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The Dutch education system & Education in Meppel By Marisa Grotens Symposium Most-Meppel 2013.

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2 The Dutch education system & Education in Meppel By Marisa Grotens Symposium Most-Meppel 2013

3 Presentation Historic backgrounds of Dutch education system Dutch education system nowadays Education in Meppel Actual topics Symposium Most-Meppel 2013

4 Freedom…& education (1848) 1.Freedom of founding schools 2.Freedom of persuasion 3.Freedom of educational institution Symposium Most-Meppel 2013

5 Freedom of persuasion Public and Christian schools Muslim schools Progressive or alternative schools Symposium Most-Meppel 2013

6 At the beginning… Only the elite went to school “Why would the son of a farmer go to school, if the son would also become a farmer? That’s a waste of time”

7 Industrial revolution Need for educated people To develop as a country, you need developed people Poor and uneducated people mostly become criminals and are not good for society. (Small) children are working in factories The government suddenly wants education!

8 The industrial revolution & the law of 1901 Compulsory education -To counter child labour -To give everybody a chance for a better life

9 History Public and Christian schools 1848: both schools are allowed, only the public school will be financed by the government 1878: school must be modified only public schools were sponsored for those costs. 1917: equal financing “The School battle”

10 Dutch society


12 Update on Dutch Education:  Diversity exists & is included: no child left behind & no drop outs  Talent development & transfer moves  Work related learning  Competence based learning  Long life learning  Science & technology  New media & media smart  Internationalization

13 Regular & Special education OLD POLICY: 4 types of special education Cluster 1: visually blind and partially sighted Cluster 2: deaf and hard of hearing, speech and language disorders Cluster 3: mental disability and chronical ill children Cluster 4: social behavior disability and psychiatric & social emotional disorders Regular and special schools working together, to make sure every child has got the right facilities. Inclusive education: All children can learn… Differences do make the Difference!

14 NEW Policy (2014….):  Diversity in society reflects into education: inclusive - exclusive  A school in the neighbourhood  Inclusive education  Suitable education  Cooperation ps & sps  BUT drastic consequences for clusters & regular education ……..with less budget Pedagogical/Didactical  Powerfull learning for all children  Braincompatible classrooms  Differentiation & variation  learning styles  Teachers’ competencies  cooperative teaching  How => e.g. Storyline Approach, Multiple Intelligences

15 Symposium Most-Meppel 2013

16 Education in Meppel 16 ( Special) Primary schools 6 (Special) Secondary schools 2 Senior secondary vocational schools (MBO) 1 University of applied sciences (HBO) Symposium Most-Meppel 2013

17 14 primary & 2 special primary schools Public Christian Reformed Catholic Alternatives Special public Symposium Most-Meppel 2013

18 4 secondary & 3 special secondary schools Stad & Esch Dingstede Greydanus Terra college VMBO Rechterenschool Ambelt Mackayschool Symposium Most-Meppel 2013

19 2 Senior secondary vocational schools AOC Terra Drenthe college Symposium Most-Meppel 2013

20 Higher vocational education Pabo Meppel: One of the oldest teacher training colleges for primary education in The Netherlands (1843) International class (Erasmus) International Bachelor degree Symposium Most-Meppel 2013

21 Future plans for education in Meppel ( Special) Secondary schools Senior secondary vocational schools Symposium Most-Meppel 2013

22 Actual themes society & education

23 Questions? Thanks for your attention Symposium Most-Meppel 2013

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