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Funded in Policy meets Research Workshop II Vienna, 27-28 January, 2011 Co-development of research agenda on sustainable food consumption Gerald Berger.

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Presentation on theme: "Funded in Policy meets Research Workshop II Vienna, 27-28 January, 2011 Co-development of research agenda on sustainable food consumption Gerald Berger."— Presentation transcript:

1 funded in Policy meets Research Workshop II Vienna, 27-28 January, 2011 Co-development of research agenda on sustainable food consumption Gerald Berger (RIMAS), Jozsef Szlezak (REC), Umberto Pisano (RIMAS)

2 Overview –Joint research agenda in CORPUS –Results of interviews with researchers on “hot topics” for current and future research –Format for interactive exercise (World Café)

3 Joint research agenda in CORPUS Aim:  to develop research agenda together with policy-makers and researchers  to define and reflect upon “hot topics” for current and future research  to enhance evidence-based policy-making by creating new evidence through research  to establish “policy-led research”

4 Joint research agenda in CORPUS (cont.) Outputs :  Joint research agenda document on sustainable food consumption (EC, national, etc)  Policy-makers: new/better evidence for policy-making  Researchers: provide knowledge for improved evidence-based policy-making  “Hot topics” to be addressed in special issue of an academic journal

5 Joint research agenda in CORPUS (cont.) Development of joint research agenda/WS II: Preparation WS II  10 interviews with researchers for input on “hot topics” At WS II  Start developing joint research agenda – interactive exercise After WS II  Project team will write draft research agenda: policy-makers and researchers invited to comment (researchers: link to their own research)

6 Joint research agenda in CORPUS (cont.) Development of joint research agenda/WS III: At WS III  Revision of research agenda – based on scenarios and identified knowledge gaps & in exchange with policy-makers and researchers After WS III:  Update of research agenda and invitation for final comments Forwarding/discussing joint research agenda with EC

7 Results of interviews with researchers Methodology  We undertook interviews with 10 researchers (selected by CORPUS team)  Between mid-December 2010 to mid-January 2011  Structured interview guide (state-of-the art in research, future research needs, research & KB)  Summarised results for presentation at WS II

8 Interview Partners Karl-Michael Brunner (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria) John Thøgersen (Aarhus School of Business, Denmark) Irmgard Schultz (Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Germany) Tara Garnett (UK Food Climate Research Network, United Kingdom) Maurie J. Cohen (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA) Edina Vadovics (Central European University, Hungary) Helene Brembeck (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) Tim Cooper (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) Catherine Esnouf (French National Institute for Agricultural Research, France) Bachus Ge (Wageningen University Research Center, Netherlands)

9 What researchers said… “Hot topics” and research needs: Reduce meat consumption & promote climate-friendly diets How to promote less meat-focused diets in society, including the developing world? How a climate-friendly diet would look like in different geographical locations? Local food and sustainability Under what conditions local food is more sustainable? How could local food systems contribute to the local economy and improve food security?

10 What researchers said… “Hot topics” and research needs: Food waste What are the drivers and sources of food waste? How to tackle it? What are the differences among Countries? Obesity What are the drivers of obesity? How to tackle it?

11 What researchers said… “Hot topics” and research needs: Drivers of food consumption patterns What are the environmental impacts of different lifestyles and food consumption patterns? What are the linkages between demographic change and food consumption? How can we better understand drivers of unsustainable food consumption? How does poverty, diversity and a gloablised society influence food consumption? Food security Broad issue: how to feed the world of nearly 9 billion by 2050?

12 What researchers said… “Hot topics” and research needs: The issue of food swap The amounts of export/import of the same type of food and how to tackle this issue Food vs. fuels Land use – link to the topic of food security Eco-labels on sustainable food Criteria for an integrated EU Eco-label on food Refining Eco-labels Knowledge to avoid the problem of the jungle of labels Eco-labels as a mean to guide consumers

13 What researchers said… “Hot topics” and research needs: Target the whole food chain (incl. production, supply/retail, consumption) How to put Life-cycle thinking into practice? Increase trans-disciplinary research on food consumption How to overcome dealing with food consumption as a sectoral approach? (bringing env., social, health, agriculture issues together)

14 What researchers said… Knowledge brokerage will work if… Personal contacts between policy-makers and researchers are established Policy-makers are integrated in research design and are partners in projects Research is presented short and clear (available online, easily accessible) Research develops more innovative forms of dissemination (not only academic publications) Best practices & success stories are used more frequently

15 Interactive Exercise (World Café) Participants are invited to start working on a joint research agenda We have selected three topics on pin-walls (1)Important research needs on sustainable food systems/food policy (2)Wish list for sustainable food consumption in the future (3)How to improve exchange between policy-makers & researchers for evidence-based policy-making Please select one pin-wall and start discussion After 20’, please to go the next pin-wall  you can give input at all pin-walls, total time is 1 hour At each pin-wall: Rapporteur will shortly introduce topic (2’) Participants write down their ideas/input on moderation cards (10’) Discussion among participant on highlights, etc (8’)

16 funded in Thank you for your attention!

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