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1 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Energy Consumption Reduction Tool Angelo Frascella, Marco.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Energy Consumption Reduction Tool Angelo Frascella, Marco."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Energy Consumption Reduction Tool Angelo Frascella, Marco Zambelli, Piero De Sabbata

2 2 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 From DoW and Planning Timeline: December 2011 (M2) – October 2012 (M12) Goal of Task: a guide for helping industries in reducing their energy consumption … will help to qualify each activity in terms of its energy consumption (low, medium, high) and to associate to the highest energy consumption some actions to reduce them. The aim is to help industries in effecting an auto-diagnosis of the consumption, in order to pave the way for the employ of ARTISAN system without obliging them to pay for external energy audit. Brief Description of Work: – Definition of a best practices list (worked out starting from literature, ENEA experiences and energy audits of Task 1.2) for identifying the main consumption sources. This best practice list will be the initial version of the guide. These requirements will provide specifications for an interactive tool for qualify activities in term of energy consumptions and suggesting some actions for improving them; – Design and implementation of an interactive version of the guide. This interactive tool will receive data by manual input; – Testing, with PIACENZA, of the usability and of usefulness of the tool and revision of the tool itself; – Definition of an interface between the measurement infrastructure and the tool, in order to provide automatic feed for the tool; 2

3 3 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 From DoW and Planning Timeline: December 2011 (M2) – October 2012 (M12) Goal of Task: a guide for helping industries in reducing their energy consumption … will help to qualify each activity in terms of its energy consumption (low, medium, high) and to associate to the highest energy consumption some actions to reduce them. The aim is to help industries in effecting an auto-diagnosis of the consumption, in order to pave the way for the employ of ARTISAN system without obliging them to pay for external energy audit. Brief Description of Work: – Definition of a best practices list (worked out starting from literature, ENEA experiences and energy audits of Task 1.2) for identifying the main consumption sources. This best practice list will be the initial version of the guide. These requirements will provide specifications for an interactive tool for qualify activities in term of energy consumptions and suggesting some actions for improving them; – Design and implementation of an interactive version of the guide. This interactive tool will receive data by manual input; – Testing, with PIACENZA, of the usability and of usefulness of the tool and revision of the tool itself; – Definition of an interface between the measurement infrastructure and the tool, in order to provide automatic feed for the tool; 3

4 4 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 The (possible) targets ‘ non Artisan’ firm – goal: awareness, which are my critical points/savings from energy management – manual input, few input parameters – incremental approach – mainly qualitative answers – large role for best practices ‘Artisan’ firm – goal: fine ‘tuning’ of the energy uses, – full (detailed) and automatic data input – analitical but comparative analysis – effectiveness of a ‘social’ dimension for comparison (do we want it? It is to avoid a duplicate of the Artisan system) – relevance of ‘external conditions’ (is it a decision support on external electric market offers?)

5 5 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 How to achieve goals Repository of (static) suggested best practices in industry; with a (small?) sub-section addressed to textile industry Evaluation of process independent consumption Evaluation of process dependent consumption and… external conditions? case repositories? Case description Analysis and discovery Proposed Hints Cost/Benefit evaluation ?

6 6 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Use cases Non Artisan firm.. – Level 1. first assessment of macro-indices against benchmark basic input data: yearly energy consumption (electric, gas, coal, oil..), production process (choose process and type of final product, fill its quantity,..) building (surface, volume, type of insulation…) Response: your positioning, tipical ‘pattern’ of consumption in your process/building, which areas should you investigate … – get information about ‘generic’ best practices for your process/building – Level 2. in depth analysis on a single issue (building, phases of the process…): choose one out of a set of probably critical phases of your process supply a list of data for such (single) phase/machine get positioning against a (specific) benchmark, get hints and possible intervention (different for each phase)

7 7 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Use cases/2 Artisan firm.. Level 2, in depth analysis (level 1 is probably skipped) – Step 1. login and connection setup – Step 2. get all actual input data via automatic dat exchange from ARTISAN system – Step 3. for each area/phase fine comparison against benchmark/stored cases (a community of anonymous users?) – Step 4. point out of ‘over consuming’ phases – Step 5. getting ‘generic’ hints and best practices for such phases Be careful: this is not THE ARTISAN system…!

8 8 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 In depth: Evaluation of non process related consumption

9 9 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 The thermal balance of an industrial building is algebraic sum of: + Entry heat (heating but also engines) - Dispersed heat (opaque surfaces, transparent surfaces, air changes) Input data needed for evaluating building efficiency: o Building Volume o Building surfaces o Features of opaque surfaces (materials and thickness) o Features of transparent surfaces (materials, constructive features, …) o Number of changes of air (needed by machines and by people) o Average Thermal Jump between external and internal environment o Number of days of heating functioning per year o Energy consumption Evaluation of building efficiency

10 10 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 On the base of the previous data the efficiency of the building is easily evaluable using existing benchmark tables If consumption is higher with respect to the expected ones a guided path could be proposed to the firm operator in order to identify possible improvement of the building Evaluation of building efficiency

11 11 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 In depth: Evaluation of process related consumption

12 12 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Evaluation of process related consumption

13 13 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 On a first approximation, the evaluation of global consumption could be looking at – Total Consumption of Electricity (T CE ) – Total Consumption of Heat (T CH ) – Total Consumption of Water (T CW ) Eventually compressed air consumption can be evaluated (even if they are electrical consumptions) Macro-indices where α are the m 2 of fabric produced

14 14 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 At this level the evaluation will be rough but it will require few minutes – The tool could require to the user, what kind of fabric the firm produces (e.g. high quality for man) and what are the global consumptions – The output, even if not detailed, could persuade the user that the problem has to be deepened Macro-indices

15 15 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Indeed, the following step would require to the user many data and many time (and, may be, a measurement campaign on the plant). The second level indices, in fact, are referred to single process steps: The tool should also guide the user in the measurement campaign The analysis could be performed on a single step at a time At the end the result will indicate what are the really energivorous steps and what improvement could help the firm to get better efficiency levels Second level indices StepIndex Warping EnergyWEEI=E w /T EC …… Wet Finishing

16 16 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 The previous points can help the firm without ARTISAN But a firm with ARTISAN measurement infrastructure could perform directly the second level analysis without the need for manual input of data; Anyhow, if a step would result too expensive from an energy point of view, the tool could – examine each parameter (yarn thickness, weft, engine power, speed of processing) and try a more analytical analysis OR – suggest generic best practices Micro-indices Decision point

17 17 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Requirements and discussion On-line service based tool User identification and local session data storage (a multiple sessions process –for example for data to be collected-) User data privacy and confidentiality (might it work without storing data?) Affordable fine grain benchmark data (are available and meaningful?) Community dimension? (reduced: best performer data collection) View on current external market conditions? Multiple language support (English; later Greek, Italian, German) Modularity and reusable services Hints could deal with plant improvements (or in depth analysis?) Cost/benefits evaluation module? SW: procedural (conventional) application or rule based approach?

18 18 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Thanks for your attention

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