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1 EMTA internal affairs Progress report General Meeting Rotterdam-The Hague 15 May 2014 Working session.

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1 1 EMTA internal affairs Progress report General Meeting Rotterdam-The Hague 15 May 2014 Working session

2 2 EMTA Internal Affairs Approval of records Vienna general meeting Membership issues - Resignation Seville (24 March); as of May 2014: 26 members Some prospect member cities approached: San Sebastian (ES), Bucarest (RO), Göteborg (SE), Utrecht (NL), but no results so far Board proposal: 1- devise a consistent way to recruit the right category of candidates 2- mapping of priority cities to balance scope of European regions: put focus on capitals missing in (Eastern) Europe. 3 - benefit from the vicinity to targeted cities from nearby EMTA- members and use these as ’stepping stone’ to connect with them 4- compose a “Enlargement committee” in the board geared by the chair rethinking a smart and consistent strategy (“plan of approach”). To all: stay alert to identify and approach representatives in your network of optional cities missing and if so, please notify the S-G. European level Membership Surveys Working groups A Internal Affairs Foreseen Activities 2011

3 3 Progress Report at European Level (1) DG-MOVE agenda November 8, 2013: REVOLVE bid (with EMTA + 6 members) rejected by EC (EMTA network partner); alternatives to submit the proposal are reviewed (Centro) TENT-T/ CEF: – Union Guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, governing infrastructure planning and implementation until 2050 – Connecting Europe Facility: governing EU funding - 2020 – Multiannual TEN-T program 2014-2020 (launch Dec.11 2013) Meeting with stakeholders at DG MOVE (mr Ouaki 12/12/2013): proceedings calls, TEN-T network and scope of the new CEF-funding instrument; terms of reference for “urban nodes” provides a new perspective to interregional connectivity A European programmes and schemes Working Groups Foreseen Activities 2011

4 4 Progress Report at European Level (2) DG-MOVE Agenda  Fourth Railway Package  Press release October 21: joint comments from EU transport stakeholders (EPTO, UITP and EMTA) protesting the impact of European Commission proposals to modify legal framework of PSO Regulation COM 1370/2007;  Dec. 17, 2013: TRAN Committee adopts all 12 compromise amendments on the Proposal for a modification of the PSO Regulation  Febr 24, 2014: prior to the debate on Febr. 26 in Strassbourg (voting EP) a new press release of aforementioned joint stakeholders expresses strong concerns on compromise amendments on public transport plans, contracts’ volumes, reciprocity and on direct award; call to avoid legal uncertainties, to limit the revision process of regulation 1370/2007 to the minimum changes strictly necessary to open domestic rail passenger markets to competition and to keep existing liberalised markets open.  Febr 26, 2014: Outcome of voting in EP in first reading: position on the Proposal for a modification of the PSO Regulation was adopted. 62 compromise amendments, most of which adopted in plenary. A European programmes and schemes Working Groups Foreseen Activities 2011

5 5 Progress Report at European Level (3) DG-MOVE Agenda  ITS DG MOVE- Consultation on Open Data Access: by October 31, 2013 5 members send in digital survey (out of a total of 98!) (Madrid, Amsterdam, London, Oslo and Vienna) Secretary met with new Head of ITS at DG MOVE mrs Claire Depré (November 14, 2013) about policy on mobility data collection, future of open; EMTA thanks mr Fiby for highlighting EMTA’s position on ITS (15 Nov 2013) at a DG-MOVE conference “Towards EU-wide Multimodal Travel Planning, Information and Ticketing Services”  Interpretative guidelines PSO Regulation COM 1370/2007 Published March 27, 2014: a call for speakers on DG MOVE conference June 18. Official letter of last week from mrs Marjeta Jager (director of mr J. Scherp) So far only VBB Berlin and Paris announced to attend. VBB contract expert has agreed on making an intervention. In spite of notification to mr. Scherp on May 5, he is still searching for attendees. Any suggestions? European framework developments

6 6 European projects  City HUB- EU FP7 programme project: SG is performing as a member of the Expert Reference Group participating in the Stakeholder Workshop "Identifying key intermodality factors for interchanges” in London (03 Febr 2014) coordinate and moderate focus group and summarize findings and conclusions; reviewing Deliverables (3.2 and 4.1)on “Integrated management on efficient urban interchanges” and follow-up activities. The projects 3 rd (and final)workshop is foreseen in October 2014 in Thessaloniki. EU- projects

7 7 European projects (2)  Horizon 2020 Launched in December 2013 as EU Research and Innovation programme for next 7 years (2014 to 2020) coupling of research and innovation focus on societal challenges, including health, clean energy and transport emphasis on excellent science, industrial leadership and tackling societal challenges. goal: ensure Europe produces world-class science, removes barriers to innovation and makes it easier for the public and private sectors to work together in delivering innovation First initiative with EMTA involvement: joint effort as network partnership in CIPTEC European programmes and schemes

8 8 EMTA deliverables  Directory: released in december 2012. Hard copies available. Full digital version on website.  Barometer 2012 leaflet: published January 2013  EMTA newsletters nrs 49 - 50 released December (Winter) and April (Spring) 2014. Request for new articles Summer 2014 release coming up shortly!  ITF Summit May 21-23 2014 “Transport for a Changing world” paper S-G “Steering Smart Changes in our Urban Culture” authorities-steering-smart-changes-our-urban-culture authorities-steering-smart-changes-our-urban-culture  Presentation leaflet EMTA : mission, objectives, and board composition. European level Membership Surveys Working groups A European level Publications

9 9 Progress Report NFC Working Group Provisional outcome draft NFCl report with findings and recommendations (short update in a few minutes) Barometer Working Group (relaunch) Hard work done on shortlist of KPI’s and survey of a new format for BM 2014 (data 2013) Urban transport data collection (i.e. assess the Barometer scope, method of collection and quality of benchmarking) Need time to review parameters, definitions and select useful KPI’s with proper input of expertise Look with Laura for a full day for work session this Summer No sign of state UITP 100+ cities global data collection initiative SUMPs working group: developments on EU-level since the presentation of the Urban Mobility Package. Any sense in convening a SUMPs working group? (Maria) A European level Working Groups Foreseen Activities 2011

10 10 Queries  HSL: Scheduling and Planning (Eeva Rinta) January 10, 2014 Summary on the EMTA-website (Intern queries)  TfL: Project ”Guardian” (Survey on Inappropriate behaviour towards women in public transport) Results: to be presented later in London (Steve).  CRTM Madrid – SP Vilnius – VBB Berlin: Query on co-modality PT-bicycle; outcome in a minute.  AMMR Torino: Questionnaire on Interchange rate (april 2014): responses at the latest tomorrow (May 16) Queries and questionnaires

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