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Seventh Grade English: Gordon Davis.  Education  Bachelor’s of Science: Secondary Education: English, Delaware Valley College  Master’s of Education:

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Presentation on theme: "Seventh Grade English: Gordon Davis.  Education  Bachelor’s of Science: Secondary Education: English, Delaware Valley College  Master’s of Education:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seventh Grade English: Gordon Davis

2  Education  Bachelor’s of Science: Secondary Education: English, Delaware Valley College  Master’s of Education: Professional and Secondary Education, West Chester University  Currently pursuing further graduate work at West Chester University  Interests  Sports: collegiate and recreational  outdoors, agriculture, and exercise  Extra-Curriculars  Coaching: Unlimited Football and 7 th Lacrosse

3  Old school meets new school  Reading, writing, and thinking are the backbones of intelligence  New technologies to match the 21 st century brain  Guider not a giver  “Guide by your side rather than the Sage on Stage”  “Gordon the Writer”  Model, model, model

4  Mr. Davis' Website Mr. Davis' Website  Contact information   Voicemail: 610 240 1300 ext. 2196  Opportunities for extra help  Activity: must be arranged in advance  Advisory Support  *FLASH DRIVES ARE REQUIRED!

5  Unit 1: Short Stories ( October)  Unit 2 : Tolerance ( Late October-November)  Cultures of the Amish, Muslim-Americans, Asian- Americans, Latino-Americans, African-Americans  Unit 3: Poetry (December-Early January)  Unit 4: Nonfiction (1 st half of January)  Editorials to Commentaries to Nonfiction Essays  Unit 5: Class Novel (2 nd half of January-mid February)  Unit 6: Classic Novel (April)  The Pearl by John Steinbeck  Unit 7: Graphic Novel (May)  Unit 8: This I Believe (June)

6  Received TIC Start-Up Grant, Spring 2012  Sponsored by PA Fish and Boat Commission  Raising Brook Trout, our state fish  1. Raise brook trout by observing and monitoring a coldwater ecosystem in a classroom aquarium  2. Identify stages of the brook trout life cycle  3. Recognize brook trout as "indicator species" for healthy coldwater streams  4. Describe conditions needed for brook trout survival in your classroom aquarium and in nature

7  Expectations increase in 7 th grade  Student-centered responsibility  Minor assignments (homework, worksheets, online postings, class work) must follow specific directions and be submitted in a timely manner.  Maximum three day make-up period  Major assignments (longer writing pieces, out of class selections, etc.)  Due at the beginning of class on specified date  Extensions are granted in advance

8  Check regularly  Updated ASAP—please understand it is not immediate.  Scoring  Z-working zero (grades have been entered, but your favorite English student has not submitted on time).  X-excused (illness or request)  0-Final zero (work was not turned in within the required time frame)  Nothing entered-assignment has not yet been graded but will be soon.

9  Initiative  Roughly 15-class modules  Students pursue topics relevant to that curriculum  Non graded course—pursue topics relevant to students  Media Literacy: How Media Affects Our Generation  Support  Similar to 6 th grade  Opportunities for students to catch up  Study groups  Meet with teachers  Self-Advocacy

10  Quiet, respectful environment  Largely dedicated to work completion  Free-reading book or self-exploration project is also an option  Students will be with the same support teacher all year.  Students may see other teachers for extra help or to make up work.

11 8th Period Advisory Initiative Teachers:  Mrs. Joost- Math  Mr. Davis- English  Mr. Marchiondo- Science  Mr. Erwin- Social Studies  Mr. Carvajal- World Language  Ms. Turner- Art

12  Mrs. Joost: Problem solving activities. In addition to problem solving, students will use the graphing calculator, which will be used in future classes.  Mr. Davis: Media literacy. Students will explore the influence of various forms of media on their lives.  Mr. Marchiondo: Social responsibility. Students will reflect on the concept of the tragedy of the commons and then investigate local and global topics, from natural gas drilling to deforestation.

13  Mr. Erwin: Peace and conflict. Students will explore various topics related to the themes of peace and conflict, both local and global. They will be introduced to individuals, organizations, and events.  Mr. Carvajal: Regional culture. Students will research the culture of various Latin American countries.  Ms. Turner: Creativity. Students will create various art projects.

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