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The value of God’s kingdom Priceless Matthew 13 v44-46.

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1 The value of God’s kingdom Priceless Matthew 13 v44-46

2 What is valuable? Phone Motorbike Car Camera Xbox Thoughts and feelings Friendship Family Boy/Girlfriend

3 What makes something valuable? Value 1. A numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed. 2. The quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable. 3. The amount (of money or goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else. (Source:

4 Hidden treasure: found by accident Pearl: searched for Treasure: 2 Corinthians 4:1-7 Gospel: Mark 1:15 Receiving forgiveness through the grace of God God’s Holy Spirit bringing God’s righteousness to the world through His people The defeat of evil The defeat of death (John 17:3) Who finds it? What does it represent? Why is the Kingdom of God valuable?

5 What does it mean to sell everything? Hardships Put God’s Kingdom first in our lives (Luke 9:57-62, Matthew 16:24)

6 20TH CENTURY SAW 65% OF CHRISTIAN MARTYRS Conclusions of New Study Published in Italy ROME, ( The 20th century may have been the most striking in the annals of Christian martyrdom, and a new book shows it with numbers. In two millennia of Christian history, about 70 million faithful have given their lives for the faith, and of these, 45.5 million -- fully 65% -- were in the last century, according to "The New Persecuted" ("I Nuovi Perseguitati"). Italian journalist Antonio Socci presented his work today during a conference on "Anti-Christian Persecution in the 20th Century" held at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical Athenaeum… …Socci´s map of the current persecution highlights countries where Christians are dying for their faith. It includes the Molucca Islands of Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, Nigeria, East Timor, Cuba, the former Soviet republics, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries, Vietnam, China and others. According to the author, the two currents that fuel the persecution of Christians today are Communism and Muslim fundamentalism. Socci said that persecution of Christians is currently most severe in Sudan. (Source:, The Global catholic network) Nigeria: Pastors Beheaded On July 26, 12 Christians were killed, including three pastors, in northern Nigeria after members of the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram launched attacks on police and government bases, according to contacts at Voice of the Martyrs Canada. …Churches were set ablaze and several people were abducted, including Christians. Many believers were threatened with death if they refused to convert to Islam. According to media reports, assailants behead three pastors: Pastors Sabo Yukubu, Sylvester Akpan and Pastor George Orji… …The militants attempted to force the pastors to convert to Islam, but they refused to abandon their faith. They were then beheaded by guards who shouted "Allah Akbar" and fired several gunshots into the air in celebration. These recent reports of persecution in Northern Nigeria reflect the trials believers endure… (Source: Voice of the Martyrs - USA)

7 Response Do we want to know God? What is valuable to you? Are we full of joy about having found the treasure? Are we willing to put God first?

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