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The NIHR Stroke Research Network Supporting research to make patients, and the NHS, better The NIHR Stroke Research Network Judith Williamson and Zena.

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Presentation on theme: "The NIHR Stroke Research Network Supporting research to make patients, and the NHS, better The NIHR Stroke Research Network Judith Williamson and Zena."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NIHR Stroke Research Network Supporting research to make patients, and the NHS, better The NIHR Stroke Research Network Judith Williamson and Zena Jones

2 The NIHR Stroke Research Network Supporting research to make patients, and the NHS, better National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network NIHR Stroke Research Network NIHR Diabetes Research Network NIHR Dementias and Neurodegenerative Research Network NIHR Cancer Research Network NIHR Medicines for Children Research Network NIHR Mental Health Research Network NIHR Primary Care Network NIHR Comprehensive Research Network

3 Who we are The coordinating centre is based in Newcastle upon Tyne We have 8 local networks based throughout England that directly manage research staff

4 Local Research Networks

5 What we do We provide the structure and support to help researchers to carry out research in the NHS

6 Research Often research from an idea - to putting into practice can take a long time – maybe 10 years or even more

7 The NIHR Stroke Research Network Supporting research to make patients, and the NHS, better Stage 1&2 Research Idea Application for funding Stage 3 Detailed Protocol Stage 4 Ethical and NHS Approvals Stage 5&6 Recruitment of participants Follow up Stage7&8 Analysis of data collected Reporting Stage 9 Implementation

8 Examples Stroke Oxygen Study - SOS TRAining for Caregivers after Stroke - TRACS Occupational Therapy in Care Homes OTCH

9 Patient Carer and Public Involvement We also make sure that patients and carers are able to comment on research at all stages of the process

10 Research Priorities Acute Prevention Rehabilitation Primary Care

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