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Internet Overview Part II Mrs. Wilson Internet Basics & WAY Beyond!

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Overview Part II Mrs. Wilson Internet Basics & WAY Beyond!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Overview Part II Mrs. Wilson Internet Basics & WAY Beyond!

2 HTTP--Hypertext Transfer Protocol Protocol used to transfer web pages from a web server to a client. (YOU!!) The web client is actually the web browser. HTTP is the set of rules required to exchange files (text, images, video) across the web. HTTP contains references or "links" to other files. Web servers are known as HTTP servers.

3 FTP--File Transfer Protocol Originally developed to allow researchers to give one another access to programs and large data files. Usually have ID and password BUT there are anonymous FTP sites

4 What is FTP? FTP (File Transfer Protocol) allows a person to transfer files between two computers, generally connected via the Internet. If your system has FTP and is connected to the Internet, you can access very large amounts of files available on a great number of computer systems. When using FTP, you use a program, called a 'client' to connect to a machine that holds the files, a 'server'.

5 What is Anonymous FTP? Many computer systems throughout the Internet offer files through anonymous FTP. This means that you can access a machine without having to have an account on that machine (i.e. you don't have to be an official user of the system).

6 Examples: Use the prefix FTP. Instead of HTTP. FTP.FTPPLANET.COM FTP.IPSWITCH.COM FTP.RPHSBUSINESS.ORG –(password protected NOT anonymous)

7 Electronic Mail--E-mail Two servers: Incoming/Outgoing –SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) is outgoing –POP and IMAP (Post Office Protocol & Internet Message Access Protocol) are incoming. –POP resides on the server/IMAP allows sharing of mailboxes. –E-Mail Software To read your e-mail, you need a program. There are stand-alone software packages, such as Eudora ( and Pegasus (, but the two most popular World Wide Web browsers--Netscape ( and Internet Explorer ( bundled with perfectly adequate e-mail applications.(

8 DNS--Domain Name System DNS syntax--Read it right to left Server (host) Name Registered Company Domain Name Domain Category (Top-Level Domain)

9 Top-Level Domains The COM, EDU and UK portions of these domain names are called the top-level domain or first-level domain. There are several hundred top-level domain names, including COM, EDU, GOV, MIL, NET, ORG and INT, as well as unique two- letter combinations for every country.two- letter combinations for every country

10 FQDN--Fully Qualified Domain Name Complete domain from the www to as example. DOESN'T include the http or the ftp.

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