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1 ROADS Services Training Group LOCAL AUTHORITY ROADS CONFERENCE 2015 Reforms, Challenges and Safety Treacys West County Hotel, Ennis, May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ROADS Services Training Group LOCAL AUTHORITY ROADS CONFERENCE 2015 Reforms, Challenges and Safety Treacys West County Hotel, Ennis, May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ROADS Services Training Group LOCAL AUTHORITY ROADS CONFERENCE 2015 Reforms, Challenges and Safety Treacys West County Hotel, Ennis, May 2015.

2 Reforms, Challenges and Safety Development of NRA MCDRW Series 900 Tom Casey & Edward Winterlich National Roads Authority

3 Why Change  Updating EN standards  CE Marking  Understanding DoP  Retrofitting EN to BS derived format  Terminology and format differences  CE Marking introduced to regulate mixtures (but not the Works)  Making a declaration and compliance sits with the manufacturer  Legal requirement with penalties for non compliance  Families of Products / Processes

4 Why Change  Contract Perspective Lack of transparency in test results Difficulty in resolving failures in timely manner Lack of understanding between “asphalt as a product” and “finished works incorporating an asphalt product” Discontinuity between production and site Investigation procedures disproportionate to majority of discrepancies

5 Why Change  Design Perspective  Ability of site specific design  Suite of materials with common approach  Better demonstration of value for money in chosen material  Analytical vs empirical basis  Easier to exploit material properties

6 Key Changes Product Type Reclaimed Asphalt Surface Treatments Miscellaneous Products Works

7 Objective  Make the Series easier to negotiate.  Make a clear distinction between products and the works  ‘As laid’ performance testing needed to confirm that the products supplied are consistent with the declared performance  The revision is part 1 of a 2 stage process

8 Objective (Stage 2)  Testing information gathered from the works  Assess the data gathered from the works to determine and set future achievable performance criteria  Also to ensure the products will perform to meet the CPR Basic Requirements for Construction Works which include,

9 Basic Requirements for Construction Works Mechanical Resistance Stability Safety Noise Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Fit for the Intended Use Durable for its expected life

10 Significant changes:- Layout and numbering R OAD P AVEMENTS – B ITUMINOUS M ATERIALS 1General Requirements and Definitions 2Preparatory Work 3Asphalt Concrete Products 4Hot Rolled Asphalt Products 5Stone Mastic Asphalt Products 6Porous Asphalt Products 7Surface Treatments 8Miscellaneous Products and Processes 9Reclaimed Asphalt 10Works 11Tables

11 AC products Performance based NOT grading / binder content for compliance 3.3.1General Grading presented as envelopes within which the manufacturer’s declared target grading must fall 3.3.3Binder Content minimum binder content minimum of 70% virgin binder when reclaimed asphalt is used 3.3.4Void Content The void content at design reported as V max and V min 3.3.5Water Sensitivity indication of mixture durability :ratio of the indirect tensile strength of wet (water conditioned) specimens to that of dry specimens 3.3.6Stiffness The stiffness of base and binder course design mixtures (Table 2) 3.3.7Temperature maximum temperature

12 AC products Performance based NOT grading / binder content for compliance 3.2.4Reclaimed Asphalt additional requirements of Clause 9 and Table 13a Permitted use not allowed in the any surface courses maximum amount shall be 30% 3.2.5Additives Additives may include : fibres, pigments and adhesion agents. suitability shall be demonstrated (IS EN 13108-1)

13 Hot Rolled Asphalt 4.2.1Binder petroleum bitumen in accordance with Table 14 4.2.2Aggregates Aggregates - general aggregates in accordance with Table 4 [ Note roundabout application ] 4.2.3Filler Reclaimed filler shall not be used for surface courses 4.2.5Reclaimed Asphalt Reclaimed asphalt not permitted in Hot Rolled Asphalt surface course mixtures 4.2.6Additives may include for example: fibres, pigments and adhesion agents. The suitability demonstrated (IS EN 13108-4)

14 Hot Rolled Asphalt 4.3.3Binder Content design binder content minimum binder content (Table 5) 4.3.4Void Content void content at target composition (Table 5) 4.3.5Water Sensitivity indication of mixture durability 4.3.6Deformation Resistance resistance to permanent deformation (Table 5) 4.3.7Temperature maximum temperature (Table 5) is declared on the CE Mark for the product

15 Stone Mastic Asphalt 5.1Mixture Designations The mixture designations include: 5.1.1SMA10surfPMB 65/105-60des 5.1.2SMA10 surf 40/60des 5.1.3SMA14 surfPMB 65/105-60des 5.1.4SMA14 surf40/60des NOTE: Mixture designations 5.1.2 and 5.1.4 above are not permitted on roads carrying greater than 100 commercial vehicles per lane per day. 5.2.2Aggregates Aggregates - general All aggregates shall be in accordance with the requirements of Table 7 [ NOTE: Fine Aggregate in Surface Courses Crushed rock fines of PSV 55 minimum ]

16 Stone Mastic Asphalt 5.3.2Compositional Grading target composition within the grading envelope (Table 8) 5.3.3Binder Content minimum binder content (Table 8) 5.3.4Void Content Void content V max and V min categories (Table 8) 5.3.5Water Sensitivity indication of mixture durability 5.3.6Resistance to Permanent Deformation resistance to permanent deformation (Table 8) 5.3.7Binder Drainage binder Drainage shall (Table 8) Where necessary stabilising additives (fibres) shall be added mandatory in mixture containing paving grade bitumen

17 Surface Treatments - Microsurfacing determined by visual inspection Producer assesses site and measures defects, by visual assessment, after one year of completion of the installation and at one year intervals thereafter for the five year ‘Design Working Life’ period, or period specified in Appendix 7/10 The Purchaser l monitor the performance levels of the microsurfacing during ‘Design Working Life’, and bring any defects to the attention of the Producer Shear Strength Unless otherwise specified in Appendix 7/10, the performance of the product’s bond to the substrate evaluated (surface shear strength test :prCEN/TS 12697- 51)

18 Surface Treatments - Microsurfacing 7.1.4Construction Products Regulation DoP, CE Mark, Type Approval Installation Trial and FPC information... shall be provided Production Control (FPC) Notified Body shall certify the FPC system of Product Type - Type Approval Installation Trial (TAIT) TAIT carried out on a site with similar characteristics and traffic category to that to be treated in the Contract. TAIT shall have been installed in accordance with the Producer’s certified Factory Production Control system of Performance (DoP) Producer shall provide the DoP Producer shall monitor the TAIT site and declare the period that the performance characteristics have been retained Marking Producer shall provide the CE Marking

19 Surface Treatments – Surface Dressing 7.2Surface Dressing Binder shall be in accordance Table 15 (minimum peak cohesion for PmB) 7.2.1General Recipe Surface Dressing (RSD) designed by the Employer [NRA HD 300 ; Clause 7.2.2 and Appendix 7/21] Surface Dressing Product (End Performance) designed and installed by the Producer CE marked and comply with Clause 7.2.3 and Appendix 7/3 RSD Employer design information including the product type shall be provided in Appendix 7/21 Additional requirements for the accuracy of distribution of both binder and aggregates tolerances on rates of spread (Clauses and

20 Surface Treatments – Surface Dressing 7.2.3Surface Dressing Product (End Performance) Requirements for constituents and composition Additional requirements for Works (Clause Designer responsible for the intended use as set out in this Clause and contained in Appendix 7/3 Producer responsible for : the surface dressing product (CE Marked) the performance - macrotexture and maximum levels of defects initial stability -capable of withstanding the normal traffic for the site when first opened TAIT documentation & evidence the period for which the performance characteristics have been retained surface dressing in accordance with IS EN 12271 and the requirements specified in Appendix 7/3. The performance of the design, materials and workmanship shall be maintained for a minimum period of five years, or the period specified in Appendix 7/3, from the date of completion of the Works. (‘Design Working Life’)

21 Surface Treatments – High Friction Surfacing 7.3High Friction Surfacing Rrequirements for Works are contained in Clause 10.2.4. Performance of the design, materials and workmanship maintained for a minimum period of five years, or the period specified in Appendix 7/10 The ‘Design Working Life’ Unless otherwise specified in Appendix 7/11, shall be one of the following: Cold binders (principally thermosetting products): Epoxy resin; Bitumen extended epoxy resin; Polyurethane; Polyurea; and Methyl methacrylate. Hot binders (thermoplastic products): Rosin ester; and Hydrocarbon resin. The binder shall comply with the requirements of Table 23a Manufactured or natural from a single source and free from foreign matter PSV and AAV requirements stated in Table 23b and Table 23c unless otherwise specified in Appendix 7/11.

22 Surface Treatments – High Friction Surfacing 7.3.3Performance Requirements provisional Type Approval Installation Trial (prTAIT) [Clause 1.6 and NRA HD 301] determined by visual inspection assessment over five year ‘Design Working Life( or period in Appendix 7/11) level of defects - Appendix 7/11 assessment over the ‘Design Working Life’ Contractor to ensure initial macrotexture depth sufficient to enable performance levels to be achieved Laying bond to the substrate : pull-off test in accordance with ASTM 1583 and the requirements of Table 23e broadcast systems- at the time of installation prior to application of aggregate screeded systems, - on site on the system.

23 Reclaimed Asphalt 9.RECLAIMED ASPHALT Only where asphalt plant has capability to add RA accurately procedures to record the quantity 9.1Source RA only contain mineral aggregate, filler and paving grade bitumen 9.2Classification and Description Suitability tests (Table 13a) Recovered binder content tests for penetration and softening point Inert if < 15 9.3Storage Labelled stockpiles; protected from rain, snow and direct sunshine Feedstock from different stockpiles treated separately (no cross-contamination) Requirements for bituminous mixtures same with / without RA Homogeneity of bituminous mixture determines the maximum RA amount

24 Reclaimed Asphalt 9.4Mixture Design mixtures with up to 10% Reclaimed Asphalt (Table 2) > 10% Reclaimed Asphalt (Table 13b) fresh binder added shall be a single designated paving combinations of grades shall not be permitted penetration and softening point of the combined fresh and active binder shall fall within the permitted range for the mixture designation 9.5Type Test report Individual Type Test reports for each mixture: percentage of RA proposed active binder content grade of fresh binder added 9.6Testing In addition to routine testing requirements (Table 13c) 9.7Traceability RA to be traceable through the production process Testing documentation from initial stockpile  final products

25 WORKS Laying conditions specific to Hot Rolled Asphalt mixtures positive macrotexture shoulder-to-shoulder cover 10.1.9Compaction Control Compaction controlled and monitored (Table 3, Table 6, Table 9 and Table 12) ‘to be recorded’ two pairs of cores for every 1,000 linear metres laid per lane schemes less than 1,000m in length, a minimum of one pair of cores Air void content Resistance to permanent deformation Water Sensitivity Compaction Control specific to Asphalt Concrete mixtures - Base and Binder Course Air void content : In situ laid material Within 100mm of joints In situ at refusal Resistance to permanent deformation Water Sensitivity Stiffness

26 WORKS General Low Energy Bound Mixtures (LEBM) :Type Test ( HD 301 and Table 24g) Performance Insitu density Moisture content Indirect tensilt stiffness modulus Percentage air voids LEBM shall meet the requirement of one of the performance classes in Table 24h. 10.3.2 Geotextiles and Geotextile-related Products The installation shall be in accordance with the requirements of NRA HD 300.




30 Other Documents  HD 23 Pavement Design and Maintenance General Information  HD 24 Traffic Assessment  HD25 /26 Pavement and Foundation Design  HD 300 Design of Bituminous Mixtures, Surface Treatments, and Misc Products / Processes  HD 28 Management of Skid Resistance  HD 30 Pavement Asset Repair and Renewal – Scheme Approval  HD 31 Pavement Asset Repair and Renewal Principles  HD 36 Surface Materials for New and Maintenance Construction  HD 37 Bituminous Mixtures, Surface Treatments Materials and Techniques  HD 301 Approval of Specific Products Manual

31 Other Documents  Series 000, and Series 100 incl Notes for Guidance  Series 700 and NG Series 700 Notes for Guidance  NG Series 900 Notes for Guidance  Method of Measurement Series 700,  RCD’s / 700 /1 and 6

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