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© 2008 David Coyote David Coyote’s Den Presents Warty and The Princess in Hawai’i Slides advance at 30 second intervals, or by clicking anywhere on the.

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2 © 2008 David Coyote David Coyote’s Den Presents Warty and The Princess in Hawai’i Slides advance at 30 second intervals, or by clicking anywhere on the screen. Day 4

3 © 2008 David Coyote Day Four How time flies when I'm napping. And eating. I am improving both skills. I slept so soundly. I'll attribute it to leaving our lanai door open all night and hearing the sound of the waves. What a soothing experience...what a marvelous melody! Well, I'm sure that I didn't sleep all day, unless one can gain weight while sleeping. Perhaps the scale in the bathroom wasn't accurate? Hmmmm. Time for a small snack if I'm to keep up my energy. Darn! These leis seem to have broken their ties! Oh well...must have been a weak spot in the strings.

4 © 2008 David Coyote Maybe it's best to not mention this to the Princess. She just said something under her breath that sounded like, "...time he lost a little weight." Then again, maybe she said, "...time he had a little more on his plate?" Yeah...that was it. Yeah. A nice surprise awaited my eyes on my way down to breakfast. Clouds that had hidden the top of Mauna Loa had lifted and I could see the summit and long almost silhouette curve against the far horizon. I wonder how many know that Mauna Loa is the largest mountain on earth...that if empty, the entire mass of the Sierra Nevada mountains couldn't fill it? From ocean floor base to top, it's well over 30,000 feet and still growing. See? I read the brochures. Take a look....

5 © 2008 David Coyote We went back to the beach cabanas and relaxed (I didn't say napped) for a few hours. A wonderful day for relaxing. Later, when walking through the fern garden, look who popped up to say hello. "Hello gecko," I says, "I hope your day is as swell as mine!"

6 © 2008 David Coyote He (or she) didn't respond. Geckos are keep-to-themselves kind of creatures. The one looked so slim that I hoped a bug would volunteer to be a meal. Since the Princess was having photo inspirations I accompanied her around the resort while she snapped more than a few beautiful shots. We were right outside the restaurant, the Canoe House. I was ready to stop in for a small snack but they were closed until five that afternoon. Just my luck.

7 © 2008 David Coyote Instead, we returned to our room, reviewed the photos and packed up some of our belongings instead of leaving them for the last moment. I sat on our lanai and looked out over that ever-changing ocean, wondering about all the people who'd arrived by sea. For a moment I had a somewhat disturbing feeling that maybe I'm not as adventurous as I'd like to believe. Then again, maybe I am.

8 © 2008 David Coyote It is a spectacular view. I knew I'd sit there again the next day. After breakfast. And then again after dinner. I'm a little tired now so I think I'll, well, you know what I'm thinking. Ready for tomorrow? It's our last full day in Paradise. Until then, I'm always yours, Warty, the Alii Hog

9 © 2008 David Coyote Close this presentation to return to News Index and select the next show. David Coyote’s Den News Index www.dcoyote.comNews Index

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