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Internet safety 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet safety 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet safety

2 Scott, Jerry, and Jim Borgman. "Zits. " Comic strip. Comics. 22 Oct
Scott, Jerry, and Jim Borgman. "Zits." Comic strip. Comics. 22 Oct Houston Chronicle. 5 May 2009.

3 This will count as your FIRST GRADE, so take it seriously.
Preview of assignment to be completed after videos: Internet safety writing & poster Choose one of the following activities: 1. Write an essay of five paragraphs (minimum) explaining why it is important to be safe on the internet. The paragraphs should include how to be a good digital citizen, what can be done to prevent CyberBullying, and the benefits and dangers of social media. You should write your essay on notebook paper. If you want to type it at home, you may. However, you must work on the rough draft in class. Have at least two peers proofread your essay. 2. Create a poster of the top 10 list of ways to stay safe on the Internet. The statements should be written in complete sentences. You must have a border around the list, at least two pictures (hand drawn or cut out from magazine), and at least three colors. 3. Create a comic strip showing a scenario in which someone was not utilizing internet safety criteria. You must have at least three frames, dialogue (in bubbles), three colors minimum, and NO STICK FIGURES. This will count as your FIRST GRADE, so take it seriously.

4 videos Cyberbullying Digital Etiquette Video and Quiz
Digital Etiquette Video and Quiz Perspectives on Social Media

5 This will count as your FIRST GRADE, so take it seriously.
Review of assignment to be completed after videos: Internet safety writing & poster Choose one of the following activities: 1. Write an essay of fiveparagraphs (minimum) explaining why it is important to be safe on the internet. The paragraphs should include how to be a good digital citizen, what can be done to prevent CyberBullying, and the benefits and dangers of social media. You should write your essay on notebook paper. If you want to type it at home, you may. However, you must work on the rough draft in class. Have at least two peers proofread your essay. 2. Create a poster of the top 10 list of ways to stay safe on the Internet. The statements should be written in complete sentences. You must have a border around the list, at least two pictures (hand drawn or cut out from magazine), and at least three colors. 3. Create a comic strip showing a scenario in which someone was not utilizing internet safety criteria. You must have at least three frames, dialogue (in bubbles), three colors minimum, and NO STICK FIGURES. This will count as your FIRST GRADE, so take it seriously.

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