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International Consortium for Medical Abortion Who we are StructureActivitiesVision.

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1 International Consortium for Medical Abortion Who we are StructureActivitiesVision

2 History  ICMA was initiated in 2002 by Peter Hall, based in London. Many of the first steering committee are here today.  In 2003, Reproductive Health Matters took responsibility for ICMA.  In 2005, Reproductive Health Training Centre in Moldova, led by Rodica, took over coordination of ICMA.

3 Mission and objectives Advocate for medical abortion in the context of safe abortion worldwide. Advocate for medical abortion in the context of safe abortion worldwide. Advocate for the incorporation of medical abortion into public health systems and innovative mechanisms to make medical abortion available, accessible and affordable. Advocate for the incorporation of medical abortion into public health systems and innovative mechanisms to make medical abortion available, accessible and affordable. Advocate for laws, policies and regulations which make the provision of safe abortion possible. Advocate for laws, policies and regulations which make the provision of safe abortion possible.

4 Who we are ICMA is a consortium and a movement.ICMA is a consortium and a movement. It has a diverse and multidisciplinary global membership of national and international organisations and of activists and advocates working together with medical professionals, researchers and policymakers.It has a diverse and multidisciplinary global membership of national and international organisations and of activists and advocates working together with medical professionals, researchers and policymakers. Its members and associated networks are all autonomous.Its members and associated networks are all autonomous.

5 Structure Coordination office and staff.Coordination office and staff. Steering committee – meets 3/4 times a year, responsible for the direction of ICMA.Steering committee – meets 3/4 times a year, responsible for the direction of ICMA. The coordinators of the four regional networks are now also members of the steering committee, and will have an important influence on our future work.The coordinators of the four regional networks are now also members of the steering committee, and will have an important influence on our future work.

6 Staff Moldova CoordinatorCoordinator Finance and administrative officerFinance and administrative officer WebmasterWebmasterArgentina Regional network liaison officerRegional network liaison officer

7 International conferences Medical Abortion: An International Forum on Policies, Programmes and Services, Johannesburg, 2004Medical Abortion: An International Forum on Policies, Programmes and Services, Johannesburg, 2004 International Conference on Second Trimester Abortion, London, 2007International Conference on Second Trimester Abortion, London, 2007 Expanding Access to Medical Abortion, Lisbon, 2010Expanding Access to Medical Abortion, Lisbon, 2010

8 Global activities Promote medical abortion, including the availability of low cost, high quality drugs, and the legal, regulatory and service delivery conditions that will expand equity of access to abortion care.Promote medical abortion, including the availability of low cost, high quality drugs, and the legal, regulatory and service delivery conditions that will expand equity of access to abortion care. Update and expand the ICMA Information Package on Medical Abortion to incorporate new developments and research findings.Update and expand the ICMA Information Package on Medical Abortion to incorporate new developments and research findings.

9 …activities 2 Convene small strategic meetings of key stakeholders toConvene small strategic meetings of key stakeholders to  discuss specific policy and strategy issues and  develop position papers on key controversial issues. Serve as a clearinghouse for materials produced by our members and other stakeholders in the field.Serve as a clearinghouse for materials produced by our members and other stakeholders in the field.

10 …activities 3 Expand the ICMA website as a global resource on medical abortion, recognising the importance of web- based information to young women.Expand the ICMA website as a global resource on medical abortion, recognising the importance of web- based information to young women. Organise a 4th international conference in 2013 that will again move the global agenda forward.Organise a 4th international conference in 2013 that will again move the global agenda forward.

11 Next conference 2013 ? Advocacy: who, what, howAdvocacy: who, what, how Medical studentsMedical students Training of more abortion providers, involving university based and other medical schoolsTraining of more abortion providers, involving university based and other medical schools Young women and abortionYoung women and abortion

12 Work with the regional networks Support the development of links between the four regional networks to share strategies for advocacy and information work.Support the development of links between the four regional networks to share strategies for advocacy and information work. Organize capacity building workshops on organizational development, fundraising, and advocacy for expanded access to medical abortion, and the sharing of best practices and experience.Organize capacity building workshops on organizational development, fundraising, and advocacy for expanded access to medical abortion, and the sharing of best practices and experience.

13 …regional networks 2 Support the participation of regional network members in national meetings in their own countries with a broad cross section of stakeholders, where national action strategies and agendas can be developed.Support the participation of regional network members in national meetings in their own countries with a broad cross section of stakeholders, where national action strategies and agendas can be developed.

14 Vision /ethos To create an international movement that brings together groups and individuals promoting choice on abortion at international, regional and country level.To create an international movement that brings together groups and individuals promoting choice on abortion at international, regional and country level. To support the right of every woman to a safe, legal abortion on requestTo support the right of every woman to a safe, legal abortion on request

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