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THEME[ENV.2011.4.1.3-1]: Inter-operable integration of shared Earth Observation in the Global Context Duration: Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2014 Total EC.

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Presentation on theme: "THEME[ENV.2011.4.1.3-1]: Inter-operable integration of shared Earth Observation in the Global Context Duration: Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2014 Total EC."— Presentation transcript:

1 THEME[ENV.2011.4.1.3-1]: Inter-operable integration of shared Earth Observation in the Global Context Duration: Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2014 Total EC funding: 6,399,098.00 € Project Web Site: EC Grant Agreement no. 282915 GEOSS interoperability for Weather, Ocean and Water Weather, Ocean and Water Roberto Cossu ESA Hervé Caumont Terradue Project overview and new achievements for GEOSS GEO-X January 14 th, 2014

2 Digital Earth Communities A long-term vision for GEOSS - GCI evolution … …considering feedback from all the stakeholders___ More user categories data providers, data specialists, multidisciplinary scientists, decision makers More flexible architecture community components, resource enablers, innovation opportunities GEOWOW Vision ooooo 2

3 Digital Earth Communities A vision for GEOSS Present situation –expert scientific advice identifies the required datasets –discovery: from the GWP the datasets of interest –downloads of individual datasets to local computing –heavy algorithm management & chaining for each host workflow & data input Future GEOSS operations ? –expert scientific advice identifies the required datasets –assembly: needed datasets are assembled on demand into the GEOSS infrastructure (into a cloud?) –data as a service can live & remain ‘in the cloud’, for the application of algorithms and calculation of indicators –repeatable environments allow for easy updates (in time or with new concepts) & scientific sharing 3

4 Digital Earth Communities Components for Enhancing data discovery and access [Brokering Framework Evolutions] including result ranking and semantic-enriched search Components for Developing Enablers* [Developer Cloud Sandbox, Cloud Controller], for the development of geo- processing components that can interface HPC resources *Enablers are customizable according to community-specific characteristics GEOWOW components/enablers 4

5 Digital Earth Communities Think to … …. a sandbox in a playground where children can play with bucket and spade to build a castle Cloud Sandbox main concept A developer’s cloud sandbox includes also interfaces to Cloud services enabling data intensive analysis A virtual work environment in GEOSS where scientists can use dedicated tools to build/test and run new models/algorithms, with the ability to retry and modify 5

6 Digital Earth Communities Access to and sharing of the sandbox service Developer Cloud Sandbox service The scientist can access in a secure way the sandbox service and code a specific algorithm The scientist can manage the sandbox service through a simple interface, e.g., defining input parameters, triggering the algorithm execution, monitoring the processing status Community-specific clients are able to easily communicate input parameters, included input products, and invoke the execution of the algorithm (standard OGC WPS). The sandbox environment is sharable among trusted communities for e-collaboration Once the algorithm is “consolidated” it can be shared with the wider GEOSS community as a SaaS e.g. through the WPS interface 6

7 Digital Earth Communities Developer Cloud Sandboxes - Achievements 7

8 Digital Earth Communities Catalyzing resources Support researchers to compute indicators for policy makers Feed resources to Computing Clusters to run global & regional marine ecosystems assessments Take-up for future commercial applications (under ad-hoc conditions) Go through research oriented, not for profit, uses of TIGGE-LAM data in order to spread innovation Expand uses of ESA satellites data Development of new applications leveraging innovative uses of earth observations 8

9 Digital Earth Communities Capacity Building Ability to leverage ESGF’s CMIP5 Climate projections data, slice it and process it Support reproducibility of scientific experiments & open science Explore and visualize ECMWF data from integrated Cloud appliances Improve accessibility of key TIGGE data for a wide user community and better support ECMWF partner users Experiment with ENVISAT SCIAMACHY, global measuring of trace gases in the troposphere and in the stratosphere Towards integration of Earth Explorers missions: catalogs & processors on Cloud Sandboxes 9

10 Digital Earth Communities Data Sharing Ocean Biogeographical Information System (OBIS) Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme (TWAP) indices and indicators TIGGE and TIGGE LAM, THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble Limited Area Model ERA Re-Analysis archives ESA Missions data (archived and Earth Explorer) Earth System Grid Federation – Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) data 10

11 Digital Earth Communities USER PERSPECTIVES ESA’s experience using the sandbox 11

12 Digital Earth Communities Sandbox Experiments @ESA VEGetation ANalysis through MERIS time series Cryosat-2 analysis in preparation to Sentinel-3 SCIAMACHY mission reprocessing for mesospheric Sodium analysis Algorithm implementation, testing and evolution Use of cloud computing for massive data processing 12

13 Digital Earth Communities #1: Vegetation analysis through MERIS time series Some samples products are copied in the “sandbox” An SSH connection to the sandbox allow the scientist to implement the algorithm and define a workflow, installing any library of interest in the sandbox, e.g. “R”, MERIS toolboxes etc. The scientist tests the algorithm on few samples The scientist runs on the full dataset of interest (thousands of datasets) exploiting Cloud resources if needed R libraries For an easy access to data, metadata and workflow management Exploring Large Earth Observation Temporal Series for Land Change Events Detection 13

14 Digital Earth Communities Cryosat mission: three years of observations for climate research ESA has prepared a Processor Prototype generating: Radar Echogram SSH, SLA (W/O SSB), SWH, sigma0, wind speed The objectives of the experiment using the SANDBOX are: #2: Cryosat showcase to experiment in house research themes that will be further exploited in the ESA-funded R&D projects to provide expert users with consolidated SAR geo-products to get acquainted with the novelties and specificities of SAR Altimetry 14

15 Digital Earth Communities #3: Sciamachy Showcase The experiments allowed scientists to extent the results analysis obtained from a preliminary analysis (in the temporal frame 2002-2007) to the full archive of SCIAMACHY data (2002-2012). This gives the possibility to identify trends. Furthermore this analysis may allow the possibility to define a new inversion model for more accurate vertical profiles. Scientists are currently analyzing the obtained results. Retrieval of Mesospheric Sodium densities from SCIAMACHY daytime limb spectral 15

16 Digital Earth Communities PERSPECTIVES Developer Cloud Sandboxes – What’s next 16

17 Digital Earth Communities Coming next Have a focus on results dissemination: success stories, best practices, online tutorials & demos, and getting some external users on the GEOWOW Platform. 17

18 THEME[ENV.2011.4.1.3-1]: Inter-operable integration of shared Earth Observation in the Global Context Duration: Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2014 Total EC funding: 6,399,098.00 € Project Web Site: EC Grant Agreement no. 282915 GEOSS interoperability for Weather, Ocean and Water Weather, Ocean and Water Project overview and new achievements for GEOSS GEO X Plenary Geneva, 14 January 2014

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