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Saint Valentine’s Day The 14 th of February. Tomorrow is Saint Valentine's Day, All in the morning betime, And I a maid at our window To be your Valentine.

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Presentation on theme: "Saint Valentine’s Day The 14 th of February. Tomorrow is Saint Valentine's Day, All in the morning betime, And I a maid at our window To be your Valentine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saint Valentine’s Day The 14 th of February

2 Tomorrow is Saint Valentine's Day, All in the morning betime, And I a maid at our window To be your Valentine. (Ophelia, "Hamlet", W Shakespeare)

3 Symbols


5 The history of the holiday Officially the Valentine`s Day exists more than 16 centuries, but the holidays of love have been known since ancient pagan cultures. Nevertheless, the history of the Valentine`s Day and Valentine himself is covered with mystery. There are a lot of legends about the origin of this holiday and one of them refers to those times when Rome was pagan.

6 Christian priest Valentine has been put in prison. The prisoner s daughter Julia has fallen in love with him. She was blind. Valentine has vowed celibacy and could not share her feelings. Julia`s father asked Valentine to cure the girl s blindness and Valentine recommended to make special cream. But it did not help. Valentine was sentenced to death on February, 13th. On the eve of execution Valentine has sent Julia gentle farewell letter. In this letter he asked her to be loyal to the Christian faith and he also put a yellow crocus into the envelope. He has signed the message with the words "Your Valentine". Julia wanted to see the flower and to know what her friend has written. Her wish was so strong that it helped her to gain her sight. Later, she has planted an almond tree on Valentine`s tomb as a symbol of sincere and true love.

7 Nowadays in Valentine`s honor lovers give each other cards, chocolate, flowers, especially roses because they symbolize true love. Traditionally men propose to women. In Britain, men often choose Valentine`s Day in to make their marriage proposal. But on Valentine`s Day in a leap year women can propose marriage to their lovers!

8 English proverbs and sayings about love Love is friendship set to music. (E. Joseph Cossman) Like the measles, love is most dangerous when it comes late in life. (G. Byron) Love is life, if you miss love, you miss life. (Leo Buscaglia) Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. (Robert A. Heinlein) Life is the flower for which love is the honey. (Victor Hugo) Любовь – это дружба, переложенная на музыку. (Е. Джозеф Коссман) Любовь как и корь, наиболее опасна в зрелом возрасте. (Г. Байрон) Любовь – это жизнь, если ты теряешь любовь, ты теряешь жизнь. (Лео Бускалья) Любовь – это такое состояние, в котором счастье другого человека важнее своего собственного. (Роберт А. Хейнлейн) Жизнь – это цветок, для которого любовь – мед. (Виктор Гюго)

9 Proverbs Love is blind. Любовь слепа. Love laughs at locksmiths. Любовь на замок не закроешь. Love me, love my dog. Любишь меня, люби и мою собаку. Two’s company, three’s none. Где двое, там третий лишний. You can take a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. Вы можете привести лошадь к воде, но не можете заставить ее пить.

10 Every man is the architect of his fortune. Всякий человек своему счастью кузнец. Among friends all things are common. Для милого дружка и серёжка из ушка. Friendship cannot always stand on one side. Дружба должна быть взаимной.

11 Deer, Mary! I hope that Falentine's Dai shell bring you lots ov fun! I thinks you're every nice. And so does everione! Best weshes, John. Dear, Mary! I hope that Valentine's Day shall bring you lots of fun! I think you're very nice. And so does everyone! Best wishes, John.


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