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教学目标 1 、 学生能够通过阅读文章,以选择、回答问题等形式引 导学生理解并获取有关动物帮助儿童恢复心理健康的相关 信息。 2 、学生能在阅读过程中通过关注句与句之间的逻辑关系, 理解由连词 because 、 so 连接原因状语从句表述事情发 生的原因这一用法。 3. 通过本课的学习,学生能正确理解人与动物之间的关.

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Presentation on theme: "教学目标 1 、 学生能够通过阅读文章,以选择、回答问题等形式引 导学生理解并获取有关动物帮助儿童恢复心理健康的相关 信息。 2 、学生能在阅读过程中通过关注句与句之间的逻辑关系, 理解由连词 because 、 so 连接原因状语从句表述事情发 生的原因这一用法。 3. 通过本课的学习,学生能正确理解人与动物之间的关."— Presentation transcript:

1 教学目标 1 、 学生能够通过阅读文章,以选择、回答问题等形式引 导学生理解并获取有关动物帮助儿童恢复心理健康的相关 信息。 2 、学生能在阅读过程中通过关注句与句之间的逻辑关系, 理解由连词 because 、 so 连接原因状语从句表述事情发 生的原因这一用法。 3. 通过本课的学习,学生能正确理解人与动物之间的关 系、热爱动物、保护动物。

2 Lesson 19 Pets are good listeners. animals kept at home


4 Are the pets good for people ?

5 experiment 实验 Some scientist are making an experiment. An interesting experiment is taking place. happening 发生

6 An interesting experiment is taking place at the Children’s Hospital in London. Dogs, cats, and even horses help sick children to get better. There are a number of reasons why this treatment is important, explains Dr. Marcus Finch of the Children’s Hospital. “Children and teenagers have many changes as they are growing up. When they have problems, it’s not easy for them to open up and talk. But when they are with a pet animal, they calm down, relax, and smile. Animal don’t speak and so they don’t criticize. They listen and they don’t stop the children. Children can talk to animals because they can trust them. Animals know how to keep a secret! Also, the children feel needed because they help to feed the animals and look after them.” At the children’s hospital you can find children playing with cats, dogs, goats, and riding horses. The doctors just watch and take notes and wonder at the power of pets!

7 An interesting experiment is taking place at the Children’s Hospital in London. Dogs, cats, and even horses help sick children to get better. There are a number of reasons why this treatment is important…. Who are better than doctors? Pets are better than doctors.

8 □ A.The reasons why the treatment is important □ B.The introduction to the experiment □ C.What the children and doctors do at Children’s hospital □ D.How to make an experiment What are mentioned ( 提及 ) in the passage? 介绍(时间, 地点 … ) 原因,理由

9 An interesting experiment is taking place … in London. Dogs.... get better. There are a number of reasons why this treatment is important …“Children and teenagers….look after them” At the children’s hospital you can find children playing with…. The doctors just watch… wonder at the power of pets! □ A.The reasons( 原因) why the treatment is important □ B.The introduction (介绍 时间, 地点 … ) to the experiment □ C.What the children and doctors do at Children’s hospital □ D.How to make an experiment What are mentioned ( 提及 ) in the passage? √ √ √

10 □ A.The reasons ( 原因) why the treatment is important □ B.The introduction (介绍) to the experiment □ C.What the children and doctors do at Children’s hospital Number them in the correct order. √ √ √ 1 2 3 An interesting experiment is taking place … in London. Dogs.... get better. There are a number of reasons why this treatment is important …“Children and teenagers….look after them” At the children’s hospital you can find children playing with…. The doctors just watch… wonder at the power of pets!

11 □ A.The introduction to the experiment □ B.The reasons why the treatment is important □ C.What the children and doctors do at Children’s hospital There are three parts( 部分) in the passage. 1 2 3 An interesting experiment is taking place … in London. Dogs.... get better. There are a number of reasons why this treatment is important …“Children and teenagers….look after them” At the children’s hospital you can find children playing with…. The doctors just watch… wonder at the power of pets!

12 □ A.The introduction to the experiment □ B.The reasons why the treatment is important □ C.What the children and doctors do at Children’s hospital There are three parts( 部分) in the passage. 1 2 3 An interesting experiment is taking place … in London. Dogs.... get better. There are a number of reasons why this treatment is important …“Children and teenagers….look after them” At the children’s hospital you can find children playing with…. The doctors just watch… wonder at the power of pets!

13 place result children doctors Reasons Activities …play with … …watch…take notes… wonder at… Introduction An Experiment—Pets are better than doctors. 1.The introduction to the experiment 2.The reasons why the treatment is important 3.What the children and doctors do at Children’s hospital

14 Place 地点 Result 结果 children doctors Reasons Activities …play with … …watch…take notes… wonder at… Introduction An Experiment—Pets are better than doctors. at the Children’s Hospital help sick children to get better ? Pets

15 place result children doctors Reasons Activities …play with … …watch…take notes… wonder at… Introduction An Experiment—Pets are better than doctors. at the Children’s Hospital …help sick children to get better Children calm down, relax and smile when they are with a pet animal. 1) …not speak.… not criticize, not stop… 2) …talk to animals… 3) …feel needed… But when they are with a pet animal, they,. What are the changes( 改变) of children as they are growing up? Read Line 4-15. When they have problems, it’s not easy for them to open up and talk. calm down A. angry B. be quiet C. be worried relax, and smile

16 place result children doctors Reasons Activities …play with … …watch…take notes… wonder at… Introduction An Experiment—Pets are better than doctors. at the Children’s Hospital …help sick children to get better Children calm down, relax and smile when they are with a pet animal. 1) …not speak.… not criticize, not stop… 2) …talk to animals… 3) …feel needed… Why do the children calm down, relax and smile when they are with a pet animal? Animal don’t speak and so they don’t criticize. They listen and they don’t stop the children. Children can talk to animals because they can trust them. Animals know how to keep a secret! Also, the children feel needed because they help to the animals and them. feed look after take care of A B Read Line 11-15.

17 place result children doctors Reasons Activities …play with … …watch…take notes… wonder at… Introduction An Experiment—Pets are better than doctors. at the Children’s Hospital …help sick children to get better Children calm down, relax and smile when they are with a pet animal. 1) …not speak.… not criticize, not stop… 2) …talk to animals… 3) …feel needed… Animal don’t speak and so they don’t criticize. They listen and they don’t stop the children. Children can talk to animals because they can trust them. Animals know how to keep a secret! Also, the children feel needed because they help to feed the animals and look after them. they don’t criticize. they don’t stop the children. they can trust them. the children feel needed

18 children doctors Activities …play with … …watch…take notes… wonder at… An Experiment—Pets are better than doctors. place result Reasons Introduction at the Children’s Hospital …help sick children to get better 1)They don’t criticize. They don’t stop the children. 2) They can trust them. 3) The children feel needed. Why do the children calm down, relax and smile when they are with a pet animal?

19 children doctors Activities …play with … …watch…take notes… wonder at… An Experiment—Pets are better than doctors. Read Line 15-17. place result Reasons Introduction at the Children’s Hospital …help sick children to get better Children calm down, relax and smile when they are with a pet animal. 1) …not speak.… not criticize, not stop… 2) …talk to animals… 3) …feel needed… Part 3: What the children and doctors do in the hospital.(Line 15-17) 1. What do the children do in the hospital? _______________________________________ 2. What do the doctors do in the hospital ? _________________________________________ Children play with cats, dogs, goats and ride horses. Doctors just watch and take notes and wonder at the power of the pets.

20 place result children doctors Reasons Activities …play with … …watch…take notes… wonder at… Introduction An Experiment—Pets are better than doctors. at the Children’s Hospital …help sick children to get better Children calm down, relax and smile when they are with a pet animal. 1) …not speak.… not criticize, not stop… 2) …talk to animals… 3) …feel needed… Read Line 15-17. Children play with cats, dogs, goats and ride horses. Doctors just watch, and the power of pets! A: 力量 B :活力 take noteswonder at 对... 感到惊奇

21 place result children doctors Reasons Activities …play with … …watch…take notes… wonder at… Introduction An Experiment—Pets are better than doctors. at the Children’s Hospital …help sick children to get better Children calm down, relax and smile when they are with a pet animal. 1) …not speak.… not criticize, not stop… 2) …talk to animals… 3) …feel needed… Read Line 15-17. What’s the power of pets in the passage? Pets can help sick children to get better.


23 Animals don’t speak and so they don’t criticize. They listen and they don’t stop the children. Animals know how to keep a secret! Children talk to animals because they can trust them. Also children feel needed because they help to feed animals and look after them. Why do the children calm down, relax and smile when they are with a pet animal?

24 Animals don ’ t speak so they don ’ t criticize. Children can talk to animals because they can trust them. so because 因此,所以 因为 Also children feel needed because they help to feed animals and look after them. because 因为 因 果 因 因 果 果 so 强调 : 结果 because 强调 : 原因

25 Let’s sum up : 1. 句 A so + 句 B 2. 句 A because + 句 B (原 因)(原 因)(结 果)(结 果) 因 为因 为 因 此因 此 (原 因)(原 因) (结 果)(结 果)

26 1. He keeps the dog ________ it can look after the house. 2.The dog can look after the house___he keeps it. 3.I like the monkey _________it’s very smart. 4. The panda is very cute _____everybody likes it. Complete the sentences with the proper conjunctions( 连词 ). because so because so

27 I like dogs because they are lovely. Why do you have dogs as your pets? (lovely) Task1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

28 Tom likes cats because the cats are fun to play with. Why does Tom have cats as his pets ? (fun to play with)

29 Why does Jack like monkeys? lovely smart Jack likes monkeys because they are lovely and smart.

30 Task2 : 现在有很多人养宠物,同时 又有很多被人遗弃的流浪的小动 物,你养宠物吗?喜欢什么小动 物呢?为什么?请以小组为单位 调查同学们对宠物的态度及原因。 Use the language

31 nameFavorite pet(s) Reasons Complete the questionnaire with the information of the survey in your group:

32 参考句型:  Do you like any pets? What kind of pets do you like?  I like … because… What about you?  I like…because… Useful expressions: friendly, helpful, honest (诚实的), tame (温驯的) … keep sb company (陪伴), look after the house keep sb company (陪伴), look after the house, listen to sb … good friends, good listeners …

33 Homework 1. 朗读并记忆课标词和有关动物名称的词汇。 2. 跟读课文 1.5 三遍。 3.A 层学生把课上的口头作文书写在作业本上。 B 层学生翻译课文。


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