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PED 246: Methods and Techniques of Dance and Gymnastics.

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Presentation on theme: "PED 246: Methods and Techniques of Dance and Gymnastics."— Presentation transcript:

1 PED 246: Methods and Techniques of Dance and Gymnastics

2 Definitions  Beat – basic unit that measures time.  Accent – stress placed on a beat to make it stronger or louder than others  Measure – one group of beats made by the regular occurrence of the heavy accent.

3 Definitions  Meter – metric division of a measure into parts of equal time value and regular accents.  Time Signature – symbol that establishes duration of time 2/4 – 2 beats to measure – accent on 1 st quarter note.

4 Definitions  Phrase – a musical sentence.  Tempo – rate of speed at which music is played.  Rhythm pattern – grouping of beats that repeat for the pattern of a dance step. Even – all the same Uneven – combination of quick/slow

5 Fundamental locomotor movements  All movements have rhythms to them, just different variations Walk – 1-2-3-4 Run – 1.2 - 3,4 - 5,6 - 7,8

6 Teaching the Young  Listen to beat  Clap with beat  Clap and tap foot with beat  Move (step) with beat  Dance with beat

7 Basic steps and turns  Both partners work together to make changes Turns ○ Male steps and female steps ○ Both work as a unit

8 Formations  See textbook page 48 No partners Couples 3 people Two couples Couples in a file Couples in a line Four Couples

9 Positions  See textbook pages 49-53  36 different positions Gives male and female stances.

10 Teaching the dances  Listen for the beat Many times the underlying beat ○ Produced in the background of the music Have students clap with the beat to ensure it has been found and understood  Progress to harder beats to ensure understanding.

11 Rhythms  Clapping  Body movements (arms or legs)  10 points on page 56 for teaching Rhythms

12 Posture  Ear to ankle alignment Allows you to not tire as easily Gives poise and confidence  Approaches to good posture Page 57 of textbook

13 Additions to dance  Music – adds “flavor” to dances  Shoes – sliding  Clothes – can add to style of dance  Mirrors – can see own moves and posture  Add only minimal comments on elements (include positive feedback)

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