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Shaadi: Life Time Investment. Marriage : A Crisis? Marriage in Islam Benefits of Marriage Essentials of Muslim Marriage Spouse Selection Essential Tips.

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Presentation on theme: "Shaadi: Life Time Investment. Marriage : A Crisis? Marriage in Islam Benefits of Marriage Essentials of Muslim Marriage Spouse Selection Essential Tips."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shaadi: Life Time Investment

2 Marriage : A Crisis? Marriage in Islam Benefits of Marriage Essentials of Muslim Marriage Spouse Selection Essential Tips Outline

3 Marriage: A Crisis?

4 Married couple with children= 37.4% Married couple without children = 33.1% Family break down = 50% in Western Society Family Crisis (Canadian census 2001)

5 Marriage : A Crisis? Every two marriages, there is one divorce 2.04 million males are single parents. 9.68 million females are single parents. 28% parents live with one parent. In the USA Divorce Rate (Divorce Magazine)

6 Marriage : A Crisis ? Divorce rate on rise: California: 37% Georgia: 29% Turkey + Egypt: 10% Lack of reference points for second generation and younger families. Impact on Muslim Societies (Dr. Illyas Ba-Yunus, Professor Sociology, State University of New york)

7 Marriage In Islam A Life time Investment

8 NIKAAH A form of Ibadah in Islam

9 Staus of Marriage In Islam Rasulullah(saw) has referred to it as “half of Deen”. NIKAAH

10 Status of Marriage In Islam Islam considers marriage a social obligation, an act which is greatly admired by Allah. Social Obligation

11 Status of Marriage In Islam Nikaah - is the (only) natural relationship between man and woman. Natural Relationship

12 Status of Marriage In Islam O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer. [An-Nisa: 1] In the Light of Qur’an:

13 Status of Marriage In Islam And We have already sent messengers before you and assigned to them wives and descendants. And it was not for a messenger to come with a sign except by permission of Allah. For every term is a decree. [Ar-Raad, 13:38] In the Light of Qur’an:

14 Status of Marriage In Islam Who will inherit me and inherit from the family of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, pleasing [to You].” Verse 6: Surah maryam In the Light of Qur’an:

15 Marriage in Islam Family status No age barrier Variations in Nikaah: –Badal: Exchanging wives –Before birth –Shighar: Exchanging sisters and daughters in marriage so no dowry or mehr –Maqaat: Marrying step mother Pre-Islamic Arabia

16 of Marriage in Islam Foundation

17 Foundation of Marriage in Islam And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought. Al-Rum: 21 For People who give thought Signs

18 Foundation of Marriage in Islam They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them. Al-Baqarah: 187 For Each other Garments

19 Of Marriage Advantages

20 Advantages of Marriage ‘’When Allah grants one a righteous wife, He has helped him (by that) to preserve half of his religion. Let him then fear and revere Allah in regard to the other half.” (At- Tabarani) Preservation of Faith

21 Advantages of Marriage Abdullah bin Mas'ud (RA) reported that Allah's Messenger (SAW) said to us: 0 young men, those among you who can support a wife should marry, for it restrains eyes (from casting evil glances) and preserves one from immorality; but he who cannot afford It should observe fast for it is a means of controlling the sexual desire. (Muslim) Preservation of Chastity

22 Advantages of Marriage Al-Baqarah: 187 Enjoying Love Mercy Security

23 Benefits of Marriage for society

24 Benefits of Marriage for society Preservation of Human Race

25 Benefits of Marriage for society Preservation of Kinship Ties

26 Benefits of Marriage for society Safeguarding Society from Moral Degradation

27 Benefits of Marriage for society Establishing Family Environment

28 Benefits of Marriage for society Increasing number of MUSLIMS

29 For Muslim Marriage Essentials

30 Essentials for Muslim Marriage Commitment

31 Contentment Essentials for Muslim Marriage

32 Compromise Essentials for Muslim Marriage

33 Mutual Caring

34 Essentials for Muslim Marriage Practice Skills Communication

35 Manners Excellent Essentials for Muslim Marriage

36 Learning to Essentials for Muslim Marriage Empathize

37 Essentials for Muslim Marriage SINCERE Being

38 Essentials for Muslim Marriage LOVE

39 Essentials for Muslim Marriage Forgiveness

40 Spouse Selection

41 Spouse selection “ Women are married for four qualities, some are married for wealth, some for the family(lineage) status, some for beauty and some for the Deen (piety). Marry a woman for her Deen and you shall be happy/successful.” (Bukhari/ Muslim)

42 Spouse selection “If a man comes to you seeking marriage, and you are satisfied with his din and character, marry him- lest a fitnah and great destruction become rampant on the earth.” (Tirmadhi)

43 Spouse Selection Where And how do you select?

44 Pre-Wedding Islamic Principles

45 1.Let family check out for you and priority is piety. 2.Do Istikhara. 3.See each other before marriage Steps to Islamic Principles To Do’s Pre-Wedding Islamic Principles

46 4.Significance of Kuff 5.To take members of one`s family to propose 6.To keep making dua to Allah to guide one and to give one the correct partner 7.The proposal should be submitted to the Wali (guardian) of the girl. Steps to Islamic Principles Pre-Wedding Islamic Principles To Do’s

47 Steps to Islamic Principles ‘For, indeed, it is an adulteress who gives herself in marriage (without her wali’s consent).’ (Ibn Majah) ‘A Marriage Contract is not valid without a Wali.’ (Abu Dawood) Father, grandfather, son, brother, Uncle etc. Woman’s Wali

48 Steps to Islamic Principles To date and court the woman before Nikaah. To phone each other. To send a proposal to a divorcee/widow during her iddat. To submit a proposal when someone else has already proposed to the same woman. Rasulullah (saw) has stopped us from doing this. NOT ALLOWED What one is

49 Steps to Islamic Principles Presence of Wali Ejab O Qabool Khutba Nikaah Mehr Compulsory Components Of Nikah

50 Examples of Some Marriages The Prophet’s Model Hazrat Khadija and Prophet Mohammad SAW –She was 40, he was 25 –First Muslim to accept Islam –Devoted and loving wife –Always stood by the Prophet in moments of trial and difficulty Hazrat Aaisha and Prophet Mohammad SAW –Got married at a young age –Examples of love and affection –Source of pleasure, joy and comfort to her husband –Vast treasure of Islamic knowledge and a teacher of scholars and experts

51 Which month? How to announce? How to enjoy? Rituals In Marriage

52 Avoiding Poisonous Elements Elements Poisonous GREED

53 Avoiding Poisonous Elements Show Off Poisonous Elements

54 Avoiding Poisonous Elements Excessive Spending Poisonous Elements

55 Avoiding Poisonous Elements Adopting Haraam customs Poisonous Elements

56 Some Tips

57 How to Simplify? How to avoid extravagance How to handle photo shoot session? How to handle unexpected free mixing at wedding? How to minimize extravagance? On your own Wedding Tackle Smart

58 Some Tips Practice simplicity Provide support for Halal to bride and groom Avoid extravaganc e Cut out Haraam rituals Save Yourself

59 Some Tips Make Dua

60 Get Married, Not for yourself, but for the future of your children, they are getting late for school and the fee is increasing day by day Think Economically

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