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October 3-4 I can retest the standards I did not master on the unit test. I can apply before, during, and after reading strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "October 3-4 I can retest the standards I did not master on the unit test. I can apply before, during, and after reading strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 3-4 I can retest the standards I did not master on the unit test. I can apply before, during, and after reading strategies.

2 Grammar Semicolon rule #3 ▫Use a semicolon with items in a series that require many, many commas.  EXAMPLE: I’ve been to London, England; St. Andrews, Scotland; and Paris, France.

3 Practice 1.At Halloween we gave out Reese's, Snickers, and Crunch bars, gumballs, caramels, and taffy, and apples and candy corn. 2.We have lived in Athens, Ohio Paris, Idaho and Rome, Georgia. 3.Morning T.V. shows are hosted by Maria Shriver, CBS Bryant Gumbel, NBC and David Hartman, ABC.

4 Answers 1.At Hallowe'en we gave out Reese's, Snickers, and Crunch bars; gumballs, caramels, and taffy; and apples and candy corn. 2.We have lived in Athens, Ohio; Paris, Idaho; and Rome, Georgia. 3.Morning T.V. shows are hosted by Maria Shriver, CBS; Bryant Gumbel, NBC; and David Hartman, ABC.

5 Vocab Make sure you review the vocabulary words form the last 3 quizzes.

6 Retest Look at the standards listed next to your name. ▫If the standard is highlighted, you have the choice to retest that particular standard.  Even though you have the choice, if you retest and answer correctly it will raise your grade. ▫If the standard is NOT highlight, you MUST complete those standards.

7 Analysis of Retest Check your answers on your answer sheet! ▫Fill out the standard sheet for the retest. Staple your original answer sheet and standard sheet together with your retest answer sheet, retest standard sheet, and list of standards highlighted/non highlighted slip of paper.

8 Color Activity Track a particular color that was used in the novel. Notice how Fitzgerald uses the color and the character(s) it relates to. For example: Fitzgerald often uses red when Tom is in a scene. What connection can be made between the color and the character? What do we perceive about the color red? Use the color meaning chart to help. agan/Filemanager_Public_Files/meaningofcolors.htm Now discuss with your table the colors and the characters. Why do you think color and character development was used so predominately by Fitzgerald?

9 Read “Everyday Use” 1.From the dream, what can you infer about the relationship between the narrator and Dee? (page 104) 2.The narrator’s activities are part of her rural way of life. What personality traits do you think her physical traits reveal? (page 104) 3.Mama’s memories emphasize differences between Dee and Maggie and provide background for conflicts. What does Mama show about her closeness to her daughters? (page 104) 4.Why does Mama resent Dee reading to her and Maggie? (page 105) 5.What does Mama’s narration on page 105 tell you about her childhood? 6.What does Dee’s desire for “nice things” and her confidence in overcoming disaster suggest about her? (page 105) 7.What can you infer about Maggie’s feelings based on her actions when the man tries to hug her? (page 106) 8.Which detail tells you that Mama and Maggie are still using the churn to make butter? (page 107) 9.How does Maggie handle the conflict over the quilts with Dee? What does her approach say about her? (page 108) 10.What effect do you think Mama wants her actions to have on Maggie?

10 Finish After reading ▫Design a quilt square that represents an item that is important in your life. The quilt square will be graded for neatness, creativity, and effort. Make sure you name is on the back of the square.

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