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The Horror Film  Horror films tend to be viewed with critical disdain for a number of reasons:  Predictability of form and content  Low budgets and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Horror Film  Horror films tend to be viewed with critical disdain for a number of reasons:  Predictability of form and content  Low budgets and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Horror Film  Horror films tend to be viewed with critical disdain for a number of reasons:  Predictability of form and content  Low budgets and poor production values  Targeting an adolescent audience  Variety of generic sources and subgenres  Fantasy worlds – little connection with social or political issues  Dependence upon blood, gore, viscera for effect  Conservative attitudes towards morality and sexuality

2 The Horror Film “The horror film has consistently been one of the most popular and, at the same time, the most disreputable of Hollywood genres. The popularity itself has a peculiar characteristic that sets the horror film apart from other genres: it is restricted to aficionados and complemented by total rejection, people tending to go to horror films either obsessively or not at all” Robin Wood, American Nightmare

3 The Horror Film  Why are horror films popular with audiences?  Stability of form and content provides a predictable set of pleasures  Ability to merge with other genres eg crime, sci-fi  Emphasis on the impossible and the uncanny  Taboo or forbidden subject matter  The attraction of fear

4 The Attraction of Fear  Psychological:  Iconography often linked to primal fears eg darkness, knives, masks  Return of repressed desires, especially violent and sexual urges  Fascination with the body and its fragility  Sex and sexuality as key themes  Ultimately reassuring – the diegesis is governed by set rules, chaos is brought under control  Questions of morality

5 The Attraction of Fear  Social:  The diegesis represents ‘normality’; the monster stands in opposition to this  Often based around contemporary social fears and tensions  Ultimately, society is able to contain and control the ‘abnormal’  Issues of science, technology, religion and psychology as social ‘narratives’  More recently, the family and middle-class lifestyles have been examined as a source of horror

6 Some Horror Trends 1. Traditional, gothic horror 2. Sci-fi horrors 3. Stalk and slash horror 4. Psychological horror

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