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Establishing Partnerships for Large Scale Management of the Ocean and Coastal Areas Chua Thia-Eng Regional Programme Director Chua Thia-Eng Regional Programme.

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2 Establishing Partnerships for Large Scale Management of the Ocean and Coastal Areas Chua Thia-Eng Regional Programme Director Chua Thia-Eng Regional Programme Director

3 What is PEMSEA Building on the foundation of an earlier project - Marine Pollution Prevention and Management in the East Asian Seas (MPP-EAS) 1994-1999 11 countries A GEF/UNDP/IMO Regional Programme on Building Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia 1999-present 12 countries The East Asian Seas

4 Intergovernmental, Interagency and Multisectoral Partnerships – Regional Level SDS-SEA: vision, strategies, objectives and action plans Partnership Council EAS Congress: triannual; ministerial forum, international conference

5 Intergovernmental, Interagency and Multisectoral Partnerships – Subregional Level Bohai Sea Manila Bay Gulf of Thailand Malacca Straits Institutional arrangements Coordinating mechanism Legislation International conventions (e.g., OPRC) Compensation/ Restoration FUND CLC Natural resource valuation Rehabilitation of habitats Response Protection techniques (booms & skimmers, dispersants, sand barriers) Clean up techniques (flushing, manual & mechanical removal/ relocation, sorbents, tilling, vacuum pumping, bioremediation) Network of oil spill facilities Risk assessment Retrospective RA (resources, habitats) Prospective RA (oil & grease, nutrients, heavy metals, PAH, etc.) IIMS Environmental Monitoring Oil spill modeling Water quality monitoring program Biodiversity monitoring IIMS Capacity Building Institutional Industry Oil spill contingency plan development for the Gulf of Thailand

6 Intergovernmental, Interagency and Multisectoral Partnerships – National Level Archipelagic Development Agenda of the Philippines  national policy development  stakeholders consultation  policy reforms  institutional arrangements  capacity development

7 Intergovernmental, Interagency and Multisectoral Partnerships – Local Level Interagency partnerships in Xiamen, China  coordinating mechanism  integrated law enforcement  integrated environmental quality monitoring  interdisciplinary scientific advisory panel  some results reduction of use conflicts improvement of habitats shorefront improvements Public-private partnerships  Batangas Bay Coastal Management Council, Batangas Province, Philippines  PPP on solid waste management in San Fernando City, Philippines

8  Xiamen Municipal Government  Planning Committee  Trade and Commerce Committee  City Construction Committee  Science & Technology Committee  Transport Committee  Structural Reform Committee  Haicang Management Committee  Social Security Department  Finance Department  Marine and Fisheries  Environment  Tourism  Planning  Maritime  Port Authority  Legal  Maritime Defense  Land, Natural Resources and Housing Marine Management OfficeScientific Advisory Panel Chair: Mayor Vice Chairs: Deputy Vice Mayors Coordinating Mechanism for Interagency and Stakeholders Collaboration and Partnerships – Xiamen, China Marine Management Coordination

9 Integrated Law Enforcement

10 Marine water quality improved Reduction of Use Conflicts Degraded marine habitats restored West Channel seascape improved

11 Reducing Ship and Port Pollution

12 Habitat Rehabilitation Fourteen (14) hectares covered since 1994 – Haichang Qinchio Village

13 Shorefront Improvement Before After

14 Thank You

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