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SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS TEACHER INITIATIVE Improving the Undergraduate Pipeline to Math and Science Teaching Credentials Program Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS TEACHER INITIATIVE Improving the Undergraduate Pipeline to Math and Science Teaching Credentials Program Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS TEACHER INITIATIVE Improving the Undergraduate Pipeline to Math and Science Teaching Credentials Program Overview

2 Program Goal  Dramatically expand the training of high-quality mathematics and science teachers for California public schools  By 2010, support production of at least 1,000 of these teachers every year, thereby helping California maintain its position of global leadership in science, technology and innovation

3 The Problem: Labor  California labor market for science and engineering majors is increasingly tight; educational system not producing the graduates needed  While California has 16% of the nation’s high-tech jobs, it grants less than 95 of the nation’s science and math baccalaureate degrees  UC’s science and engineering baccalaureate degrees granted would need to increase by nearly 70% to make up the workforce shortfall

4 The Problem: Education  1/3 of California’s teaching workforce will retire in the next decade  Many secondary teachers in math and science lack a valid teaching credential  California 8 th graders rank near the bottom in sciences and mathematics

5 The SMI/CalTeach Solution  Offer a degree program with deep mathematics and science content and pedagogy  Accelerated credential programs  Curricula that meets needs of students and of future employers  Financial support for students  Expanded internship opportunities  Improved retention in lower division STEM courses  Placement, new teacher support networks  Engage STEM and education faculty to improve the STEM teacher pipeline  Open a community college pathway into the University of California

6 Program Development Timeline  Develop overall plan (04-05)  Implementation (06-07)  Program operation (07-present)  Public/private funding  Campus review/organization  Campus-by-campus curriculum organization  Links with schools and colleges  Continued fundraising  Design refinement, enrollment targets, community college partners

7 Roles and Responsibilities  Oversight and Leadership  Management  Participants  Executive Committee  Campus Directors  Systemwide Management Team  Campus Coordinators  Students  Faculty and Instructors  Mentor Teachers

8 Best Practices ComponentDescription Recruitment/Advising Programs identify math/science majors interested in teaching; intensive academic advising provided Coherent Curriculum Each campus makes available a sequence of courses in math/education and science/education Field Experiences Students undertake a variety of K-12 classroom roles ranging from observing to teaching Research Experiences Students develop thinking and reasoning skills that are applied in classrooms Continuity Components Early professional experience available through conferences, recruitment fairs and network-building activities Faculty Collaboration Science, math and education faculty share responsibility for SMI/CalTeach Mentor Teachers K-12 teachers oversee field experiences and model important lessons (classroom management, delivery of instruction, etc.) Data Collection, Evaluation, Research Systemwide database and faculty research on each campus Community College Partnerships Parallel programs for potential transfer students at 28 community colleges Financial Incentives for Students Stipends for meeting prescribed program benchmarks

9 Aurora Project/Community College Connections  Lower division experiences that parallel those offered on UC campuses  28 community college partners throughout California  Emphasizes recruitment of community college students who are typically underrepresented in mathematics and the sciences and who have the potential to obtain a bachelor’s degree in math or science followed by a teaching credential  Fully supported by gift funds from education, business and industry

10 Enrollment 0 500 1,00 0 1,50 0 2,00 0 2,50 0 2005- 06 2006- 07 2007- 08 2008- 09 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 05-0606-0707-0808-0909-1010-1111-1212-1313-1414-15

11 Systemwide Funding State: $1.125M (2005-09) UC: $1.125M (2005-09) Systemwide Gift Support * : 2005: $1,066,553 2006: $980,253 2007: $845,253 2008: $830,253 2009: $830,253 *Preliminary data. Includes community college support

12 Outcomes  First CalTeach cohort will graduate in 2010  Too early to measure credential enrollment  UC will not award all credentials for CalTeach grads who enroll in credential programs:  1/3 projected to enroll at UC; 2/3 projected to enroll at CSU/private institution  Project significant growth in UC graduates pursuing credentials over the next several years

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