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What every student and parent should know about financial aid!

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1 What every student and parent should know about financial aid!

2 Topics We Will Discuss Tonight!
Why go to college. How to pay for college. How to apply for federal student aid

3 Cost of Attendance Comparison Worksheet 2014-2015 Academic Year
School Cal State Long Beach UCLA USC Cypress College Tuition & Fees (Full time) $6,240 $12,685 $42,800 $1,104 Room & Board $10,862 $10,236 $12,078 $4,347 Books & Supplies $1,656 $1,509 $1,500 Transportation $1,326 $1,401 $580 $1,071 Miscellaneous Cost $2,522 $1,629 $900 $3,114 Total COA $22,606 $28,775 $57,858 $11,292

4 Paying For College Costs include tuition, books, supplies, fees, and living expenses. Types of aid: Grants. Scholarships. Loans. Work- Study. California Dream Act.

5 What is Financial Aid? Money Given, Paid or Loaned to help pay for college
Gift Aid- Grants and Scholarships Free Money you do not have to pay back! Self- Help Aid Work- Study: Money that a student earns by working at a job on campus. Loans: Money borrowed and must be repaid.

6 What is Financial Aid? (cont.)
2 Categories of Financial Aid: Need-based- Financial Aid based on your financial situation. Merit-based (or Non-need)- Financial Aid based on your grades, test scores, majors, hobbies, and special talents (artistic, athletic, etc.).

7 Sources of Aid Federal State Private/Public

8 What is the Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
Amount family can reasonably be expected to contribute Stays the same regardless of college Two components Parent contribution Student contribution Calculated using data from a federal application form and a federal formula

9 What is Financial Need Cost of Attendance
– Expected Family Contribution = Financial Need

10 Federal Aid 2014-2015 Federal Pell Grant: Max Award: $5,645 per year.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Max Award: $250-$1,000 per year. Federal Stafford Loans Subsidized. 1st year $3500 Per Year 2nd year $4500 Per Year 3rd year $5500 Per Year 4th year $5500 Per Year Unsubsidized. 1st year $6000 Per Year 2nd year $6000 Per Year 3rd year $7000 Per Year 4th year $7000 Per Year

11 State Aid What is a Cal Grant?
Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver (Community College’s Only) Pays For Cost of: Tuition. $15 discount on parking pass at Cypress College. *No minimum units required* What is a Cal Grant? Cal Grant awards are state funded monetary grants given to students to help pay for college expenses. The awards do not have to be paid back.

12 Cal Grant (continued) amounts are based on full year of attendance
What are the three types of Cal Grants? Cal Grant A: Is for students attending a four- year college/university in California. Grant A: $9,223 at Independent Schools & Colleges. $12,192 at UC Schools. $5,472 at CSU Schools. amounts are based on full year of attendance

13 Cal Grant Cal Grant B: Pays up to $1,473 per year while you are attending a California Community College. Cal Grant C: For two-year vocational students. The maximum Cal Grant C award at California Community College’s is $547 per year.

14 How to apply for Cal Grant
Step One: Fill out and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by. Need to submit a GPA verification form by. High school seniors and first year college freshman need your high school GPA verified from the high school you graduated from. MARCH 2nd

15 California Dream Act The Dream Act is really two laws that were passed in 2011 and allow AB 540 students to apply for and receive several types of financial aid Board of Governors Fee Waivers to waive enrollment fees. State financial aid including Cal Grants and Chafee grants. Assistance from EOPS, CARE, or CalWorks. Privately-funded scholarships.

16 AB 540 Students You are an AB 540 student, and exempt from paying non-resident enrollment fees, if you meet all of the following criteria: Graduated from a California high school, received a GED or passed the California Proficiency Exam. Attended a California high school for at least 3 years. Are registered or enrolled at a California community college and/or university. If required, complete an affidavit saying you have filed or will file when you are eligible for legal immigration status.

17 Requirements to Receive Federal Student Aid
Must be a U.S. Citizen or eligible non-citizen. Must have a high school diploma or GED. Males 18 years of age and older are required to register for Selective Service (Military).

18 How to Apply- WWW.FAFSA.ED.GOV

19 Information needed to fill out the FAFSA
Independent students need W-2’s and federal tax transcripts for 2013. Dependent students need their W-2’s and federal tax transcripts for 2013 and their parent’s W-2’s and federal tax transcripts for 2013.

20 Determining Dependency Status
Were you born before January 1, 1991? At the beginning of school year, will you be working on a master’s or doctorate program? As of today are you married? Do you have children who receive more than half of their support from you? Do you have dependents (other than your spouse) who receive more than half of their support from you, now and through June 30, 2014? Are both of your parents deceased, or are you or were you (until age 18) a ward/dependent of the court? Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed forces?

21 Dependency Status continued…
You are considered an Independent student if you answer Yes to one or more of the previous questions. You are considered Dependent on your parents if you answered No to all of the previous questions.

22 Key things to remember while filling out the FAFSA
Fill your name out as it appears on your social security card. Do not leave drug eligibility question blank. If you are an eligible non-citizen then you must provide and alien registration number. Dependent students are required to provide parents SSN, last name, first initial as it appears on their SS card and DOB.

23 Key things to remember while filling out the FAFSA
Do not leave any blanks, put zeros (0) if not applicable. Be sure to sign your application using your pin number or by printing out a signature page and mailing it. Dependent students also need a parents signature on their application. Don’t forget to enter a school code. Cypress College School Code:

24 Financial Aid Enrollment Status
12 or more units = full-time units = ¾-time units = ½-time units = Less than ½ time Award amount depends on eligibility & units enrolled

25 Identify Additional Sources of Funds
Consider other programs at your college: EOP/EOPS, DSPS, HONORS, etc. Apply for Scholarships in your field of study: Free Search engines such as

26 “I Wish I had Known About…”
Financial Aid Consultants: Assistance is Free! Never Pay! Signs of Scholarship Scams: As a general rule, if you must pay money to get money, it might be a scam. Financial Aid Myths: Income is too high, shouldn’t bother to apply. Sibling didn’t qualify, neither will I. I missed the March 2nd Cal Grant deadline, it’s too late to apply.

27 Frequent FAFSA Errors Social Security Numbers
Divorced/remarried parental information Income earned by parents/stepparents Untaxed income U.S. income taxes paid Household size Number of household members in college Real estate and investment net worth

28 End of General Session Powerpoint is available on the Cypress College Financial Aid Website  “Admissions & Financial Aid”  “Financial Aid”  Look for the link on the financial aid homepage

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