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Information on Care Plans / Support Planning Anne Eve.

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Presentation on theme: "Information on Care Plans / Support Planning Anne Eve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information on Care Plans / Support Planning Anne Eve

2 Care Plans (Support Planning) Information to help the Service User make choices Information to help the person supported maintain as much independence as possible Information that has been gathered by involving the Service User in their plan [Support Plan] Plans that make a difference to the quality of a persons day to day life A blank copy of a Salford Support Plan is available – already being used for new admissions to homes Person Centred

3 Information on Plans must be:- Accurate and involve the person in writing them Upto date / current and reviewed regularly Easily accessible to the staff who need to see the documentation Easy to understand / clear Cover a range of areas about the individual – what things are important to them…. Detailed enough to mean something – “Outcome focussed”

4 FACT FILE Where I have lived in my life and when: e.g. Born / grew up / lived abroad / homes as an adult Important dates to me and why: e.g. Marriage / Birth of Children Important people in my life: e.g. Family / Particular Friends Good things that have happened to me in my life: Difficult times in my life: What I have achieved in my life: What I like to spend time doing these days: Things I consider I am good at: What is important to me when I am being cared for:

5 Getting to know me What things irritate me: What makes me happy / laugh: Pets Pets I have had in the past / been important to me : Leisure Hobbies I used to do but can no longer participate in: Hobbies I still enjoy: How I like to spend my leisure time now: Music I enjoy and songs that remind me of something: Films / TV I like to watch:

6 Food Favourite Meals / Drinks : Favourite fruit / sweet : Food I do not like : Memories Smells I like : Favourite perfume / aftershave : Smells that remind me of my past : Important objects that remind me of something / or someone important to me :

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