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L/O ;- To know what causes background radiation

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Presentation on theme: "L/O ;- To know what causes background radiation"— Presentation transcript:

1 L/O ;- To know what causes background radiation
21/04/2017 What is radiation? L/O ;- To know what causes background radiation

2 Do you have any of these detectors at home? What are they?
21/04/2017 Do you have any of these detectors at home? What are they? Smoke detector Carbon monoxide detector Radon gas detector

3 21/04/2017 The amount of background radiation varies considerably around Britain, as shown on the map. You can see that it is particularly high in Cornwall, because of the types of rock there You have grown up on a planet which has, in places, quite a high level of background radiation, and life on Earth has evolved to cope with this. Your cells have self-repairing mechanisms which allow them to survive relatively unscathed. What do you think may be different about the areas in red to give them higher background radiation?

4 Background Radiation 13% are man-made Radon gas Food Cosmic rays
21/04/2017 13% are man-made Radon gas Food Cosmic rays Gamma rays Medical Nuclear power

5 Introduction to Radioactivity
21/04/2017 Some substances are classed as “radioactive” – this means that they are unstable and continuously give out radiation: Radiation The nucleus is more stable after emitting some radiation – this is called “radioactice decay”.

6 When isotopes decay they often give out Alpha, Beta or Gamma radiation
21/04/2017 When isotopes decay they often give out Alpha, Beta or Gamma radiation

7 Types of radiation Unstable nucleus New nucleus Alpha particle
21/04/2017 Alpha Radiation () An alpha particle contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons (a Helium nucleus). Because the atom has lost protons, it becomes a different element (mass decreases by 4) Unstable nucleus New nucleus Alpha particle Beta Radiation () A Beta () particle is a high energy electron from the nucleus. When this is released, a neutron changes into a proton. This means a new atom is formed Beta particle New nucleus Unstable nucleus Gamma Radiation () After  or  decay, excess energy is sometimes given off. This is called Gamma radiation (wave with a high frequency and short wavelength). Because the proton number does not change, the atom remains the same Unstable nucleus New nucleus Gamma radiation

8 Blocking Radiation    Sheet of paper Few mm of aluminium
21/04/2017 Each type of radiation can be blocked by different materials: Sheet of paper Few mm of aluminium Few cm of lead

9 Assessed Question 21/04/2017 Why do you think alpha radiation is the least penetrating? Which do you think is the most dangerous outside your body? Why? Which do you think is the most dangerous inside your body? Why?

10 Dangers of radioactivity
21/04/2017 Radiation will ionise atoms in living cells – this can damage them and cause cancer or leukaemia. Alpha Beta Gamma OUTSIDE the body  and  are more dangerous as  radiation is blocked by the skin. INSIDE the body an  source causes the most damage because it is the most ionising.

11 Gamma rays / light / microwaves / radio waves / ultraviolet
21/04/2017 Different types of electromagnetic radiation are used for different jobs TYPE OF RADIATION WHAT THE RADIATION IS USED FOR to send along optical fibres in an endoscope to give skin a tan (but can cause cancer in cells) to sterilise surgical instruments to send information to and from satellites Choose words from the list to complete the table Gamma rays / light / microwaves / radio waves / ultraviolet

12 Complete the following.
21/04/2017 Complete the following. A = B = (c) Our bodies are exposed to gamma radiation all the time. Write down two sources of this gamma radiation.

13 A piece of rock gives a high reading with a radiation detector.
21/04/2017 A piece of rock gives a high reading with a radiation detector. The diagrams show what happens when rock is wrapped in paper and aluminium foil What type of radiation does the rock emit? Explain your answer You can use the rock to measure the thickness of different types of aluminium foil

14 21/04/2017 The diagram shows what happens to the radiation from 3 radioactive substances when different materials are put in their way Fill in the table from Alpha / Beta / Gamma / UV RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCE TYPE OF RADIATION IT EMITS A B C

15 Complete the following sentence.
21/04/2017 (a) Radiation can cause cancer. The graph shows that the risk of cancer depends on the radiation dose a person is exposed to. Complete the following sentence. The the dose of radiation a person gets, the greater the risk of cancer.

16 5. (a) There are three types of radiation, alpha, beta and gamma.
21/04/2017 5. (a) There are three types of radiation, alpha, beta and gamma. The diagram shows what can stop the radiation from two different sources. Which type of radiation, alpha, beta or gamma is given out by: Americium (ii) strontium?

17 21/04/2017 Diagram 1 shows the position of a smoke detector inside a house. Diagram 2 shows the warning label at the back of the smoke detector. Explain why the radiation given out by the americium is unlikely to do any harm to people living in the house.

18 Explain why the americium source will never need to be replaced.
21/04/2017 (c) The graph shows how the number of americium atoms inside a source goes down slowly. The battery inside the smoke detector lasts one year and is then replaced. Explain why the americium source will never need to be replaced.

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