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Development Education: Making Markets Work Bren Hellier and Veena Khaleque.

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Presentation on theme: "Development Education: Making Markets Work Bren Hellier and Veena Khaleque."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development Education: Making Markets Work Bren Hellier and Veena Khaleque

2 Our work in schools..  18,000 page views per month on out website from 7,000 teachers viewing our education material;  Curriculum review, new strategy and new opportunities to maintain our work in STEM subjects and to expand into Geography curriculum.

3 New work in Geography…  New section of the website attracting 800 page views  New Making Markets Work on line resource.

4 Meet Ashoka…  Ashoka lives in Birampur, Northern Bangladesh. She’s one of a group of people involved in producing and selling milk for their living.

5 Activity…  Ashoka has recently found ways to make more money from her cows.  How might she have done this?

6 Stakeholder meeting… Stakeholders invited to discuss the market chain Milk Farmers Goyalas (Milk Collectors) Milk Processors Feed Suppliers Grass Cultivators Paravets Equipment suppliers Large companies

7 We’ve learnt so much…

8 Thank you

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