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Energy Efficiency – The hidden resource that gives new life to old buildings Hans Nilsson FourFact AB eceee IEA DSM-Programme 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Efficiency – The hidden resource that gives new life to old buildings Hans Nilsson FourFact AB eceee IEA DSM-Programme 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Efficiency – The hidden resource that gives new life to old buildings Hans Nilsson FourFact AB eceee IEA DSM-Programme 1

2 The EU Challenges 1. Sustainable Development 3. Security of supply 2. Competitivness KyotoMoscow Lisbon Renewables Efficiency Dialogue Storage Diversification Internal market Interconnections 2

3 3 Source:

4 NEBs (Non Energy Benefits) Sources:

5 Multiple Benefits have several values Macroeconomic Public budget Health and well- being Industrial sector Energy delivery the value of productivity and operational benefits to industrial companies were integrated into their traditional calculations, the payback period for energy efficiency measures dropped from 4.2 to 1.9 years. by making homes warmer, drier and healthier, energy efficiency measures can dramatically improve health and well-being. When monetised, for example through the cost of medical care or innovative metrics such as the value of lost work time or child care costs caused by illness, these benefits can boost returns to as much as four dollars for every one dollar invested

6 The potential for energy savings Source: 6

7 The potential is HUGE Over an investment cycle (Buildings – long (decades); Industry – short (decade); Transport – Medium) Benefit is normally underestimated (comfort, security, robustness is not accounted for) Costs are normally overestimated (market learning, routine development is seldom regarded) Planning is normally absent (Building declarations, Management Systems) since it is not required or stringently applied 7

8 Source: Energistyrelsen, Denmark 8

9 9 Source:

10 10

11 11 Source:

12 Result (Efficiency) = Potential technology, time * Acceptance time; exposure The Potentials are there – go for the Acceptance

13 Barriers or…..?? 13 Source: ?! ? !

14 The Issue… Is not…. Awareness (People know that we are wasting energy and roughly also where) Motivation (People want to save energy) Is…. Empowerment (People do NOT know HOW to do it) 14 Measures and prospects have to be framed according to how people think and act.

15 What the customer wants! Light, Power, Heat Installation Energy (kWh) What the customer ought to get! Light, Power, Heat A different Installation Less Energy (fewer kWh) Comptences to make the changes Insulation, ventilation, cooling, heating, building, electricity, lighting, plumbing, solar shading, compressed air, control, ICT, etc. Energy efficiency is not difficult 15 …only complicated!

16 16 Source: Insulation, ventilation, cooling, heating, building, electricity, lighting, plumbing, solar shading, compressed air, control, ICT

17 Focus and Perseverance takes you to energy efficiency step by step Year 1 Main- tenance Year X Refurbishment Year N Main- tenance Year 3 Retooling Year 2 Main- tenance More and more efficient TIME Energy Audit No lost opportunities Different measures each time 17

18 Buildings - A fragmented business 18 Source: WBCSD

19 And finally… THANKS FOR LISTENING ! 19

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