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Maritime Security An Introduction Michael McNicholas.

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1 Maritime Security An Introduction Michael McNicholas

2 Chapter 1 Sample PowerPoint Presentation

3 AMSTERDAM BOSTON HEIDELBERG LONDON NEW YORK OXFORD PARIS SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYO Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Copyright © 2008, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

4 Maritime Security Chapter 1 Commercial Seaports and Modes of Maritime Transport

5 In This Chapter The functioning and operations of different types of terminals The roles and activities of key private-sector stakeholders The impact and role of the development of the container and intermodalism The origins and development of modern commercial shipping The types and functioning of modern commercial ships

6 Introduction Shipping started with people crossing rivers and floating with the flow of water Traders began trading their goods at different locations along the river These locations became popular trading spots and the foundations of our modern ports

7 Commercial Seaports Seaports provide support to vessels and allow cargo operations There are four types of Terminals: ▫Container Terminals ▫Bulk Cargo Terminals ▫Cruise Ship Terminals ▫Nontraditional Terminals

8 Container Terminal Specifically caters to the needs of Container vessels Provide ample staging area, specialized equipment and skilled manpower

9 Containers 20 or 40 feet long 8 feet wide 8’ 6” high Trailers - containers with a fixed chassis

10 History of Containers Cargo was stacked loose or on pallets Stored in hatches below decks Loaded and unloaded via conveyor belts, physical manpower, ship cranes, or nets. Used to be very dangerous, cargo was frequently damaged, operations were very slow Today it takes 12 hours to do what it took 3 to 5 days with break-bulk cargo

11 Advantages of Containers Most efficient, safe and flexible method to transport cargo Container offers protection from adverse weather and water and handling damages Multiple shippers with small loads can consolidate the cargo into a single container

12 Container Terminal Equipment Gantry Crane Mobile Crane Rubber Tire Gantry Crane Straddle Crane Shuttle Carrier Top-Pick Reachstacker Side-Pick Terminal Tractor Container Flat-Bed Chassis Bomb Cart

13 Gantry Crane This large crane has a boom that is capable of extending over the beam of the vessel in order to lower the container into a cargo vessel It is most commonly on rail tracks in order to move

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