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Eric Butler C4013978 ENC40S APRIL 2 2013. Ahmad Zahir, Jalil Zaland, Narhma Now its hard to say who is the best because its all everybody's option.

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Presentation on theme: "Eric Butler C4013978 ENC40S APRIL 2 2013. Ahmad Zahir, Jalil Zaland, Narhma Now its hard to say who is the best because its all everybody's option."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eric Butler C4013978 ENC40S APRIL 2 2013

2 Ahmad Zahir, Jalil Zaland, Narhma Now its hard to say who is the best because its all everybody's option.

3  The style is pretty my the same from here to there but they do have there own distinctive rap its called afghan rap but their pop is just like ours the only thing I couldn't really find was country

4 DIFFERENCESSIMILARITIES  The Instruments they use make a entirely differently sound.  Made out of different materials.  The instruments are designed very closely to what we are use to  They are played in the same manner.


6  When the Taliban took control they but a ban on music they claimed it was un religious this put a stop to many  People creating  New music this  Affected the culture  Of the people.

7  Life today for afghan musicians is still dangerous. A Turkmen singer was gunned down while performing at a wedding party.  the police said it was Taliban even thought there gone there not really 100% gone

8  The most interesting part of my research was actually for the first time hearing another cultures music and learning that some other their instruments are very similar to what im use to seeing

9  By doing this research I honestly only learned that their music is a mix of old and present or modern beats.  Also that when the Taliban put in their ban that it had a negative and positive impact on their music  finally that their music making tools are pretty close to ours

10 I decided to organize my information the way I did because I thought that it had go flow

11  afghan singers april 1 2013 2012  Afghan music styles ghan-music-modern-style/ june 2012 ghan-music-modern-style/  Aghan music april 1 2013 musicsingers&ie=utf-8&oe=utf- 8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&clie december 12 2012

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