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In your group, describe the of the music you are listening to. See other side for some hints!

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Presentation on theme: "In your group, describe the of the music you are listening to. See other side for some hints!"— Presentation transcript:

1 In your group, describe the of the music you are listening to. See other side for some hints!

2 Words for describing pitch high low getting higher/lower moving in leaps stepsmajor (happy) Minor (sad) Melody Chords (2+ notes at once) Up Down Wide range Narrow range of notes of notes repeating patterns (ostinato)

3 In your group, describe the of the music you are listening to. See other side for some hints!

4 Words for describing rhythm (duration) long notes short notes on the beat syncopated funky (Off the beat) dotted rhythms Beats in a bar…. 2? 3? 4? legato (smooth) Staccato (spiky) Marching Dancing repeating rhythms (ostinato)

5 In your group, describe the of the music you are listening to. See other side for some hints!

6 Words for describing timbre Dark bright sparkling cold warm hollow woody reedy brassy metallic brittle Name the instruments you hear!

7 In your group, describe the of the music you are listening to. See other side for some hints!

8 Words for describing texture Monophonic (one note at a time, no harmony or chords) Homophonic (just chords, different notes at the same time) Polyphonic (lots of different things happening at once) Call & Response (question and answer pattern) duet (2 people) thick thin solo round Building up Imitative (one part copying another)

9 In your group, describe the of the music you are listening to. See other side for some hints!

10 Words for describing tempo & dynamics fast getting faster? accelerando slow getting slower? rallentando crescendo getting louder diminuendo getting softer walking pace Laid-back piano (soft) forte (loud) dying away suddenly….gradually…..

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