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1 Tennessee Board of Regents Teacher Education Redesign: The University Teaching Residency.

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1 1 Tennessee Board of Regents Teacher Education Redesign: The University Teaching Residency

2 Urban Teacher Residencies (Levine, 2008) Seven principles: Tightly integrated education theory and classroom practice Tightly integrated education theory and classroom practice Focus on learning alongside an experienced, effective teacher mentor Focus on learning alongside an experienced, effective teacher mentor Teacher candidates grouped in cohorts Teacher candidates grouped in cohorts Constructive partnerships with districts, schools, communities, universities and unions Constructive partnerships with districts, schools, communities, universities and unions Focus on serving school districts Focus on serving school districts Support for residents once they are hired as teachers of record Support for residents once they are hired as teachers of record Differentiated career roles for veteran teachers Differentiated career roles for veteran teachers (

3 Hallmarks of UTeach (Marder, 2008) Collaboration between Colleges of Sciences, Education, and Liberal Arts Collaboration between Colleges of Sciences, Education, and Liberal Arts Active recruitment of science and mathematics majors Active recruitment of science and mathematics majors Early and intensive field experiences throughout the program Early and intensive field experiences throughout the program Compact degree plans Compact degree plans A focus on developing deep-level understanding of the subject material A focus on developing deep-level understanding of the subject material Guidance by faculty and highly experienced public school teachers Guidance by faculty and highly experienced public school teachers Courses taught by faculty actively engaged in research in math and science Courses taught by faculty actively engaged in research in math and science Integrated professional development courses based on recent research Integrated professional development courses based on recent research Student benefits Student benefits 3

4 Our Response: The TBR University Teaching Residency Prominent integration of content and content experts into planning and execution Prominent integration of content and content experts into planning and execution Continuous emphasis on competencies and outcomes Continuous emphasis on competencies and outcomes Minimum seat time in traditional courses Minimum seat time in traditional courses Maximum flexibility/multiple paths Maximum flexibility/multiple paths Authentic preparation/situated learning Authentic preparation/situated learning Responsiveness to school and student needs Responsiveness to school and student needs 4

5 Tennessee Board of Regents University Teaching Residency Program Teaching Residency Program Foundation in content expertise Focus on outcomes Rich and rigorous clinical experiences Experienced, effective mentors Partnerships to serve schools Valid performance assessments Public Schools High quality instruction Focus on student achievement Collaborative decision making Arts and Sciences High quality content preparation Modeling of effective practices Collaborative decision making 5

6 Two Residency Curriculum Examples MTSU Bachelor of Science in Mathematics/Minor in Secondary Education Post-Baccalaureate Transitional Licensure Alternative 6

7 Components of TBR University Teaching Residency 7

8 A Possible Residency I Months One and TwoMonth ThreeMonth Four Block Scheduling Two days per week Orientation to schools PBL groups Observations Demonstrations Three days per week PBL groups Needs-based interactions with students Four days per week PBL groups Needs-based classroom and school activities PBL assessments Intensive Mentoring Lectures as appropriate 8

9 9 Challenges Identified from Pilots Developing reciprocal partnerships with schools Developing reciprocal partnerships with schools School receptiveness School receptiveness Changing role and culture of university faculty Changing role and culture of university faculty Clarification of role of mentor teachers Clarification of role of mentor teachers Relocation to schools Relocation to schools Scaling up Scaling up Resources Resources

10 Challenges to Urban Residencies (Levine, 2008) Policy context Policy context Conflicting local, state, and federal policies Conflicting local, state, and federal policies Capacity Capacity Scale-up requirements Scale-up requirements Communication Communication Cross institutional partnerships Cross institutional partnerships Financing Financing Requires front end investment in teacher recruitment, preparation, and induction Requires front end investment in teacher recruitment, preparation, and induction Jurisdictional control Jurisdictional control Who prepares and inducts new teachers Who prepares and inducts new teachers 10

11 Our Supporters Tennessee Board of Regents Tennessee Board of Regents Tennessee Governor’s Office Tennessee Governor’s Office Tennessee Legislators Tennessee Legislators Tennessee State Board of Education Tennessee State Board of Education Tennessee State Department of Education Tennessee State Department of Education NCATE NCATE AACTE AACTE 11

12 Contact Information Dr. Paula Myrick Short, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Tennessee Board of Regents Email: Phone: 615.366.4411 Dr. Kandi Hill-Clarke, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Tennessee Board of Regents Email: Phone: 615.366.3948 Dr. Rick Short, Associate Dean and TQI Assessment Coordinator Middle Tennessee State University Email: Phone: 615.898.2955

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