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Treasurer’s Report CODALAND Business Meeting 18 th July 2015.

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1 Treasurer’s Report CODALAND Business Meeting 18 th July 2015

2 Type of Funds According to USA tax laws... Unrestricted funds – money can be spent on operational costs and any other expenses related to our mission and purpose (have flexibility). Restricted funds – money must be spent in certain ways on certain items and reported on accordingly (no flexibility).

3 Assets (money we have in our account now) Operating Checking account$ 60 346.75 Scholarship (Millie Brother/KODA)$ 20 131.19 Stipends$ 6 148.52 Equipment assets$ 4598.80 Accumulated Depreciation($ 2 988.00) Other assests$ 1 610.80 PayPal – GBP$ 57 302.03 TOTAL ASSETS$ 146 902.69

4 Unrestricted Funds (January – 31 st May 2015 income and expenditure) Conference Income$ 71 208.36 General Income (membership & interest) $ 3 991.27 TOTAL:$ 75 199.63 Current conference expenditure $ 39 978.47 General Expenses (accounting fees, bank charges, conference calls, website hosting) $ 5 777.53 TOTAL:$ 45 756.00 Note: We still have conference expenses that need to be paid. This is just a snapshot of our bank account. It is always fluctuating depending on the time of year and what support we are providing e.g. scholarships being funded Income Expenses NET TOTAL$ 29 443.63

5 Restricted Funds (January – 31 st May 2015 income and expenditure) Millie Brother Scholarship Fund$ 690.00 Outreach (supporter donation)$ 90.00 Stipends - Conference silent auction - Memorial fund supporter - General fund donation KODA Camp $ 4606.27 $ 85.00 $ 1375.00 ($1255.00) TOTAL$ 5 506.27 Millie Brother Scholarship Fund (includes sponsorship, recipients travel if applicable and operating costs) $ 9 349.00 TOTAL$ 9 349.00 Income Expenses NET TOTAL($3 842.73)

6 Volunteer Hours July 2014 – June 2015 (excluding the hours volunteered while at both CODAZONA and CODALAND conferences) 9 Board members = 5000 hours Average of 555 hours per year, per Board Member

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