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Based on their location on the periodic table define each of the following elements as metal, nonmetal, or metalloid AND predict some of the properties.

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Presentation on theme: "Based on their location on the periodic table define each of the following elements as metal, nonmetal, or metalloid AND predict some of the properties."— Presentation transcript:

1 Based on their location on the periodic table define each of the following elements as metal, nonmetal, or metalloid AND predict some of the properties you would expect to observe. Aluminum, Carbon, Copper, Magnesium, Silicon, Sulfur, & Zinc *** This is to be turned in with your LAB!

2 Lab Prep

3  Metals  Alkali Metals  Alkaline Earth Metals  Transition Metals  Metalloids  Non - Metals  Halogens  Noble Gases

4  Solid at room temperature  Malleable and ductile (can change shape)  Malleable = compress without breaking  Ductile = stretch without breaking  Good Conductors (thermal & electrical)  Luster (means they are shiny!)

5  Share characteristics of both metals & non – metals.  Semi – conductors

6  Insulators (poor conductivity)  Living organisms are mostly non-metals. (especially C, N, O, H)  Most of the compounds in your body contain carbon









15  Hydrochloric acid solution (HCl) is corrosive to eyes and skin.  Cupric chloride solution (CuCl 2 ) is toxic if ingested.  Avoid contact of all chemicals with eyes and all body tissues.  Wear chemical splash goggles and thoroughly wash hands after the experiment.

16  Color  Luster  Other physical properties: rough, smooth, rocky, flaky, flat, etc.  Malleable or brittle  DO NOT TOUCH with Hands!  Conductivity **** Record in table – BE SPECIFIC

17  Observe reaction with HCl  Observe reaction with CuCl 2

18  Using forceps, carefully remove the silicon samples and place them in the beaker labeled Si.  For all other samples, dump the contents of the spot plates into the tan pan by the sink.  Rinse out the spot plates and forceps with water, and dry them off with paper towels.

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