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Children and youth in transitional society - Analysis of situation in Slovenia and municipality of Celje.

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Presentation on theme: "Children and youth in transitional society - Analysis of situation in Slovenia and municipality of Celje."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children and youth in transitional society - Analysis of situation in Slovenia and municipality of Celje

2 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 2 Municipality of Celje – 94,9 km2

3 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 3 The population SloveniaCelje The population1.964.03648.840 Men985.57623.688 Women1.005.46025.152

4 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 4 Statistics for Celje Gender– totalMenWomen Age488402368825152 0 – 420281034994 5 – 920451064981 10 – 14223911291110 15 – 19271113861325 20 – 24330017411559 0 - 241232363545969 25 – 34734537793566 35 – 44731436243690 45 – 54780939683841 55 – 64600228583144 65 – 74458820002588 75 – 8429429661976 85 – 94484132352 95 – 100+33726

5 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 5 Types of families Number of families Families without children 1 child2 children3 or more children Slovenia 555.945127.642208.018181.86538.420 Celje 13.9383.3755.8424.1565.65

6 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 6 Types of families Mothers living with children Fathers living with children Slovenia89.68314.609 Celje2.774412

7 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 7 Social status of families with children in municipality of Celje Payment of kindergarten → chart Payment rage – percentage of payment Number of childrenPercentage of children No payment247*17,3 1. - 10%25317,7 2. – 20%26418,4 3. – 30%20914,6 4. – 40%1389,6 5. – 50%14610,2 6. – 60%1047,3 7. – 70%433,0 8. – 80%271,9 Total:1431100

8 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 8 Subsidising of school meals Primary schools  all students have morning snacks, 59% of students have lunches at schools. State budget  0,48 EUR for a morning snack. 25% of all students on primary schools have subsidised meals. Many students are not achieving criteria  they can not recieve subsidy, although many live on the edge of poverty.

9 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 9 Our task: Assuring conditions for healthy and quality life for all generations!

10 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 10 The most sensitive population are children and adolescents!

11 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 11 Children and adolescents have problems and needs  local community has to be aware of this How to achieve objectives?  Governmental and nongovernmental institutions must unite!  Only professional and responsibile work can contribute to raise quality in life of children.

12 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 12 Healthy way of living in Celje 5 pediatricians 6 school dentists 3 orthodontists 1 child psychiatrist 12 dentists for children  Year 2005  2320 health examinations were made  children aged 14 or less  Year 2005  4127 health examinations were made  young people aged 14 to 29

13 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 13

14 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 14 Suicides in Celje 1985 – 1999  3 boys and 1 girl aged from 10 – 14 committed suicide. 1985 – 1999  33 boys and 12 girls aged from 15 – 19 committed suicide

15 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 15 Access to education Preschool children  1431 children are engaged in organised form of preschool education. Primary schools  3169 children are visiting primary schools in municipality of Celje. 129 children with special needs High schools  9827 high school students are visiting high schools in municipality of Celje. Music school  527 pupils (16,6% of all pupils) and 78 high school students ( 0,7% of all high school students).

16 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 16 Traffic protection, protection from neglect, violence and abuse 30 criminal offences were committed by children under age of 14! In 21 cases children under age of 14 were victims! Traffic accidents: -9 children under the age of 7 -12 children aged from 14 to 16 -56 adolescents aged from 16 to 18 -798 young adults aged from 18 to 24

17 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 17 What can we do? Prevention and education in road trafic: -Protective initiatives -Protection of children on their school ways -Driving licences for bicycles -Competition: “What do you know about traffic?” -Performing lectures at schools….

18 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 18 Protection from neglect, violence and abuse Center for social work Celje Crisis center for young people Maternal home Safety house Safety points (10)

19 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 19 QUALITY SPARE TIME – sport associations Municipality of Celje every year co-finances 67 sport associations. Age of membersNumber of members 0 – 6474 6 – 111121 11 – 151175 15 – 20992 Total:3762

20 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 20 Cultural associations Municipality of Celje every year co-finances 44 cultural associations, which have 323 members under age of 20.

21 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 21 Safe and kind playgrounds for children! -All kindergartens -Primary school – 19 playgrounds -High school – 9 playgrounds -30 playgrounds outside city center

22 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 22 Company scholarships School yearytt2t2 y * t 2003/04 239 11 2004/05 193 24386 2005/06 183 39549 Total: 615 6141174

23 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 23 Calculation of trend: School year 2003/04 → 239 School year 2004/05 → 193 School year 2005/06 → 183 T = trend T(2006/07) = 149 T(2010/11) = 37

24 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 24 Zoisove scholarships Scholarships for most talented students → Number of candidates 2003/04 115 Number of scholarships 2003/04 31 Number of candidates 2004/05 86 Number of scholarships 2004/05 27

25 Lap's & Rap's Javni zavod Socio Celje 25 Unemployment: 4.258 unemployed people in Celje → 1.062 (25,3%) under the age of 25 and 699 (15,5%) from the age of 25 to 30.

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