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Internet Governance What ? Where ? How ? Wim Degezelle International Conference on DNS and Internet Riga, Latvia 19 April 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Governance What ? Where ? How ? Wim Degezelle International Conference on DNS and Internet Riga, Latvia 19 April 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Governance What ? Where ? How ? Wim Degezelle International Conference on DNS and Internet Riga, Latvia 19 April 2013

2 Wim Degezelle Brussels, Belgium @ CENTR since 2006 Senior Policy Analyst

3 Content Content: 1. About CENTR < 2. Internet Governance 3. Multi-stakeholder model 4. ITU? 5. Up to 2015

4 the European ccTLD organisation About CENTR Membership 51 Full members 9 Associate members 12 Observers Domain count 78.4 million 75 % ccTLD domains

5 Peter VAN ROSTE General Manager Wim DEGEZELLE Senior Policy Analyst Patrick MYLES Information Manager Linda VERHAEGEN Office Manager CENTR vzw/asbl Belliardstraat 20 (6th floor) 1040 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 627 5550 Fax: +32 2 627 5559

6 Regional ccTLD organisations to facilitate the DIALOGUE and the EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION Formed by the ccTLD registries

7 General Assembly Legal ws Technical ws Admin ws Marketing ws R & D ws Security ws IGF

8 @CENTRnews More about CENTR?

9 Content Content: 1. About CENTR 2. Internet Governance < 3. Multi-Stakeholder model 4. ITU? 5. Up to 2015

10 Internet Governance ? How should the Internet be run and managed?


12 Content Content: 1. About CENTR 2. Internet Governance 3. Multi-Stakeholder model < 4. ITU? 5. Up to 2015

13 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) (Geneva, 2003 & Tunis, 2005) “Broad debate on how the Internet should be run and managed” Intergovernmental process (UN Summit) Decisions taken by states Multi-stakeholder participation : UN bodies, international organisations, NGOs, civil society, private sector

14 General Principles for Internet Governance Par 29 Tunis agenda: The international management of the Internet should be multilateral, transparent and democratic, with the full involvement of governments, the private sector, civil society and international organizations Multilateral - Transparent - Democratic - Multi-stakeholder

15 Tunis agenda Importance of the Stability and Security of the Internet Process for ‘enhanced cooperation’ Mandate to UN Secretary General to convene a new forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue (IGF)

16 Tunis agenda Enhanced cooperation “... to enable governments, on an equal footing to carry out their roles and responsibilities, in international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet, but not in the day-to-day technical and operational matters, that do not impact on international public policy issues”

17 Tunis agenda Mandate to UN Secretary General to convene a new forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue (IGF) First IGF meeting Athens (2006) 2 nd 5 year mandate Next Bali, Indonesia, 22-25 October, 2013


19 Internet Corporation for for Assigned Names and Numbers Created in 1998, non for profit coordinates the Domain Name System (DNS), Internet Protocol (IP) addresses space allocation, and root server system management


21 Content Content: 1. About CENTR 2. Internet Governance 3. Multi-Stakeholder model 4. ITU? 5. Up to 2015

22 International Telecommunication Union the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies – ICTs.

23 °1865 - Paris (International Telegraph Union) International rules governing the operation of telecommunication services (eg standards, interconnection, …) UN Agency - only sovereign States are full members, one country, one vote 193 Members States + Sector members

24 ITU - and Internet Governance ? Place for ITU ? Be aware of ongoing discussions: WCIT (Dec 2012) WTPF (May 2013) WTDC (April 2014) Plenipot (Oct 2014)

25 Content Content: 1. About CENTR 2. Internet Governance 3. Multistakeholderism 4. ITU? 5. Up to 2015 <

26 by Martin Boyle, Nominet, at CENTR GA49, March 2013, Lisbon

27 United Nations General Assembly to Review the implementation of WSIS outcomes in 2015

28 Key issue: Review of the Tunis Agenda ? Will the Multi-Stakeholder model survive ?

29 Food for thought ….

30 what if the Internet had developed within a traditional conventional coordinated public model ?



33 Conclusion Internet Governance ? How should the Internet be run and managed?

34 Internet Governance ? How should the Internet be run and managed? Ongoing discussion at different levels !! Get involved !! Who’s representing Latvia at ITU ? Involvement in GAC? ICANN ?


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