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Professor Ken Stein Professor of Public Health University of Exeter Medical School (UEMS)

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Presentation on theme: "Professor Ken Stein Professor of Public Health University of Exeter Medical School (UEMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Professor Ken Stein Professor of Public Health University of Exeter Medical School (UEMS)

2 Collaboration between NHS and HEIs Established 2008 – five years Funding from National Institute for Health Research with various matched funding Applications for further CLAHRCs May 2013 “Needs led research programme for Devon and Cornwall” ENGAGEMENT AT THE CORE Peninsula Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care

3 Generating the Question Structuring and Prioritising the Question Answering the Question Implementing the Answer Evaluating the Implementation OR NHS Clinicians & Managers Service Users Evidence Synthesis Team Systematic Review Answer Clear Primary Research Implementation Group Implementation Strategy Implementation Evaluation Synthesis Dissemination Engagement by Design © Stakeholders Peninsula Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care

4 Other elements of CLAHRC Public and patient involvement (PenPIG) NHS engagement through locality leads Organisational engagement – Leadership development – PenCHORD – Peninsula Health Technology Commissioning Group Projects – Systematic reviews – Research bids (synthesis, trials, realist evaluation, qualitative) – Development of interventions

5 Focus on Families Behavioural disorders in children – Systematic review of teacher led interventions – Risk of exclusion and mental health disorders Non-pharmaceutical interventions for Attention Deficit Disorder Childhood – adult transition and ADHD

6 Healthy Lifestyles HeLP – Healthy Lifestyles Programme Exercise outdoors vs indoors Hypertension – differential arm pressures Diabetic eye screening model Healthy Workplaces

7 Independence in older age Health Care Quality for Active Later Life Falls Late rehabilitation after stroke Singing for aphasia Stroke acute care pathway model Dementia – vitamin D, computerised support for diagnosis Patient initiated care (RA and PD)

8 Social capital and building communities Evaluating stepped care for depression Improving access to psychological therapies Teentext – text message intervention in mental illness Treatment resistant depression COCOA – Care for Offenders: Continuity of Access Connecting Communities

9 Peninsula Academic Health Science Network Devon, Cornwall and Somerset Innovation, service improvement and research Funding decision imminent (£10m p.a.) All NHS Trusts, Local Authorities, HEIs, Industry in partnership Alignment of purpose to improve health and efficiency


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