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Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy Product modelling guidelines 2006 Structural type library database.

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Presentation on theme: "Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy Product modelling guidelines 2006 Structural type library database."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy Product modelling guidelines 2006 Structural type library database prototype in web Hannu Penttilä Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy

2 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy Building product modelling in construction  drawing and document oriented construction is slowly changing towards product model oriented activity, which spreads data management over the building life- cycle  slow transition is in the process

3 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy Building product modelling in construction  how to give guidelines for AEC-field for the changes  how to improve traditional process and agreements  how to achieve all advantages of product modelling  what does is the meaning to me ?  what does it require from me ?

4 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy Product model guidelines 2006 2006 2004 first guideline versions 2004 general guidelines architectural guidelines structural guidelines start spec. tech guidelines (HVAC+el) start project managament guidelines Seppo Niemioja’s architect guidelinesFinnmap’s structural guidelines Finnmap writes, Mittaviiva eds. company and software specific guidelines

5 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy General product modelling guidelines 2006 1PREFACE, ENGLISH SUMMARY, INTRODUCTION 2PRODUCT MODEL BASED BUILDING DESIGN Objectives, pre-requirements, benefits,possibilities and results CAD and product mdelling, management of design changes Changes to current design and construction process Tasks, responsibilities, contacts, legal issues 3PRODUCT MODELLING BASIC CONCEPTS Definitions Project participant viewpoints and different construction project types Product modelling phases Data transfer, data exchange interoperability and IFC 4 PRODUCT MODEL CONTENT DEFINITIONS Finnish Talo 2000 -coding system Project data, unique identification data CAD-layers, bldg floors, bldg spaces, bldg components and elements Product data structures, bldg component libraraes & structural types 5 CURRENT SOFTWARE - STATE OF THE ART (prod. mod. use & maintenance) Design software (CAD) Product model servers Checking and analyzing software for product model International R & D status 6PILOT PROJECT STATUS 7FURTHER DEVELOPMENT NEEDS 8REFERENCES & APPENDIXES Literature, guidelines, documents & weblinks IFC-data exchange standard CAD-layers in product model based projects (proposal) Talo 2000 -coding system brief Clients Contractors Owners Design teams Constructors Developers Users

6 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy Product model guidelines for architects 2006 1PREFACE, ENGLISH SUMMARY, INTRODUCTION 2PRODUCT MODEL BASED BUILDING DESIGN (ABSTRACT) 3PRODUCT MODELLING BASIC CONCEPTS (ABSTRACT) 4PRODUCT MODEL BASED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Architects tasks, requirements, responsibilities, contracts, legal issues Changes to current architectural design process, development steps The connection of architectural design with the building process Modelling methods and accurracy in architectural design 5PRODECT MODEL PHASES IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Pre-requirements phase Spatial model and its content Drauft building component model and its content Building component model and its content Construction element model and its content Maintenace model and its content 6PRODUCT MODEL CONTENT DEFINITIONS Modelling methods of building components in general Modelling methods in spatial model and draft building element model Modelling methods in building element model Spaces, complex and high spatial objects Bearing frame (foundations, slabs, horiz. structures, walls, columns, beams) External walls, builing envelope Additional, non-bearing structures (inner walls), windows, doors Spatial structures (floor, wall and roor surfaces, furniture, lowered ceilings) The modelling of joints and joining structures Free form structures and components Modelling methods in construction element model Modelling methods in maintenance model 7ARCHITECTURAL SOFTWARE - STARE OF THE ART 8FURTHER DEVELOPMENT NEEDS 9REFERENCES & APPENDIXES Architects Designers Design teams Constructors Clients

7 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy Product model guidelines tells...  who creates the product model  contract issues, responsibilities, and requirements will change  how product model data will be distributed in a product model based project  how the product model is created the right way  modelling spatial objects  modelling building components and elements  modelling joint structures

8 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy Product model guidelines tells...  contractors and project stakeholders will is essential  currently product modelling means  a decision, co-operation, commitments  project based contracts about product modelling content and volume  learning, education, guidelines  product model does not necessarily contain all product data  for instance drawing standards belong to drawings  building product model is not same as visual 3D-model  product model is a project data model

9 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy

10 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy What≈200 structural sections, database 2005 How Web-based prototype, new user needs and testing Why Benefits of product modelling ProIT–structural type library

11 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy Database format  property based searches  links to other databases (Rasi, TarviketietoNet, LifePlan)  different user views  harmonizing content with RT-types  harmonizing content with new Talo 2000 system ProIT–structural type library

12 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy Pick all external walls that have U-value better than 0,24 Search by  properties (U-value, fire class, noise insulation, thickness)  building components  Talo 2000 codes  material properties ProIT–structural type library Search process

13 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy ProIT–structural type library Talo2000 building component Sub-components (materials) Materials properties Properties Unique identifier

14 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy Structural components are linked to  TarviketietoNet -database  Rasi-code system  LifePlan life-cycle database Lifeplan Links to other databases ProIT–structural type library

15 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy Possible use cases Designer viewProduction viewData exchance (XML, PDF, DWG, IFC...)  search & selection of structures  validating possibilities  property based searches  selection of joining structures general product data for contractors  CAD-systems, IFC  prints, outputs, PDF  other databases ProIT–structural type library PDF muut tietokannat CAD IFC XML

16 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy ProIT–structural type libraryContent Now Future objectives

17 Guidelines and structural type library Hannu Penttilä and Sampsa Nissinen Mittaviiva Oy ProIT–structural type library Benefits & possibilities Product structures to be a part of design systems (CAD..)  product structure data tor designers (easy to use) Extending the structural type volume  plain structural sections  other building components and parts (room spaces, joint structures, windows, doors, columnts, beams,...) Linking benefirs  linking design data to real materials (builders, procurement)  networking with existing development work

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