values Each note has a specific duration.

9 Why is Rhythm important Rhythm adds a whole new dimension to music. Instead of just varying pitches, composers can also vary rhythms! This creates the uniqueness of each piece and gives each piece it's own character.

10 Does Rhythm still have its beat in the 21 st century? Rhythm does have its glitter in the 21 st century. It has actually been recreated. That recreation is called TECHNOLOGY!

11 TECHNOLOGY Computer-generated rhythms are very popular in mainstream musical sessions. – –Bands of all kind use computers to create rhythms.

12 Schools of the 21 st Century Charter schools are being created based on rhythm and how learning is being achieved though song and dance.

13 The Social Role of Music Music everywhere is used to accompany other activities. It is, for example, universally associated with dance. Although words are not found in singing everywhere, the association of music and poetry is so close that language and music are widely believed to have had a common origin in early human history.

14 Conclusion Music and Rhythm may serve as a symbol in not only our society, but in all societies. Music and rhythm is on the rebound in schools, churches, and other public gathering places. In my opinion, the 21 st century would be lost without music and rhythm.

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